The Time of Global Shift

April 28, 2002 in Louisville, KY

Discussion on Group Service, with Q & A

Scott Mandelker (SM): It's Sunday morning, and I can see that none of you went to church today, but I guess that's OK. This is a different form of church here - this is an inter-dimensional church.

Anyway, today we'll have more time for sharing and integration. This session and the next one are both panels with all six speakers, and there'll be time for interaction and for you to ask questions of each of us, any one of us, or all of us as a group. We'll also wrap up what's happened over the weekend, as for us, and we hope for you too, this has been quite a rare gathering.

You know, it is rare to have so many people, the speakers and all of you who came, who really see eye to eye and who all have what I would call a mature spiritual view, a kind of spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity, to me, is balance of love and wisdom that we've been talking about all weekend. This is not only love and kindness, but also discernment and strong intellect, and a willingness to question and stand firm in your own truth.

So, today we are going to have two interactive panels: this first one will focus on world service - such as the lightworkers, the idea of being a light worker or someone who works with light, what love/light is all about, and some of the specific issues of Wanderers. All of us on this panel have a lot of experience with our own process, understanding ourselves as Wanderers or visitors to the human drama.

We've all spent years working with our differences from human society, as you too have probably considered, and all of us have tried to make a positive contribution. And that is not easy, because it takes a lot of inner work and it takes a lot of negotiation and adjustment to fit in, in a creative and productive way, with the nature of this society, with the people and the groups that meet in the world

So, first, we are going to do a meditation. It is a Buddhist type of meditation, unguided and open-ended, where you can do your own practice. I will very briefly give you an introduction to Buddhist mindfulness practice, the practice of the breath, and then we will sit just for about 5 minutes.

Each of the panelists will then present 5 to 10 minutes on what world service means to them - on their own path, how they've come to understand their own best service or contribution, how they have worked with other people, and what they see as the challenges of that path. Then we'll make some general comments.

After that, we will open it up to you for comments and questions. Since we have six of us up here, we'll take an hour for our presentations, even if it is only ten minutes each. Then we will do 30 to 45 minutes of questions and interactions, and take a break. After that, we'll come back and do more questions and interaction, and if I can define some talking points, we can use those as foci for further discussion. Then we will have a closing meditation which Carla will lead, and another panel in the afternoon opening with a formless meditation at the beginning, work with the panel and interaction, more focus, and then a closing meditation.

So first, I just want to say that this creation of this weekend depended on a lot of people whom you may not know, since they're somewhat behind the scenes. Our local coordinator and contact person, Rosie Buchanan, is the one who really brought it all together for the weekend. She helped me find the hotel, helped me find the folks who could take flyers to distribute, helped me find the magazines and newspapers for our promotion, helped coordinate the volunteers, helped coordinate hotel negotiations for dealing with the place, and many other things. She did a great job, and we thank her a lot.

The other main member of our support team was Ed Ange, who was with us at our very first presentation in Chicago when we were green around the ears, or is it wet around the ears? That was when we were really new at what this kind of weekend should be, so he saw us right from the start.

I'd also like to thank Andi Lolos, who has been helping in the back of the room, plus another guy from Chicago, Jeff Wellman. Jeff made the signs on the walls that helped us finally navigate the labyrinth. I think the hotel put us way in the back so we wouldn't do too much harm to their reputation... (laughter) so that too much love/light wouldn't shake up anyone's paradigm in the main building. Anyway, later on we are going to stream forth...(someone yells....naked!). Yes, the naked truth...

Anyway, that is another issue we can talk about this morning: being open-heart souls in a closed-heart world. The basis of service is love, being open-heart in a world that in many ways doesn't want open-heart, or consciously at least rejects it, though unconsciously needs it desperately. So, why don't we do a little meditation now.

Scott Mandelker (SM):

For all people, for all of us who may know that we are Wanderers, or sense that we are Wanderers, the next step after that recognition is the question, "Why am I here?" Many, many times people ask me, "what am I supposed to do, what am I here for?" Frankly, it is not so difficult to answer that question. It really is not.

In the RA Material, RA talks about three fundamental purposes for Wanderers being here. The first one is radiatory planetary service, meaning simply being a somewhat crystallized mind/body/spirit energy system, a personality, a soul radiating love/light into the planetary grid to support the planet's own transformation into its own 4th dimensional vibration. You don't have to do anything much to offer that form of service, but simply show up in balance, or keep moving towards balance and be here.

That is it. Just be here. Wake up every morning, get out of your bed - well, you don't really have to get out of your bed, so on the mornings when you don't want to get out of your bed, then don't get out of bed. (laughter) That may be actually the reestablishing of balance, to follow the desire to stay in bed. There are many yogis who meditate in bed, frankly. Because it doesn't matter, the body is prone, the body is vertical... that doesn't really matter in terms of the light you shine.

Radiatory service to the planetary being is vibrational, esoteric, invisible. As RA says about the adept, the adept "does not expect results upon visible planes." And for those that are actively working with people, they say, "there is no virtue in the counting," meaning how many people you help in a physical way. And that also applies to harvest and the numbers that ascend.

The second form of service, of course, is to humanity. Meaning, interaction with human beings - and of course, animals and plants can be served to, but they need less... and they receive more. Humanity, on the other hand, is a hard nut to crack. In Buddhism, the term upaya means skillful means, and it is quite skillful, and requires great skill to serve people, because people are confused. Frankly, they made themselves confused and they keep themselves confused. All of our blockages are self-generated and self-maintained, and will be dropped simply as soon as we are tired of them. This also includes the distortions of the one who's offering their service... We too are a work in progress.

The third form of service is ultimately to the group, or the fine tuning the collective consciousness of our home origin group. This is for Wanderers. As a composite of consciousness of one's home family group, there are various sectors of imbalance and distortions that are slated for working by groups of Wanderers across the world, across the globe, who generally don't know each other. This is a little more esoteric, but you do support your home group to a certain extent by simply working on your personal stuff, which is not personal at all, since it's an element of the home group process.

So, that's it in terms of personal purpose in terms of service to others. RA said that the best way to serve another is simply to "freely radiate your oneness with the Creator," your awareness of unity with the Creator. Which means, we need to move towards a point of unity. Which in practice really is the clearing of the centers, up to the 6th center.

And when we are in that wholeness, service is automatic at that point. This is the point at which the ascending spiraling light energy from the root chakra comes to join the Shiva/fire of the Creator at the 6th center, and then, nothing really needs to be said or done. It is an offering to all by your realization of all, and it is actually beyond time.

So, there is really no reason to wonder. And the same thing for non-Wanderers, or if you think you are not, your purpose also involves being present for the planet, for humanity, for your group, and according to your own predilection. That really means that, frankly, no matter what you do, if you are centered in love/wisdom then you are serving all, and to a far greater extent than you realize. At that point it is 'fielder's choice,' meaning, just do your thing, and do what you want in love/wisdom balance.

You know, RA also made the statement that, "the proper role for the entity in 3rd density is to experience all things desired," and from that, to bring understanding and acceptance to your experience, distilling the relevant love/light from those experiences. This means

bringing calm reflection to the consequences of your choices and what you are getting involved in.

Along that path, distortions of one form or another just fall away in time, and 'less distorted' distortions take their place, as you keep evolving. Every one of us will pass out of this 3rd dimensional body and realm with distortions. So don't worry, and don't think you can clear it all before you pass over; very few people can clear all their distortions in any one lifetime in 3D. Of course, this is a major piece of work, far beyond the effort of almost all of us, so don't expect more than is feasible. And in the end, that's actually just because we don't want such a major achievement enough, we're not willing to put in such enormous efforts.

And so, what is really challenging, I think, in terms world service is our ability to self-validate our desires. It's not so easy to keep identifying these desires and be able to continue doing so. Most of us are not fully aware of where we stand in this, to be able to say, "this is what I want, this is what I like, and it is OK for me to go after it and be in it." We may think it seems so selfish for us to do what we desire, especially as world society continues to fall apart, and we think we're not helping enough.

But I really think it's OK to go your own way, because you can trust yourself, and trust that your way is in balance. You know, later in the second part this afternoon I will talk about my own path a bit more, but for me, the key to my own development has been self-trust and self-faith. These qualities of mind are really more important than you realize.

This is because faith and self-trust - if coming from a spiritual holistic sense of centering - is an affirmation of what can be called, "the 6th center completion." The mantra of the 6th center is covered by the phrase, "complete and whole and perfect." This is the realization that all things - ourselves, those around us, the world just as it stands today - is complete and whole and perfect, even if distortions seem to be everywhere.

And so, I often say to people that the best way to truly know why you are here, to live that purpose and make peace with being here, is to return to or reestablish, reawaken the consciousness you had before you took this body. In Buddhism this is called, "the original mind, original face or true nature," and is a statement of the completed consciousness we had before we became confused down here on Earth.

Meditation, as I will talk about in the 2nd session today, is really the key to returning to your original face. It is a linkage between world service and spiritual growth or enlightenment - and the more we develop ourselves in love/wisdom, the more we are able to serve others in fullness and balance. But the service may not be physical, tangible or verbal, and it's important not to forget that.

And so, the key to it all is self-trust and self-faith - how well you trust your process, and don't hate what you don't like. Honestly, it is also a distortion to call your own personal disharmonious emotions, 'negativity.' These patterns of mind are not true negativity, they are simply a lack of positivity, and the indication of a disordered consciousness, which we all have to some extent, as we're all still in process.

What troubles us about ourselves may be considered a distortion, but it isn't negative and it need not be "cleansed or purified," as if it were some kind of dirt stain. However, these patterns can be dissolved through love and acceptance, and a willingness to bear them out - all of which rests upon self-trust, self-faith and the ability to not fight yourself. It's most important to accept yourself as you are, and make peace with the pain in your heart.

So, let me close on that point, and I'll keep to the 10 minutes. Who wants to jump in next, or should we just go around naturally? David, how about you?

David Wilcock (DW):

I want to use this opportunity to bridge a gap between the straight esoteric teaching, like Scott just gave, and a self-disclosure that may possibly be more effective for the rest of our panelists and myself. I'd like to give you an idea of what it is like at ground zero in each of our paths, and the processing of all of this catalyst that we deal with.

So, when the question comes up about world service for me, I think what really comes up is the clarification of my mission, and what exactly it is that I can do best on this planet - how I can best help and serve. As I have broken down on my website, I think there are essentially two major components of how I serve others. That would be the scientific component and the spiritual component. For me, and not everyone would live this way or have this feeling, but for me, I think that even at a very young age I always knew that this ascension was going to happen.

I always knew that there was going to be some amazing incredible, totally unexpected, totally ecstatic, completely unprecedented, marvelous event that would occur on the planet for all of humanity. In one form or another, everyone would experience this and it would be discontinuous, and it would take place over a great deal of time leading up to it, but when the final moment came there would be no doubt whatsoever that this is what was happening. That was affirmed when I was 5 years old, when I had the out of body experience that I have written so much about.

It is very interesting because, as Carla mentioned last night about her parents both being musicians, some of you know my mother is a performing jazz keyboardist, my father writes about music, especially blues music, and I am jazz drummer. When she said all that yesterday, I was very delighted to hear it. I guess it is something about a musical family that spawns these enlightened souls, I don't know, but it is interesting.

After that out of body experience, when I was in the experience I got frightened and thought, "this looks like I am dying here, because there is my body down there, and here I am up here. I am floating farther and farther away from it." I felt as if I'd failed. After I came back, when I got afraid, I snapped back into my body very quickly. After that, I felt that I had done something wrong, that I had failed. By the time I was age 7, I had picked up this book that I showed you all, How to Make ESP Work For You, by Herald Sherman. And I started reading the book, and it said the best psychics are those who start when they are very young.

I said, "damn, 7 years old... I could have been doing this when I was 3... something is wrong here, I am behind schedule." (laughter) But when I did start practicing, I found by simply doing the meditation that I was telling you about - with the five rings and seeing them all rotating at different speeds - when they all rotated at the same speed and came into coherence, then I would envision light flooding through them.

And at that moment I knew that the brilliant luminous core at the center of my being had a clear channel for the external information to come in. I had lots of experiences that probably most of you have read on my website. I was guessing numbers accurately with groups of people, like 1 through 10, and I did some remote influencing: I woke my friends up in the middle of the night and so forth.

One of the things that I am not ashamed to talk about is the fact that I did use marijuana and that I had some extremely hallucinogenic experiences with some more potent strains of cannabis indica which is what they call "kind bud," or something like that now. And in these hallucinogenic experiences, I saw rotating, pulsating geometric forms.

Also, when I was a kid, I had fevers in which I would wake up and there would be this tremendous pressure in my ears, so loud that all I wanted to do was scream. And at the same time, the whole world would be broken down into a geometric grid. Everywhere I looked it was just a grid of geometry. And so, I would try to do is out-scream the sound in my ears and then my mom would come in and she would have to take care of that for me, and rock me and everything.

When I was told in 1993 that NASA had found crashed alien disks and that they had reversed engineered the technology, I was given information that I still have not seen in print anywhere. It catalyzed something, and I realized all of this stuff that I have been doing has this deeper meaning related to the presence of extra-terrestrials on the planet. At that point my goal became the desire to research and become an expert on this, and know as much as I can know.

That was fine up until about 1996, at which point I said, "why am I so obsessed? Why am I reading these books like crazy and I can't even stop?" I was reading, like, five books a week. I just couldn't stop. I was also recording my dreams everyday. I started to have all these dreams where it was, like, the ETs were saying, "we want to contact you, we want to contact you." And it was only once I began to have direct intuitive contact that was certainly catalyzed and facilitated by finding the RA series, which was in early 1996. Reading that and really resonating with it, that I started to be able to put together this scientific model.

For me, if we have scientific proof that there is a shift coming, it is sort of an initiation experience. In the awareness of all these ancient cultures, as John showed us yesterday, it traces through everything; they had exact knowledge. They had the physics. They had the awareness. And as you saw with what I was talking about yesterday, when you build a pyramid, it is like a miracle machine, it does everything. It is even better than, "it slices, it dices." (laughter) Really, if you are having a bad trip, just go to the pyramid. There are so many things that you could do with it.

The other component to my service, of course, has now been distilled into one core teaching that I try to give everyone whenever I can, which is this idea of an "original wound." I feel that distilling it down into those two words and the short body of teachings surrounding it, is the most effective way to alleviate human suffering. I have been through addiction recovery of marijuana, I have never really had an alcohol problem, I have gone from being 225 pounds and 5'9" to my current weight. I have given up all my food addictions. I don't watch television.

Everything that was in some way a distraction, that was not core to my purpose, I pretty much let fall away. People ask me, how did you get to be where you are? The answer that I always give is very simple, I say, I was willing. I was willing. It is kind of a two-sided answer because you could be willing to do something, but you could also be willing your energy forward. So it has that two-sided purpose.

The point being that the original wound is the illusion of being separated from God. Through deep meditation and through a series of absolutely, mind-blowing jarring catalyst, I came to realize that every single thing that we ever get hung up on - whether it is a food addiction, whether you are a rage-aholic, whether you have trouble when you are on the highway and people blow you off, whether it is... it doesn't even matter what it is. You leave your dishes in your sink overnight and then they get moldy. Whatever the distortion is, it doesn't even matter. I came to the conclusion in this meditation, that every single thing that comes up as a blockage, regardless of what it is, is stemming from the fact that there is something inside of yourself that feels empty.

And that you are trying to fill it without going to the source of what it is that you are seeking. Because in the end what we are really seeking is this oneness, this unity, this belief in presence that God exists. As Wanderers, we remember a realm of utopia and bliss. We remember being in a place of pure peace, and our brain here is not hard-wired to have ecstasy all the time. If you try to do it with drugs, you are going to get in deficit spending and find out you don't have any seratonin endorphins left to be happy except when you drink, or except when you smoke the joint, because you only have a limited supply. The 3rd density body is not made, really, for this kind of ecstasy. I believe that.

The challenge then, for me, as far as world service is concerned, is this, and the two biggest things that I want to bring out to the world are:

1. Scientifically proving that there is going to be an ascension so that every day of our lives is focused on that awareness. So that we really know, regardless of what the media says, regardless of what the governments do with their wars, regardless of what is happening with earth changes or tornadoes or whatever, that we know that this is coming. And that we are ready for it.

2. Recognize that it is very, very simple. Whatever it is that you are suffering with, the real pain is the original wound. It is the wound that you had before you even came in here. It is the belief that God has abandoned you. When you realize that that is an illusion, even this realization can fill that need and you can fill that seeking with that presence. Every other distortion melts away. And that is the #1 thing that I am here to teach, I believe. Thank you.

John Major Jenkins (JMJ):

I actually appreciate the opportunity to talk a little bit about my process. I don't often do that, it never really has come up in my presentations in the past. In terms of world service, that is a good theme, service work has always been close to my heart. Let's see, going back, I guess I will start at the beginning. I was born in a little...(laughter)

Well, I had angst ridden teenage years, and when I was 19 I became a born-again yogi, and gave up smoking pot and all that kind of stuff. I distanced myself from my friends. There was an interesting process that began for me. I had this American nightmare syndrome, and what was beckoning me towards adulthood was this entire range of goals and experiences and all these things that are culturally approved - and it just seemed to have no meaning for me.

And so I turned inward. This was fairly alienating for my friends and my family. But I felt convicted that it was leading me somewhere that was ultimately good, because it was sort of like a heart-opening experience. I became very interested in the Hindu tradition and I studied that. Ultimately you could say that I am a philosopher...philos-sophia... I have a love of wisdom. I think that has guided my path since the beginning.

What happened for me, in terms of world service work or service work in general, was about connecting with my mission. And we all do this in various ways. We all know what our purpose is on this planet, or if we don't, then it is crisis of connecting with that. I agree with the idea that before we incarnate on this planet, we set up certain things like what our work is in this life will be. And that is sometimes buried in our unconscious mind. For me anyway, I had to reconnect with that. When I was 20, I had a series of experiences that lead me to more intense work with yoga, chanting and meditation.

This crisis culminated in a vision I had that I guess you could say was a contact experience. But the way I experienced it was in the dream state, and the contact was with what I call the Goddess Govinda, or the boon-bestowing goddess. Because what I was doing, was crying for a vision though I didn't really know it at the time.

In the Native American tradition there is the young man who goes into the woods and fasts for a certain number of days and fasts intensely. That is what I was doing in my heart, my heart was wanting to open up and serve a higher purpose, and that is what it was all about for me. This contact was established, it was like an intelligent force that entered into me, and I think it has guided me since in various ways. I didn't know what my mission was going to be, I just wanted to serve a higher purpose. That was when I was 20 years old.

I didn't know much about the Maya or anything like that. I always had a proclivity to read voraciously everything from science, physics, cryogenics, and so on. I sort of started out with science and evolved more towards philosophy, then getting into eastern philosophy and so on. I can see in retrospect how this has lead me on towards being in service to a higher purpose. That is my mission and then over the years, I can see in retrospect, how strings were pulled behind the scenes. A chance encounter with somebody led me somewhere else. It really wasn't chance, having established contact with my higher purpose, but it lead me to these different pursuits and discoveries.

When I went to Guatemala to visit the Maya in 1986, and that was kind of the beginning of the whole thing for me. It was motivated by service work among the Maya when I was, maybe 22 years old at the time, and I was somewhat naïve about it all. But I did do service work in the highlands: I helped build a school in San Pedro, Guatemala, and I delivered relief supplies to a Quiche Maya community in 1994. The Maya people have almost like, been my teachers. I think there is a quality to the Mayan soul, like yielding in a way that is strong and powerful. It is kind of like the way a willow tree will flex in a storm. It has that flexibility, and that is where its durability comes from.

There have been many lessons for me among the Maya. I have always had a drive to write, and so, this research evolved over many years into this pursuit with the Mayan calendar end date. But I guess there is the one theme, or one motif I see weaving through all my work even going back to the earliest books I wrote, or my early short stories. Even little stories that I find I wrote when I was a kid, you know? I kept everything, I am an information maniac - I have suitcases full of old notebooks and stuff.

When I see this one theme, it has to do with the theme of the Great Mother. The return of the wisdom of the Great Mother. You know, this work on the Galactic Center and the Mayan symbolism around the Milky Way, the womb of the Milky Way - to me this is what being connected to a higher purpose is all about. It is about that "philo-sophia" - a love of wisdom.

It is opening up to that wisdom in your heart and then sharing it and doing what you do. To me, that is connecting with your mission, and when we are all sort of aligned with our mission, or what we feel our mission is, then the world will be a much more harmonious place. So that is it in a nutshell. I am glad to be here.

Jim McCarty (JM):

Obviously, it is a great honor to be able to share the information that has come through our group, such as we have been able to do for the last twenty or thirty years. But, I think even more important for me personally, has been how I have had the opportunity to meet people on a daily basis. Whether it is my neighbor or a clerk or somebody downtown that I am interacting with, and to maybe just to drop a few gestures of kindness, a smile, some reassurance.

It's good to try to support the best in people, to speak to the highest and the best in people. Because it seems like whatever you speak to in people comes right back. They take cues very quickly and very easily. If you are willing to be upset and irritated and frustrated with them. then they will give that right back to you just as quickly as you give it to them.

The other way to meet them at the level of the heart, and to communicate clearly with them, is through whatever normally happens between you, whatever has brought you together. It could be when you bump into them at the grocery store with your cart, you apologize and make a few little comments about the aisles being narrow and offer to help them find something they were looking for, like this.

That type of service, I think, really makes an impression upon people that you won't meet when you are sending out your information to folks that have ordered it through the mail or whatever. Because people like you who are very interested in this information and who consciously seek it and use it on a daily basis are pretty much already on the trail and convinced. You know that there is a truth behind everything we do, and that it is built out of love and of light.

So when I have the chance to maybe meet someone who has no idea about this and to share something from your heart, it really does me a lot of good. I hope it does them some good too. You know, if I can leave a person with a smile, I think that something worthwhile has been done in that day. In order for me to really do this effectively, I need to start my day with some sort of ritual or a pattern of worship.

Carla and I for a number of years now have a morning offering that we do before we get going. We sit down and we meditate for about five minutes, we have got some books, including the Law of One books, but other books of inspiration that we read through. We do a prayer. Carla sings a hymn. We do healing, we send out any kind of healing energy that we know people need. We have a list of folks that have asked us over the years to pray for them. This to me is really the foundation of my day. If I don't have this meditation, I guess it is like most people not having their coffee or getting some sort of a breakfast in. It is just not right, something is off. I feel slightly out of kilter.

So if for some reason, though we seldom miss it, but if for some reason we do, then I need to stop whatever I am doing at the time I realize it and take a little time to meditate. Then I get myself centered so I can really react and respond and interact with people on a heart level. There are chances everyday for everyone of us to see how this works with people. We are social animals, we are here on this planet, there are billions of us and we run into each other all the time.

And if we can run into each other with some consciousness, maybe a little humor and a perspective and a spiritual aspect to what we do, I think it can really have a chain reaction effect. When you let someone in, in traffic, and they don't expect you are going to let them in, to see them wave and smile and go on, well that passes it on. That is a good thing to do.

I think one of the other things that is really a foundation in my life is with Carla to how we are able to communicate as clearly as we can. To keep our harmony, like I said last night, it is really important to find a mate or at least a good friend that you can share your seeking with. It's because one of the things that really unites and identifies people that are interested in our information, is that they usually are in an isolated situation where they don't have a lot of people to talk to, or anybody. So it is great if you have a mate or a friend that you can really share your heart with, to share the desire you have to be of service and what it is that means something to you in your life - like the latest book you have read, a thought that came your way, a prayer, or whatever.

This is really a good way to support that person, support yourself, and support the planet. I think there is an energy that we create when we are able to find some harmony in ourselves with our friends and our neighbors and our loved ones. This energy is available then to the entire planet, because we really are connected. We have our own individual conscious minds, and these minds are connected through the subconscious mind, the racial mind, the planetary mind. We can affect the entire planet by the way we live our lives, just how we look at ourselves, how we look at the opportunities that come our way everyday to share what is in our heart.

Abigail Lewis (AL):

Wow. That is basically it, I don't really need to say anything now! It is funny that when Scott was talking, I was thinking, "wow, I kind of did this whole thing backwards." I started with the external service mentality and then I got into looking into my own personal relationship to myself. Now I am more comfortable with just this sort of being.

When I was, I guess in 9th grade, I remember I was outside Mrs. Benning's English class in the high school annex. I just stopped and said I am going to do something really good with my life. I realized, though I don't remember the exact words I used, but I remember thinking whatever I do with my life it is going to be to help. I didn't use the word service at that time, but it felt good to actually realize that. And what happened is that since my parents were atheists, I didn't really have a spiritual orientation growing up. I am an Air sign, my whole family, we are all in our heads and stuff...

So, when I was in college I realized that...well, I didn't go to any of the job fairs because I didn't want to get a good job, because I knew that if I got a good job I would immediately get sucked into the system. On some level I still didn't know, but on an instinctual level I knew that I didn't want to integrate myself into the current system.

So I became an activist because the planet has always been really important to me. I got really into it. I was an environmental activist, I was also volunteering for the ACLU, I worked for Planned Parenthood. I used to go to schools and talk to kids about sexual responsibility. I was doing all this stuff, but it was really in my head.

As you know, when there is a problem, I don't know exactly all the stages, but first there is denial, then anger. And I got stuck there. I was angry. Everywhere I looked I could see what everyone was doing wrong. It was really clear to me all the mistakes that were happening on the planet. And it wore me down, and eventually, I just kind of fell apart. The analogy that I have now come to realize, is that people and life and consciousness are all just this big river and it is streaming down. I decided to be a big rock, and I was trying to stop the flow. And I ended up like a pebble, or possibly even a grain of sand, and it just didn't work.

I was completely disempowered and upset and didn't even know who I was. Ultimately, that led me to work at the International Space Sciences Organization of Joe Firmage, I don't know if you have heard of him. I realized that the thing you need to do is to get empowered and get in front of the river: you lead the flow, you lead where it is going, in a positive way. Instead of trying to stop it, because you can't, and it just doesn't work. You know, I love all the activists, and I hope they all find the joy in their hearts and learn how to do that because trying to create change from a place of anger and bitterness doesn't work, and in the end you end up hurting yourself. That is one thing I learned in my process of service.

Next, when I moved to San Francisco, it took me years to recover from being an activist. So you can say I am a recovering activist. (laughter) Then I realized I needed to start, well actually, I had a spiritual awakening. You know how it happened, I was actually reading the book, Abductions by John Mack, as someone gave me the book; I read it, and it blew the lid off.

I had already believed in ETs and stuff but I hadn't really given it much thought. But if you said, "Abby, do ETs exist?" I would have been like, "oh yeah, sure." I am not an abductee, but something about reading that book changed my know, first you are yourself, then there is the family, then your community, and you think of yourself connected to your country.

Um...OK. So my perspective increased. And also, the first thing I did was to consider my own death for six months after reading that book. All I could think about was my own death, and I just got really comfortable with dying. I read all these books about reincarnation, and I felt like a million pounds of pressure just come right off me. Because I realized that I thought I had to do everything in this lifetime, and now I realize, I am 33 and I am always like... you know, "am I supposed to have kids or not?"

I don't know... I realized I have done that before, and I will do it again, and maybe I will or won't do it this time, but all the pressures of having to reach all these successful criteria, I just realized I will do some of those next time, or I did them before. It just gave me a great sense of peace to know that we are eternal. So that was helpful.

Basically, a lot of the learning on my path has been unlearning everything I have been taught. I have unlearned so much. I mean, the day I graduated from college was the day I started really figuring things out. I had to deconstruct what love was. I had to deconstruct what success was. I had to deconstruct what was important. Everything that I had been taught was essentially incorrect, but I am grateful for the process, the sharpening of my mind and the love my parents gave me to put me through schools. I am really grateful for the people I have met, and the experiences I have had. But, wow, the system is really geared in quite a funny direction. So, I wanted to put that out on the table too.

You know, then I realized it was really important to get to know yourself. I went to a clairvoyant training program for two years where they taught meditation. The thing that I learned is that God is everything. There is nothing outside. If God is everything, then everything is God. And I realized that everything I had learned about myself, and what I am, from my parents, my friends, my society, and so on - all of that had to go...

And in order to really figure it out, I learned that by meditation, by connecting with your higher self or just going inside, clearing out all the information that is not mine, you are then really in communication with God. You are in communication with yourself, and you are able to really connect. I think it is really important to be your own best friend. You have got to be your own best friend, you have to do that; you know, if you are not willing to do that, why would anybody else?

I would also like to say that you are the captain of your own ship. You really need to take responsibility for yourself, love yourself and everything will work out just fine.

I have all these things that I wanted to say, and I was like wondering if I should write them down or not? I know I am forgetting things I wanted to say. Basically, what I have come to realize is it is still important to be an active person, and I am still an activist. But now I am not an angry intense activist. I still go to peace marches, I still write to my representatives, I still give money to organizations that are trying to do things that I think are important. But I don't do it from a place of anger. I just do it as a statement to any vibration that can resonate with it, that I think it is important to do these things.

The main thing I do, like Jim was saying, I take every opportunity with every person that crosses my path, every cashier I meet, I try to be very conscious of the fact that they are a being. I try to see love through everyone's eyes, I see God in everybody, and I try to connect. Because when they feel that...

I don't know if you guys have read Dr. Raymond Moody's stuff...the book, Life after Life. But people who have had near death experiences have come back to say that they saw their whole life flash before them, and what they saw was not their accomplishments like being the President of this or a leader of that. But what they saw was the ripple effect, like Jim was talking about, of how they effected everybody around them. So, I also try to send out that ripple of love to everyone I talk to, because I realize that it is contagious. And if we all get it, it would be so great.

So, turn off the TV, don't read the newspaper. I'll have to admit that because I do prophecy I thought, well I really need to know what is going on in the world and I just re-subscribed to the newspaper. I was cutting out every article that was positive. And there were some very positive ones, like, "we are not going to drill in the Arctic, and all these Israeli soldiers are helping out," and I thought this was great. But after two weeks, I had to cancel - it was overwhelming.

Anyway, I don't really have anything else to say, so namaste. Namaste means that the highest place in me recognizes the highest place in you. A lot of us say it and don't know what it means. So, namaste.

Carla Rueckert (CR):

I embrace the mike, can you hear me OK?

I think I was born wanting to help. I don't remember not wanting to help. I have always been motivated that way, but it has always been really very general. Every job I ever had, I thought, "isn't this a great place to be of service, this is wonderful." And this includes being the xerox lady at the University Global when I was a student, being a barmaid during college to earn money, being a Howard Johnson's hostess... always the same thing, I needed to earn money.

But that was a wonderful place to be of service, you know, people would come in from the road and there wouldn't be a room. So I would call ahead and get them a room some place else and pull out my little Howard Johnson's map and say, "you can go up here, you turn left, you look at the brown sign, its right there." Actually, I was fired from that job, and I kept getting candy and flowers sent to me at the job. (laughter)

One day, there was a fellow that came in, there were lots of customers that repeat in a place like that. This fellow had a heart condition, but he was still on the road, sloggin' away. He had five kids, darling kids, he had a loving and wonderful wife. He adored them, they were the reason he was alive and the reason that he was so happy. He was on the road five days a week, but he couldn't climb steps. I was so glad to see him every week, we talked about his kids. He would whip out his latest line of pictures that he had. He always had lots of pictures.

One day, I was told by the powers that be, don't move any reservations. Well, I noticed that this guy was put on the second floor. So I went to my boss and I said that this guy can't climb steps, "if he climbs steps we might lose him that he has a heart condition, a real bad one that we need to put him on the first floor." But I was told, "don't change anything."

I thought, "this is not what I am going to do, no, it doesn't work." So, I did change him. I put him on the first floor, I put the other person on the second floor and that is what I got fired for. The person that I moved to a regular room on the second floor was the AAA guy. But the room that I moved my heart patient room was brand new, a new bed, with a new mattress, new wallpaper, new carpeting and restyled bathroom. That should have been the AAA guy's room, but instead I put the guy in a regular HoJo room. So they were furious and fired me. So what do I know about service to others? I know how to get fired.

Then very early in my life, when I was only 25, Don Elkins and I decided that we were going to get together since my first marriage had not worked out and my husband had left me. Don said, "Well, you know, what I would like to do is to start a spiritually based household, I would like to start a spiritual community. I would like this community to be one where the people that are in this house are people that are joined by having like ideals and goals and vibrations and not by blood in any kind of earthly kinship. And I wondered would you run it for me, would you be the housekeeper, the female head of the household?" And I said, "yeah, that appeals to me greatly and I look forward to it," and I am still doing that.

So, after that, it was very easy for me to see where my gifts were going to be used. Because almost immediately when Don and I started producing things and started to get reader mail, I found my time increasingly taken up with correspondence. I have through the years written hundreds and hundreds, probably thousands of people. If they wanted to work on their process, we did. If they wanted to share their story, I was a listening ear, in various ways. I was being of service, and not trying to define that, but just responding to the questions people asked me.

Now, I had an interesting experience recently. I had been very cast down by 9/11 and moved tremendously by the outpouring of positivity from so many people. But it greatly troubled me that we were not at peace, that we had lost this wonderful opportunity to turn the world's attention towards solving the global problems that were underlying the state of war. But now instead, we had chosen the Old Testament way once again, taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. As the many sources of wisdom have said, at this point that way is just passé. It is no longer an adequate response. It is time to put that away and find out what peace is. And I was praying and praying about that.

The Holy Spirit has always been my personal guidance. The only messages I have ever received from the Spirit were those that came when I was working on tuning and challenging spirits in order to write A Channeling Handbook back in the 90's. I did record them, and one day we will put out a daybook that contains these channelings from the Holy Spirit. Once I got personal guidance with just Jim and I doing it, it was personal, because it takes three people to do a universal circle, so I felt like it was kind of rude to just say, "well, thank you, bye bye."

So, I would invite just a thought, just a paragraph and one day we will put those into a calendar type daybook, and it will be a beautiful thing because they are beautiful channelings. But other than that, when I was formally inviting the channeling, the Spirit always spoke in the still small voice. I would get a hunch, a feeling, an intuition, very small, just a little, nothing more than that. Tiny, tiny little nudges that you would have to take on faith and see where they led, and open yourself to developing on your own.

Well, for the first time in my life, the Spirit spoke to me very clearly. It said, "You are a nation of priests." It moved me profoundly. Of course, I had to go look it up in the Bible, since I've been an outer-source oriented, authority-driven student for so long, wondering, "where did that come from?" Well, it comes from somewhere in the Old Testament, and actually it has a very bent and political meaning if you look into the way it is used in the Bible, but that's OK. The words are there and they are also in the New Testament, I think in Acts somewhere, where it is quoted. The idea is not simply for the nation of Israel, or rather, it says that we all are Israel.

We are the chosen people, the people of Earth have self-chosen themselves to come here and do this ministry at this time, and that is the point. There isn't a minister that we all need to go to, to hear what's what. We are ministers. We are the priest. We are a Holy people. All of us have been on the road for awhile now, and we have received wisdom and knowledge and power and we have tremendous gifts to share. The day has passed, I think, when we could just sit quietly with that and be satisfied to criticize what is going on. The time now, I think, is for quiet good people to come into their own power and to realize the magic of their voice, and sharing their gifts.

I myself, coincidentally, became a minister last year in the Church of Universal Service or something like that, because somebody wanted to get married, and wanted me to marry them. I needed to be a minister for that. He sent me a ministry kit from this Universal Life Church and I became a minister. It is legit, and it is a very beautiful little church whose only belief is that everybody has free will, and everybody knows what the Creator is and whatever you think it is, that is just fine, so go forth and teach. Oddly enough, in 1971, Don and I were in a séance together, and we were called up together even though we weren't married in the worldly sense. Usually, they only call up married people.

All of a sudden, Don and I got called up together and the room got very dark, very cold and a very tall being just sort of popped up out of nowhere. He was Moses and proceeded to walk through me to show that he could, and then wacked me on the arm and gave me a good bruise to show me he was real. He looked at Don and me and said, "Go forth and teach." So, I have been hearing this voice off and on for awhile now through unlikely and likely sources. But I think that that would be my perceived wisdom to share with you now.

If you get up in the morning and perceive yourself as a not-powerful person that is at the mercy of the whims of the day, you will have one experience. If you get up in the morning, align yourself with the fact that you are here for another day, you made it and so, "come on morning!", then you can just start aligning yourself with what you consider to be the actions of the proper priest that you wish to be, whatever that is. Then your day is going to be telling you a different story, and you will see opportunities where you never saw them before. And as Jim says, it is the little things, the tiny things.

So I think of when Ed Ange - and his last name means angel in French - this very angelic being was standing in front of the elevator with Jim and I. He was helping us find this place, cause I can't find my way out of a grocery store! I was profoundly and seriously lost. Ed was coming and getting us and bringing us up there. You know how crowded elevator banks are, how people are sort of pushing and wanting to get on and looking straight ahead and not interacting with each other.

So back in the background was this guy who was working for the hotel and he had a great big long caterer's rack with things hanging on it and things on the bottom. It was very full, just barely small enough to get into the elevator, and there was no hope in the world that he was going to get on that elevator because nobody was paying attention to him.

So Ed said, "hey come on, over here," and he holds everybody back and says, "you had better get on first, you will never get on if you don't get on first." It was true, the guy was just absolutely helpless. There was nothing for him to do, and Ed noticed that he was a person in need. It wasn't a crying need, but it was just a gentle little deed.

But the guy had been standing there for probably five minutes, and Ed made it possible for him to go on and do his job. Now that is service to others. It is seeing what is in front of you. Not seeing a man of color with a uniform who is a servant and who is not as important as you are, because after all, you are the customer. But it is seeing a person in a situation, analyzing that and seeing what has to be done so that the group whole can get on the elevator and go ahead.

We are all in an elevator... We are all in this group together, and we all have this tendency to be standing next to each other but all keep looking at some outer object, like the television or the latest buzz, the happenings of the day. So the opportunity is here for us to actually turn to each other and assume unusual attitudes within the elevator of life.

And when the door opens and we empty out on whatever floor of doing and going that we are going to get off on, we can get out there and keep our eyes open, because the universe is talking to you all the time. Every street sign, every billboard, every feathered friend, every flower, every atom of the universe is communicating and telling you its story. It is just a matter of opening up to it.

SM: So we have quite a nice group of souls up here, don't we? It is interesting, everyone has had such a different path, in a sense; some totally solitary, some totally service related, some very socially active and some based on intensive study and research. But we are all bound together by the same principles, the desire for wholeness and the wholeness and joy of all.

Why don't we go into question-interaction time now. So please come up to the mike so everyone can hear you, the mike is connected to the tape, so please come up to that standing microphone there. Did you want to say something first, Ed? This is Ed Ange, the angel is coming!

Ed Ange: I just want to thank everybody, first of all, for being here. Second of all, I just want to make everyone aware, that this is a miniature epiphany, what is going on here. When you leave, it is really hard... It is just hard to go back to your normal life. And just to be aware how dangerous it is to switch over... Being a Scorpio, I go from dark to light and back and forth all the time, and it is very difficult to keep your shit together at a level that is maintainable for other people to be properly aligned to. I want to start some other excuse to get together, for all of us.

Something like a spiritual retreat, something where these people aren't on a pedestal and we can all share our stories of suffering, more than anything. To strengthen our group. I was thinking last night when I was laying down to go to sleep, how important it is to project your energy into the future; if we know that this alignment is coming, what the hell are we doing about it? I mean, we are here, but is it not beneficial to get together on this date if we know that it is coming, and start projecting and meditating on this culminating point where we shift from this polarity to this polarity? Everybody is not who is like us, God bless them, but shouldn't they just get out of the way?

And we go on and ascend with the planet. I just think that we live in a place where 99.9% of the people are service to self, it's very difficult; and we need to put our energy into the future so that when that moment comes, it passes more smoothly and more of us in this room and around the planet make it.

SM: Thank you. Something Ed said to me earlier, as you said right now, is that we should get together or you as a group can, we all can, get together more, or again, or at least regularly. Certainly you don't need us up here, but in the back, during the break, if you are interested you can connect with each other. Really, a lot of people here live relatively close to each other, and certainly closer than Abby and I who are coming from San Francisco. So there is a sign up sheet in the back, if you want to get together or just connect with each other. This is not about "you to us," it is about all of us together.

Questioner: You can come too!

SM: Yeah, we can come too. So first of all, how many people are interested in forming a group in your area, being part of a group in your area, or do you actually already have a group in your area? (show of hands) OK, so a lot of people are interested. Why don't you stand up and say where you are from... (group introductions follow)

Questioner: I have been reading a lot of channeled material from various sources; I have been reading the Explorer Race series about this phenomenon happening on a more cosmic scale then what we are talking about. This is in terms of our solar system and everything else. But the thing I wanted to know, if anyone has any answers for me, is that the explorer race group seems to be saying that Orion is no longer negative and that there is basically only one Sirian planet that is negative.

And of course, your material says a lot of this negativity or service to self comes from the Orion Group. I wondered if you had any more information or perspective on this.

DW: I would like to make one comment first, real quick. I am willing to take a couple of the bullets here. I personally have experience with channeling, and I am not afraid to say that, as all of you know that because you have been on my website. My personal experience is that it is an extraordinarily difficult thing to do and there is massive, massive, massive distortion in the vast majority of all material. So, a lot of people say to me, "why don't you talk more about this channeling?"

You have to understand, when I got involved in Ufology I had no interest in reading these books at all. I thought it was just completely outside the paradigm of anything I would want to be involved with, I wouldn't even go near them for a long time. The first book that broke through for me was by Dr. Norma Milanovich called, We the Arcturians, which I believe is pretty grounded and pretty solid, at least the first book. But then when you get to the second book, which I think is called Secrets of Atlantis or something like that, I think she fell apart. This happened to a couple other well-known channels.

I knew somebody who was there with Barabara Marciniak in the days when she got started, and they watched as she turned, as her ego just got so fed by the channel, that it got to the point where she became completely self serving. Somebody I knew recently was at a conference with her, and said that she was getting all this karma and she was smashing her thumb. They said that because of the way she was treating people and her elitist attitude, everybody knew it was because of how she was acting and her ego. And yet, she insisted that it was the group not being harmonious enough, and that she was having to take on the karma of the group and everything else.

So, if you are on my discussion group and you try to post channeling, you are probably gonna get shot down. I will try to usually screen out that stuff before it even gets on, because every channel contradicts every other channel for the most part. But here is the deal, the RA Material came through in 1981, and every new discovery that I am making only further validates, scientifically, this unified cosmology that you only piece together over the course of the five books, which started in 1981 and ended in 1984.

With all due respect to Carla, I just don't believe she is even remotely capable of having put together such a model herself. I am still trying to understand it and explain it with the latest discoveries that have only come out in the last couple of years. So, the window of channeled material to use is very narrow. That is why I basically say, "Cayce, Seth and Ra." Once you have got those sources and you start working them, you find that the more you work them, the more they work for you. The RA books are so packed, I don't really feel that there is much else that you need. Seth kind of gets you up to speed to be able to incorporate RA into your life, but then once you are in the RA books, there is nothing deficient, at that point.

CR: The Orion concept... well, Orion is a constellation. I don't know how many planets are in Orion, does anybody? How many suns, how many planets around those suns?

SM and DW: There are 4 stars... and an indeterminate number of planets.

CR: Now even on our planet, we have a variety of groups. Some of them are very positive, and some of them are genuinely negative. I think that there is probably a lot of good information that comes out of the Orion constellation, and there is probably a lot of negative information that comes out of the same place.

Whenever you hear channeled work, or anything, anything that comes to your eyes and ears, listen for the inner resonance. Listen for what is yours, and throw the rest away. It is not yours if it doesn't resonate. Feel, right in here, and when you read, if you get something that is yours then it will really echo within you and you'll have the feeling that, "yes, I remember that now." Don't look at what the channel is or what the source is, because you are your own authority. You know what your feelings are and what's your pathway and your processes, and nobody else has the right to tell you about it.

SM: From what RA said about Orion specifically, or some of what they said, I can say that they didn't say there was no positivity in the Orion collection of planets or groups. But they did say that it was the center of negativity or service to self as a unified federation of a number of planets in this area of the galaxy. They also said that of the 10% of the souls that go onto the negative path or service to self from 3rd density, what calculates out is that actually 20% of them switch over onto the positive path at some point. Which means that they choose to go back to love, and in my view, a lot of those souls come back to Earth's 3rd density to make the switch-over.

And so, in my experience I believe that some of the people here are really Wanderers from Orion who are switching paths. Higher densities are absolutely segregated in the sense that those groups are unified in their orientation, either positive or negative, and this is a central point to remember. You really wouldn't have a negatively oriented group on a higher density with a few positively oriented people in there too, like it is here in this 3D soul group. As far as I know, that is the theory, and according to eastern religion as well, these groups are separated and don't live together in the same society. So in the end, as with all channeled statements, you have to use your own discernment.

I personally am very wary of anything that is said in association with the term Orion, because high level negativity is extremely tricky and deceptive, and you need to have a lot of discernment to figure out when they're lying. If you know anything about counter-intelligence and operations like that on Earth, there are many ways of fooling people by giving them lots of truth.

They give a lot of truth and at some point they turn you by inserting some false material that captures your mind. David mentioned Barbara Marciniak as one, but I think there are a lot of well known channels whom, I myself, can perceive what seems to me to be service to self or disempowering-type information imbedded in otherwise good wisdom. This is just my opinion, and each of us has our own views on particular sources.

DW: And the other thing that most of you probably already know is what RA said about the easiest way to spot a negative influence. Well, first of all, here is one thing that some of you might not be aware of, and that the fact that people who are channeling can log on to a negative entity without being aware of it. As Carla was saying with the alignment stuff and Jim also said last night, RA many times spoke to them about the candle and the censor being somewhat off alignment, even just .5 or some tiny amount.

So then you can say to yourself, "OK, well what would happen if every time they got started with Don Elkins asking about where the ships went in the Bermuda Triangle, how could we rebuild a place like Stonehenge, are there ETs that live in the center of the Earth?" and so on. What would happen if they just went on and on with these sort of mundane transient questions? What do you think would have happened? It is not like one day Carla would suddenly sound like the devil and say, "I am the beast, now you will follow my feet." What would happen is that a negative entity is going to masquerade and sound just like a positive entity, and will indeed say things that sound very good. Right?

But even if in just one sentence, that entity can sneak in something that says, "And, oh by the way, the moons in Mars are going to slam into the Earth next year and everyone is going to die because the whole planet is going to be destroyed." What RA basically said is that the easiest way to find a negative influence is when they start making specific time encoded prophecies for messages of doom. The whole key to what's really important is not about doom at all. If you understand the physics, you will understand that the Earth changes are an inconvenience, but at the point when this quantum energy shift actually happens, you could teleport yourself to anywhere on the planet at that point. So what would be the need to worry about it? As Jesus said in John 14:12, "As I do these things, so shall ye do them and greater things, for I go unto my Father."

So it is important to remember that, in terms of physics, at that moment the poles would shift. This goes back to Revelation 11:11 right, where it says that after the 3 ½ days, remember I was talking about 3 ½, the righteous people who had been struck down by the masses again rose up, struck fear into the hearts of many. God appeared on a cloud and said, "Come up here," and they were born into the heavens. In that same hour, earthquakes shook the Earth. I believe that the Gnostic authors of those teachings, and Jesus, had an understanding that the time when the magnetic pole shift will be the time when this energy shift occurs.

The thing here is that Earth reacts a little bit slower than the energy shift. The energy shift happens first, and then like about an hour later is when the physical Earth shifts. At the time that the energy shift actually happens, you'll have those abilities and you won't need to be afraid.

Attendee Question: This is not exactly a question, but I would just like to elaborate on what you stated. One thing that concerns me is this 2012 prophecy of the earth shifting into 4th dimension. Jesus said that no man would know the time or the place. That really boggles my mind, because I have watched over the last thirty years many different prophecies. Some of my metaphysical groups will say, "oh, this is going to happen... or that is going to happen... or something else is going to happen on such and such day, so beware... and then you have to do this or that." No, no, no. I have always asked for discernment.

So the one thing that is really, really important for any metaphysical group is to make sure you ask Spirit for discernment in what you are listening to. Not to say that this is wrong or that's wrong. But if you listen to what you are being told, you can sort out all the garbage in between the good stuff and the real metaphysics. Because there's a lot of stuff that is thrown out there that is garbage.

I have seen UFO groups saying, "Oh, this planet is going down, these people from this planet are doing this, and they are doing that..." Really, I am not into that. I am into love and light and that's all that's really important. It is not about who is doing what and where. It's a matter of keeping yourself balanced, like you said. I just wanted to throw that out.

DW: Yeah, I'll add one thing briefly to further enunciate your statement. That would be the quote is, "no man knoweth the hour or the day." What about the month or the year? Let me just say this because there is enormous room for speculation and one of the things that I have really sought to find is the scientific smoking gun needed to say that 2012 really is the convergence point. If you haven't already done so, and I think we only have about a third of the audience who said they have, I would really encourage you to read the third article in the science section of our website, where I cite the work of Dr. Sergei Smelyakhov. And his discovery was (he is a Russian doctor) jus this, that if you take the Mayan calendar cycle of 5,125 years and you start dividing it up by the pi ratio, as you get towards the end of the cycle you are getting smaller and smaller units, subdivided.

But it is always by this musical, magical ratio of spiral, the pi spiral. So what happens is that at each point you go from one sector of that ratio to another, which is like a progression through vibration. You can think of it as going through layers of vibration. At every point that we have hit one of these layers before, there have been things like supernovas of nearby stars. There have been magnetic field reversals on the Earth. There have been the arrival of great teachers of humanity, who have written books that have become great religions. There are the instigation of new calendar systems, such as the Mayan calendar and so forth, systems of measuring time.

You can see that civilizations that had gotten really bloated and large, empire-style civilizations, just collapsed. But as well, the seeds from these civilizations burst forth very quickly and formed into new groups. Basically, what happens is that as this spiral continues, it implodes in 2012 (it implodes actually in 2013 to be exact), which is slightly different than the galactic alignment date of the Maya, but still very closely related.

Each time that you move into one of these layers of energy, your seeing all this cataclysm stuff and chaos stuff happening, which is the unreal. That which is unreal is being released and that which is real is being strengthened. You see major spiritual strides in humanity, the arrival of great teachers, new movements getting started, new nations getting started on fairer, more democratic principles.

So, we are now at the point where this cycle is imploding. The last cycle hit point was 1991, and that was the collapse of the Soviet Union, the bloated empire and so forth. We have two minor points that we are going to be hitting, one in 2003 and one in 2008. You have to understand, that as we get closer to 2012, it is spiraling into a singularity.

Another thing that I wanted to mention is that from studying the census data of China, he discovered that the population on Earth doubles each time you get to a new level. There is like this spontaneous shift; in other words, if you take one point on the cycle and you say that there is "x" number of million people on the planet, then you take the next point on the cycle, it will be exactly double.

So let us say you have 2 million people the first time, and then you've got 6 million people. The next time you hit it, you add the last two together, so 6+2=8. And then the next time you hit is you add 8 plus 6, which is 14, and the next time you hit it you add 14 +8, which becomes 22. And it works like this, just like a clock. One of the things that is happening is that the population goes up to an infinite and unsustainable point, because the doubling is past the capacity. It suddenly doubles to like 22 billion people in 2019, which is way more than the Earth can handle.

That is what is happening right now, and it is a scientifically verifiable fact. That is one of the things, for me, that differentiates the 2012 date from just another speculation on the end times. For me, the science is very important. I also believe that the alignment with galactic center and the torsion field effects produced, are also both very key in understanding the scientific validity of that claim. It is definitely not just a prophecy at this point.

JMJ: It must be emphasized that the alignment is a process oriented thing, but I think that there is a misunderstanding about the Mayan date, December 21, 2012. Certainly it is the winter solstice, and that does highlight the nature of this alignment with the solstice axis, or the solstice sun aligned with the galactic equator.

As I was trying to bring out yesterday in the last slide I presented, there is some timing parameters involved in this shift. I think it is important not to put all our eggs in one basket in terms of expecting something very dramatic to happen on December 21, 2012 or on some nearby adjusted, specific date. Smelyakhov's theory sounds somewhat like Terrance McKenna's theory where time speeds up, there is a tightening gyro of events. More events are happening in shorter, shorter durations of time.

So we have approached this end zone, and it is also very similar to the Yuga doctrine of the Hindus as well. In that system, the original golden age is much longer and the silver age is shorter and the next even shorter and so on. I think that it is important, in general, to understand this shift as a process oriented phenomenon. So I suggested we use a range of perhaps 1980 to 2016 as a general sort of framework for expecting this shift to occur. Overall, I think it is very important to consider these things as somewhat flexible, and not particularly fixed at a certain predicted date.