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The Time of Global Shift
April 28, 2002 in Louisville, KY Carla Rueckert on Spiritual Principles, with Q & A
Attendee: What does Ra say in terms of the ascension period of 2012? Is it aligned with their main philosophy? And secondly, do they talk about other beings helping us out at this time, for example, the Pleiadians? Jim McCarty (JM): In terms of the information Ra shared about other beings here helping us, I believe they said there were at least seven different civilizations that had sent representatives that were visible in our skies at any one time. Most of the contacts from positively oriented entities are made in sleep or in meditation, and occasionally there will be an encounter that is face-to-face and/or a so-called abduction - but the abductions are a little more rare for positively oriented entities. As far as the calendar, the ascension and the change over, in 1981, when we were in the midst of the contact with Ra, they spoke of it being 30 years from that date. They said that the shift would be more or less complete, which you could take to mean that we would be completely in 4th density at that time. At another point in the information, RA mentioned that the shift could take anywhere from 100 to 700 years, depending on the choices that each of us as individuals and as peoples, races and nations, would make. The future is not completely fixed and we can affect the future by our choices. The shift had begun shortly after WWII, by about 1945. So if you look at that date, then we are already about 50 or so years, slightly less, into the shift. So, I personally don't have any sure feeling that there is going to be a specific date upon which we can trust that the shift will occur. Personally, I don't feel it is important, because none of us knows if we are going to be here then, none of us knows if we are going to be here tomorrow. We might as well live our lives as if tomorrow or today is the last day we are going to live. Let that be your shift. Let that be the time that you could take an action. If we think we have got ten years to do whatever it is we have got to do, then maybe we don't... maybe we need to get on the ball right now. Scott Mandelker (SM): You've asked a big question here. First of all, in answering the question about guides or assistance, RA said that at the top of those helping us through the shift, there were Guardians assisting the harvest process that came from "beyond the octave." A harvest is basically a vibrational upgrade of a collective group of body/mind/spirit complexes. And that is sort of a subtle thing, working with Higher Self, working with the planet, working with a subtle integration of energy bodies-so there are many beings participating in it. As to the shift, is it going to be a single moment in the twinkling of an eye, or will it take place over many hundreds of years-something like the 3rd density conscious souls will just stop being born at the time of 2012 or in that period? The Earth will become 4th density at that time, as Ra said, but will there still be some 3rd density conscious people here after that date, so we can live out our lives in a normal way? Or will it be, "bang, a flash of light"? Personally, I favor the discontinuous model of transmutation. But I think that there will be a gradual upgrade of the bodies used by the 4th density beings here and a gradual development of the consciousness of that society to prepare itself for the next group, the 3rd density group, which will return to Earth later. But I think that the reason they used a date, Ra said 2010-2013, and the reason that there is a Mayan date, is important, and they fixed it in a certain time frame. Why did they fix it? So let's say the date indicates the initiation of a completed or relatively completed 4th density grid. In my read, they said that at that time there will be a 4th density civilization beginning, and when that happens, there won't be any 3rd density civilization co-existing. They said that the planet would be activated 1st, 2nd, and 4th density, and that a 3rd density group would not be here-that there wouldn't be a 3rd density group, nor would there be the artifacts of 3rd density civilization. To me, that points to a discontinuous shift, not a gradual movement into 4th density life. All beings have seven bodies-animals and plants of course-but our 3rd density artifacts don't have seven bodies, so in a 4th density field, they would be gone, they just wouldn't be present. And Ra said that there will be a de-activation of the third density field, meaning that there will be no more 3D conscious souls living on Earth for a while. So personally I think that there will be something like a dissolving into white light, which is what may happen as THE discontinuous event within the period 2010-2013. I may be wrong, but I really do think that that's what it is going to look like and most people will open their eyes and they will simply be on the astral plane. And the wanderers will go off to prepare to go home and do their own thing. The souls that need to repeat the density will connect with Higher Self and simply go off to the next 3D world, while the souls that are here that need to be in the 4th dimensional world will simply jump right in, probably in a non-biological, non-sexually reproductive way. It will probably be a kind of instantaneous birth in a sense and everybody will find their right place. But it will be a kind of dissolving into a different field of light, and there will be no more 3D situation happening at all here from that point on... The children, the indigo children who have double bodies, I think they alone would live through the whole thing without any sort of astral plane experience or so-called death. Basically, because they don't have to go to the astral and come back because they already have 4D bodies. So that is my take on it: that there will be gradual development of 4D bodies and social/individual consciousness, but only after a radical discontinuous event, which is coming in our lifetime. Carla Rueckert (CR): And I would like to say that this is one point on which I disagree with everybody. (Laughter) And that is allowed. It is all right for us to be guessing different things, because we are picking up different things. We all have our own little matrix that we are working out of, and my matrix suggests to me that it is a perfectly accurate thing to say that this is going to happen, and it may even happen, as I think other things have happened, quite specifically and on time. However, these are metaphysical events instead of physical events. It is not that the Earth is not having birth pangs and attempting to be physically born into 4th density, because it is. And we have a tremendous amount to do with whether it has a hard landing or a soft landing in the birth pangs. I created this construct from being a Trekkie for so many years. My question to you all is this, "What if we are all positive enough that the Guardians have already put us on Holodeck 2 and we just think we are in 3rd density now?" (Laughter) We are actually in 4th density now, and they are just giving us this picture of a terrible world that is going south, just so we won't feel weird-that we are in the process of getting adjusted to being 4th density citizens and all this around us will fall away gradually as our eyes are opened to the positivity... John Major Jenkins (JMJ): I myself disagree with that, from the point of view that transcendence is inclusive; the higher dimensions include the lower dimensions. So I can't see how lower dimensions would be annihilated by the passage of consciousness to a higher dimension. Are the animals in a 2nd density state? David Wilcock (DW): Yes. JMJ: Well, then they are still around. They weren't annihilated when some of the conscious beings evolved or arrived to occupy a 3rd dimensional place on this planet. There wasn't a metaphysical shift at a specific moment that completely wiped out that dimension of existence... DW: This is kind of a big issue, and because we are called the Time of Global Shift we do want to try to nail this thing down. So there are two major things that I want to say. The first would be in response to what John said. All I can do at this point is just to enunciate what Ra had taught. Jim did point out something that has sort of been the sort of classic needle-in-the-brain for me too, which is that at one point RA does discretely say that there is going to be a shift in the photon (the particle core of light energy) to the 4th density, to the green-ray activation. They stated that there is a quantum shift that has a definite discontinuous point. There is a quote that says that, I think it is in Book I, and it is very definitely there. And then somewhere else, they say that it might take a few hundred years for this to happen. It has always been kind of a paradox. As far as the meaning of why this 4th density civilization would not include 3rd density humanity, I will just enunciate what RA said, so we are on the same page here. This is that the Law of Free Will, even if human beings don't follow it, the Law of Free Will is eminently protected by the Confederation, this group of benevolent extra-terrestrials that help us. Essentially, free will must be maintained at all costs. And that is why we are never going to have a nuclear worldwide holocaust, because there have been planetary cataclysms on two other spheres already. I feel very strongly from what I have been told that it is just not going to be allowed to happen this time. And Abby could certainly speak about the many witnesses that Dr. Steven Greer assembled in the Disclosure Project that told of when we had missiles in the sky and a UFO came around it and simply zapped them, so they just sank and didn't go off... There are reports of nuclear missile sites where UFOs were seen over the site and they just power down and can't run anything. So you have to understand that this idea of global nuclear annihilation is just never going to happen. Similarly, once you understand these torsion fields, and you understand scalar wave physics and so forth, you understand that a nuclear explosion is a hyper-dimensional explosion. It is an explosion that affects other densities of life besides our own. And there are weapons technologies that can be built with torsion wave physics that can damage other dimensions. And so, the key point Ra made was that by virtue of the inability of the early 4th density beings to be able to protect themselves from these weapons, there has to be a time where the Earth doesn't have 3rd density beings on it, until these 4th density beings have learned enough, how to cloak themselves from 3D view. Because in the beginning apparently, we would be able to see them as if there was a ghost in the room. We would see them as ascended beings, with light around them. In early 4th density, they wouldn't have yet learned how to become invisible to 3D perception. So, apparently, to preserve free will, and to keep the universal law intact, that is the one reason why they won't co-exist for a time. Another thing I want to say real quick is that I had something really strange happen to me recently, which I wrote an article about and I know some of you have read it. I was out meditating in North Carolina, and I saw a UFO in the sky, the first one in my adult life. And I said, "Wow, OK, now the only thing left that I need to feel before all my transient wishes are gone is to have a ball of light come into my room." Because Carla has had that and Jane Roberts had that, and so I said, "Well, I want to have the ball of light too." (Laughter) So I believe that in this case, Ra heard the wish, and they traveled backwards in time 16 hours, which they can do very easily, and went to my brother's room and appeared before him as a ball of light. And he starts telling me this story on the phone, before he knew I had made that prayer, which actually was made the next day. Now, you have got to understand this experience, and I would like to have him here at some point in the future, just so he could share this. What happened to him was that there was a circle of light projected onto the ceiling and it widened to the point of being about seven feet wide, and it looked like a tunnel/vortex was opening up into the sky, like a cone going up into the sky. And this was while he was meditating in his bedroom in the dark, and it stayed there for 10 minutes. As it started to dissipate and leave, he wished that his girlfriend would be included in it too. So even before he fully articulated the wish, the light had stretched out to her head, and formed a kidney shape between his head and her head, that connected the two of them and then it faded through these colors into orange. After this experience, the insomnia that she had had completely went away and she was able to sleep every night. But most importantly, as the phenomenon faded, he was still meditating and he still felt that he needed to remain receptive. A voice then came into his mind and said, "The ascension your brother has been writing about will not happen all at once. It is a gentle event that occurs in incremental stages that will produce feelings, experiences and emotions similar to the ones that you have just been through." And for me, this is a major policy shift in how I think, write, and talk about Ascension, because I realize now that Ascension is a process and not just a conclusion. I realize the fact that, what Carla can do, what any of us on this panel have done with our lives, in different ways, is an ascended ability. Ascension is about an incremental continuous increase. So I think that by that time we can levitate things telepathically, which I believe is going to be in our lifetime, that we will have been through incremental stages of development to get further and further towards that point. And I will just say this, and I will close on this, that a lot of us get this frontal lobe phenomenon, which Jim has been particularly interested in for a long time, and I have also had it. It is sort of like a pressure on your head-you get really dizzy and are almost out of body, you sort of feel this kundalini thing rising, and it is almost as if your essence is shooting out your spine and that you go out over your head and turn a big summersault in the air above yourself. I found out that Catholic Saints described this same thing happening, and they actually did fly up into the air. And so now when I get an ear blast, as I call it, I sit there and think that maybe this is going to be the one... (Laughter) Abby Lewis (AL): Thank you for indulging me in this little thing. One of the Disclosure Project witnesses is Carol Rosin, and she has a group called ICIS, the Institute for Cooperation in Space, and they have a bill right now in Congress. Bush broke the ABM treaty, he has six months... you just say you are going to break it and within six months you can. The reason this is important is because Carol worked with the rocket scientist Werner Von Braun, and on his death bed he basically told her,"first they are going to say that it is Russia, then they will say it is rogue nations, then it is going to be terrorism, and the last card that they are going to use to get people in fear and to get what they want, will be the ET attack scenario." We are actually preparing for it right now... Her website is www.peaceinspace.com, and I was going to print out flyers and hand them out, but there is a bill pending right now called HR3616; if you can, please go to her website and get this information. I know we all say that we are going to do it, but please call your Congressperson and ask them to co-sponsor or support this bill, to demilitarize space. There are a lot of beings here right now helping us, and yet we are setting up our space forces so we can attempt to destroy them, which is a joke in itself. So I just wanted to plant that little seed, it's the activist thing, but it's important to know that there are ways we can move towards peace with our cosmic neighbors. Break Attendee: This is in response to this gentleman's question about whether we are getting any assistance from our off-world friends, or whatever you want to call them. In 1991, I went up to a mother ship in an astral travel for several months, doing this every night cause it was exciting and was fun, so I was not abducted... I was having fun! Anyway, so what did they say? First of all, I was told that there have been mother ships around the Earth's equator for over 50 years, stabilizing the energy of the planet, and I was told many other things too... SM: Thanks, Jane. Jeremy Weiland: I remember reading somewhere, and I remember that David you said that our DNA is influenced by these torsion waves. Is this correct to some extent? DW: Experiments have already determined the "DNA phantom effect," which happened when a DNA molecule in a test tube would begin to attenuate photons, meaning that it would attract light and cause light to spiral through the molecule. After that, when the DNA was removed there was a phantom vacuum structuring effect, as they called it, in which the spiral continued as the light continued spiraling itself with nothing physically still left in the tube. Jeremy: My question on this is about the interaction between a torsion wave, not just light, but between this torsion wave and the DNA. Is that a function of the DNA strand geometry? DW: Let's save that question for the next section, because these kinds of questions are good but we first need to cover some other science so we can get the rational mind involved as much as possible. I think it is very important to initiate the rational mind. So, let's get into this field of torsion wave physics. Last night, up here we introduced the torsion wave-so, what is it? And I really didn't answer the question all the way. You have to see the ether, in essence, as if the whole universe were filled with tiny spheres of energy, rolling and flowing around each other just like molecules in a glass of water go rolling and flowing around each other. Now, electromagnetic energy is a paired energy -- a pairing of the electrostatic field and the magnetic field, both of which move in different directions. Electromagnetic energy is subject to, and has to move through the ether, bubble by bubble. It actually has to soak into each bubble. This is one way to look at it, that it has to absorb itself into each bubble as it moves along. It is as if you had a cloth, and the cloth had to absorb liquid as it is moving through it. So, that is why the light speed is only 186,000 miles per second in our density. In a higher density, light speed increases because the electromagnetic wave can move through it faster. But there are differences with a torsion wave, as the torsion wave bumps these spheres without moving through the spheres. It just jolts them, and sends an impact of momentum through them. There is no actual information moving through the spheres, per se, as much as there is just this momentum. Now, when you have that momentum, the pyramid information that we were talking about yesterday says that this process has intelligence. I cited a study that says that they found bacteria through the whole galaxy on the radio spectrum. All of the classic signs of how bacteria radiates in the radio spectrum, show up as you look towards the galactic center, through the whole galaxy, and all this dust in the galaxy appears to be bacteria. Which is an amazing thing to think about. What I believe is going on here is that the torsion wave itself has the spiral of life already written into it. It is a complex wave, just like right now all of the television station signals are moving right through us, all these radio station signals are moving through us too. If we could tune in to these waves we would be able to see TV and hear the signal. Similarly, the frequency of DNA, I believe, is the fundamental carrier of the torsion wave. Because it is intelligent, and is hierarchical and structured like an atom or like a body, as RA would say. So, when you are dealing with the formation of the DNA molecule, I believe that what is happening is that the natural materials are falling under the influence of this spiraling energy, all the materials that make up the natural compounds. They are being caught up in the current and essentially spiraled into an intelligent formation of DNA, by virtue of the fact that that is how our Logos, our galaxy, the mind of the galaxy, has tuned itself. So therefore the actual spiraling energy at the most minute level, 10 to the –34 cm, extremely tiny levels, at these levels the waves are making that DNA molecule happen. Which I think is a very intriguing concept. And so, when we say that we are moving into a new area of energy in the galaxy, the energy that forms the DNA will become more intelligent and more highly structured, in turn, there will at that time begin a completely new physiological and spiritual evolution. SM: So matter precipitates out from nothingness or from the ether. Attendee: I don't have a question but rather a comment that goes back to the previous discussion of whether the shift is going to be metaphysical or physical, and to what degree. I am wondering if maybe this is not an either/or proposition-maybe it depends on one's perception. Just as like the fact that some people have more ESP at this point, some people see ghosts while others don't; maybe the shift is also just a perceptional thing. DW: There is a word that Ra used, which is "Harvest." They describe a process by which at the point at which it happens, you actually pop into a layer of being in which all your previous experience are sort of dissolved and distilled into something like a "core vibration." And this actually occurs by going up to the indigo ray body that the Egyptians called the Ka, or the form-maker body. At that time, you then move into the violet ray level that is the 7th dimension. And from that level, as they said, extraordinarily precise distinctions of discernment must be made, to figure out how to boil down how you got to this exact vibratory signature. That signature, in turn, determines exactly how far along the line spiraling of light you can go, before it gets too intense. And so, some people who go through this will be going up to 5D, will be going up to 6D, some will be going to 4D, which is going to be occurring on the Earth. But the point is that it boils you down, in the sense that after you die and after you leave your body, there is a sort of transformation more than a death in which a sort of "Grand Reckoning" must occur. SM: The big question is what will happen 10 to 15 years from now? What will be noticeable, and will there even be anything noticeable at all? Or, will it be totally subjective? These are great questions, and we'll get into them again in the next session this afternoon. Attendee: The coalescing in and out that Ra talks about-is this specifically light, or could that be the torsion wave? And does the torsion wave spiral by itself, outside of the pyramid or some particular source? DW: In the Divine Cosmos, which is on CD, I have discussed this cosmology, which basically says that you have two ethers. One rotating clockwise, one is rotating counter-clockwise, and they both move through each other and are both contained inside a sphere. When you rotate a sphere of fluid it forms a donut shape, the donut shape for one of these fields moves down, while the donut shape for the other field moves up. The downward moving force then collides with the upward moving force and forms a little sphere in the middle. This is like a dot in the center of the sphere. That sphere has more pressure on it from the top and bottom than it does from the sides, but there is also pressure moving in on it from all sides. So what happens is that the sphere in the center collapses under the pressure, it can't handle it, and so it gets collapsed. But then, because of the repelling force between the particles, the ether particles, it then explodes back into its original shape. But as soon as it does that, the pressure collapses it again, so there is this explosion-implosion process. This process creates ripples of waves that move through the whole sphere of etheric energy, which is like a fluid. The waves go out to the edge of the sphere and then reflect back towards the center and form interference patterns-the same as when you take two screens and hold them over each other: you are going to see ripples between the two screens, which is called a moiré pattern. Towards the center of that sphere the density is higher, and the density gets progressively lower as you move away from it. Now, Ra said that we are at the very edge of the galaxy now, and that we are in 3rd density, while most of the rest of the galaxy as you move towards the center is already in the octave-it has already been totally evolved past all this stuff. So what is happening is that the universe is evolving, and you're seeing these fields move out from the center. It's important to remember the primary pairing of torsion. And yet that is really just a jostling of these spheres, which is the ether. It is a dynamic sphere, it is moving like a fluid. Because of the fact that you are dealing with pulsations and a rotation of the sphere at the same time, that introduces a spiraling movement. And this is just how the planets are moving in a 4D path, if you trace out what they are doing: they are not just rotating around the Sun, but they are also moving through the galaxy, which means they are making spirals. So, because all energy is doing this, all torsion waves will have a spiraling movement. The majority of them will be with a gravitational field. But the Russians have measured this stuff, they have torsion wave detectors, and they have found that aluminum shields it and turpentine strengthens it. Someone was going to ask me a question about how this relates to Chinese medicine, in terms of the salt and sugar. The experiments that were done show that salt strengthens torsion waves and sugar absorbs torsion waves. Salt is a lattice crystal, just like a cube; and sugar is concentrated energy, so it absorbs energy because it is a carbohydrate, a polysaccharide. So, that is why you don't want to have too much sugar in your diet, because it absorbs the very energy that would heal your body. SM: Does anyone have a question about world service at this point? That is what we are trying to focus in on during this session. Attendee: Well, I think a lot of us face the problem of meeting people with like interests; with our family members, it seems like there is just a barrier. And where I grew up, I was taught that world service was about teaching by example. But in this case, like with my family, it is a little bit difficult to teach by example because it almost seems like they are on another planet. So how can we bring things into more laymen's terms, so we don't have to be blowing their minds? AL: Yeah, this comes up a lot for a lot of people... What I found, is that when you have these epiphanies, then your world view shifts and you kind of "get it." There is so much energy and love that comes with it that you immediately want, especially with your family, to share it as well. And I think we probably have all experienced this, in certain degrees, that you come to them with all this great information and the energy we bring with it, but they're just completely shut down, a wall goes up and it is really painful. The reason for that, is because when you really get it, it's an entire-body experience, not just an intellectual concept, and you suddenly "grok" it fully. It is sort of like this epiphany, and more of your being gets it. And the thing that you forget is that when you tell someone about your beliefs, you are speaking to them intellectually. But it takes more than that for them really to get it, because there is so much energy behind what you are talking about it, and then their wall goes up. So, I tell people about what I do-you don't want not to talk about it, because I have found that everywhere I work, I am very vocal about ET subjects. I've found that at least a few people come to me and say, "I have never told anyone this before, but I had an experience," or, "I believe this..." or whatever. And my belief is that there are way, way more people out there that think like you than you realize. The problem is that no one is really talking to each other about it. So that's the first thing I want to say. Do talk about what you believe and you might find those people who thought that "they" were the only ones who felt that way. The trick about it, when you do talk about these sort of things, is to be very grounded and don't let all that energy inside you come through until there is a connection with the person. This is because it will actually propel them away unless there's a connection. Do lead by example, and when people see you are grounded and happy and things are working for you, you'll find that when they do start seeking the information from you, that they're then more receptive and open to it. The main thing I have found is to be really grounded when you talk about these subjects. And let the love energy come through and maybe suppress a little bit of your enthusiasm. This is because if someone else doesn't get it, then your enthusiasm comes across as crazy or cultish, weird or whatever. CR: I think the best thing that I could say about that is that it is good to wait for a question in order to share your knowledge. Once you have got a question, you have got a vector. You know where that person is coming from and where that person is going to go. And that helps a lot, and until you get the question, think of yourself as the Johnny Appleseed of spiritual thought, just drop a little seed here, drop a little there: "what if, or did you know that..." are good introductions that don't threaten anybody. If you want to, just lay a little seed down. And just sow it and let it go, bless it and let it go, don't hold on to it. Don't keep thinking, "I want to change the world and how am I going to get that?" You are already doing it, person by person. If you have it in yourself and if you are living what you know, you are radiating it and people may not have a clue in the world as to precisely where you are coming from with this, but they know there is something different about you. They are seeing through you into your heart. So, it's wonderful to work the mind, but if you try to relate from belief system to belief system, you will run into a lot of resistance. Whereas, if you wait for somebody to ask you a question, then you have a proper pulpit and you can share what you think. SM: Ra had made the statement that, "service is effective only to the degree that it is requested." So that is what Carla is saying about waiting for a question. When somebody asks a question, they are opening a field and requesting input. If they don't, they don't necessarily have an opening and it is like a matter of "their cup." If the cup is covered, then nothing will get in. If the cup is opened it is a matter of how deep that cup is, and that represents the degree to which it is requested. And I think this is a very sensitive matter, it is not just about my enthusiasm, it is self-centered and immature, I think to have to share your information regardless of what people want. Beyond that personal need is the sense that, "I am whole, you are whole, but do you really want something more"? The degree to which "it is requested" is essential to consider if you want to serve others. AL: And I want to say one last thing, that it is good not to be attached to how they respond to it. Just have non-attachment, let them have the information and don't be attached to how they handle it. Attendee: This question is for Abby. Ever since I was young I have always felt connected to Earth and animals and everything... Now I am at the point where I think of how humanity is treating the earth, how much disregard we have for our home planet. We are taking all the substance from the Earth and putting it on top of the Earth. I think about all the disregard and it just makes me mad, and then it makes me sad and I just want to grab somebody and say, "Why, why... why don't you see this"? The anger is slowly slipping a way and moving to sadness, but all these are real emotions and I am sure you can relate to them. The little seeds, I try to tell them to recycle, or this and that. But I was just wondering how I could sort of heal myself on this aspect. Abby: It is an ongoing process, and still the anger comes up all the time for me. But the main thing that I have learned so far is compassion. It is so easy to see what is wrong with what other people are doing, because there is so much going wrong right now. But if you focus on that it doesn't help, it just makes no difference, it doesn't help change anything. When I see someone tossing something out the window, I used to honk. And I swear to God, every time more stuff would fly out the window. I have had people rip my head off because I have said, "do you mind not polluting"? So now, I really work on compassion for these people instead of judging them and saying they are stupid. For me this war on terrorism is like watching someone get out a hammer and smash all their fingers. But instead of focusing on that, I have compassion, because I realize that they are teachers. People that do things that we disagree with are actually teaching us how to accept them and understand that they are a part of this too. Maybe they are teaching us in some weird way, which is incomprehensible. They are teaching us to realize that we are probably pretty hypocritical to judge people as well, because I am driving my car honking at this person for polluting, what is that all about? (Laughter) You know what I mean? So don't judge yourself, and don't judge other people. And what you really just need to do is to keep continually connecting with people, because there are other people who are really positive and share your beliefs on creating the world you want. As an activist I have realized that it is like a band aid problem... You can fix one problem, but there is a loophole and you have to fix that and you are constantly going to fix new problems. And it is about consciousness, because if someone realizes that this planet is alive-not just conceptually, but that this is a being that we are standing on-then they can understand that everything is connected. Then their behavior will change, naturally, because they will just not want to do anything harmful anymore. So, just having compassion for that person, allowing yourself not to get so angry, is itself helping to raise consciousness. And when there is enough, you know the hundredth monkey thing, there will be a greater shift, and you should hold out for that. If you can really love that person, love yourself and know it's all good, then once that person gets it they won't do anything to hurt the Earth anymore. SM: You know, love without wisdom feels disempowered, and your question here is really about wisdom and the function of will. Jesus said, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do," and that is quite true. People who do negative things usually have a lot of anger and a lot of wounding, like David said, "the original wound." So people who are hurting others or hurting the planet, are they themselves hurt. This is just the same as you may get angry, you may feel angry, or I may feel angry at those people because we feel hurt by them. What the real cause of our pain is, to me, is that there are simply many people around who are choosing aggression and destruction, and not love. We internalize that aggression without comprehending it, and somehow we can't see that that is perfect too, that all that is God too, these people are also the Creator. One of the hardest things we can do is to love evil, have love for the service-to-self path, for psychic greeting, and not see it as psychic attack. Frankly, I don't think this will change, because if you really want to see what's going on, all these people want to be this way. You can say they are angry, you can say they are wounded, you can say they have emotional problems, and that's true. But if you ask those responsible for war and social conflict what they want, they don't want our love and kindness and justice, they want power and control. So it's OK to be angry, I feel anger all the time. But you can't wish away your anger, or wish away your hurt. But you can love them, you can accept your anger and rage and let it be. So what is your fantasy? Do you want to rip their head off, if so, then think about it, dream it, fantasize it. There is nothing wrong with a fantasy of destruction, although you may think you're ‘not a spiritual person' if you allow yourself to do so. Actually, Ra recommended just that. They didn't tell us to act out such fantasies directly, but they said that if you have some desire that would infringe on the will of another, experience it mentally, imaginatively and accept it. So don't be afraid of your rage, don't be afraid of your sorrow. And then you can bring in a greater comprehension and a sense of faith that everything is complete and whole and perfect. Honestly, the Creator is always in joy, not in bitterness, and we can be in joy as well, even while there is the existence and perpetuation of human evil happening all around us. And you can still work against it, if you want, but we can come to peace with it, through a deeper understanding that the world around us is the creation of the people around us basically want it this way. DW: Also remember, the Earth knows that we are going to be doing all kinds of wacky stuff, and that is part of the agreement that is made with humanity, the sacrifice. You know, the Christ archetype and the crucifixion is so very similar to what happens at the end of the cycle when you have industrialization and how we crucify Mother Earth. We are driving the nails through her hands, and we are putting the crown of thorns on her head and we are piercing her with the sword. This is all related to the fact that the Earth is the primary being here that is ascending. The primary being that is ascending is the Earth, not humanity as much. We can stay with the Earth as she moves into 4th density, but she will move into 4th density, and that is the key. But for right now, she has agreed to the crucifixion, just as Jesus did. AL: At some point a few years ago I was asked to do a meditation where we connected with the planet on a mental level, well, we actually said "hello" to the planet. We just sent it down to the center of the earth and saw what came back, and at that point I was still in the middle of my feelings of, "I love the planet and I hate people, because people are so mean to the planet." So I said, "Hello planet, I am sorry that I am a human." And I was overwhelmed by this wave of unconditional love that just passed over me, and I was so blown away that this planet can be so forgiving and so loving towards our small-minded treatment of it. And she does understand. SM: I would just like to say, in my view, something some of you may not like! This planet is not a boy or a girl, it isn't. It is a great being of tremendous love, power, wisdom, and intelligence. In my view, the Earth is not wounded, the Earth is not angry. I think we should just consider that possibility, since the Earth is really not anthropomorphic, as we think of it. The Earth is not a human being, and at its own level of consciousness it is magnificent enough to hold all human evil, destruction and confusion, without being angry and without being wounded. Frankly, it is just we projecting onto Earth all that anger and wounding. Rather than concretize the idea that "Earth Mother is crying," we ought to heal our own sorrow. That itself is world service. Break SM: Welcome back, this is the last session of the weekend, as you all know. Carla Rueckert will begin here and talk about incarnational healing and the final principles that she introduced last night. She will speak for about thirty minutes and then you can have some questions just for Carla. After that, I'll speak, and you maybe you'll have some questions for me. Carla Rueckert: Picking up where we left off in this piece of deathless prose I am creating: Principle #5: Practice consciousness expansion The RA group says that before the body can be initiated, the mind must be initiated. How does the mind get initiated? The mind gets initiated into a mystery. The place of the unknown is what initiation is. Song: I know not where the road will lead, I follow day by day, Or where it ends. I only know I walk the king's highway, I know not if the way is long, And no one else can say, But, rough or smooth, uphill or down, I walk the king's highway. An initiatory method is necessary to provide the mind, the body and the spirit for service in the Creator's work. Why would that be necessary? You know how it is, we all want to get things done quickly. And in the spiritual life we are not on the world's time, we are on God's time. And in God's time, as opposed to worldly spiritual things, there is no schedule. So there are lots of unscheduled moments of waiting. And a lot of initiation, let's put it this way, a lot of skill in going through initiation is to be able to sit with it and to wait, through the discomfort, through the sleeplessness, through all that your body is throwing up to you to explain to you that something important is happening. That is what waiting is. You can't push it. You can't rush it. You can't slow it down. What you can do is cooperate with it. And a lot of times that means waiting and feeling like nothing is happening. Song: His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour, The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower. Trust the timing, trust the inconvenience that it seems like there is in your worldly life. Just get up, and go to bed, for a while, and when you look back you will discover, "Oh! I have now seeded that information. How nice! And now I am on another learning curve and I am much more comfortable." And then you will get uncomfortable again, as it is an unending cycle. The thing of it is, you have to live your belief system. The temptation is to walk the spiritual supermarket with a cart, putting stuff in your basket and putting it back on the shelf because it doesn't engage you. Shopping some more and trying this and trying that, and then going back and shopping some more. And so you end up with a lot of groceries, but no food. You have to search until you have these moments where you know what it is you know. And you can't explain it, you can't rush it, but there are these transcendent moments where you think, "I think I see where my feet are now. I think I see where the ground is beneath my feet. I think I could stand here." And, at that point, it is a very helpful thing to move from the intellectual appreciation of the excellence of certain thoughts, to the nitty-gritty of trying to figure out how to live that. And when you try to live absolute ethics in a profoundly relativistic consensus reality, it does bring you many an interesting challenge. And it enables you to do a lot of work in defining for yourself where the polarity lies, and then refining your response, until you feel that that is your true, honest response. The important thing is not to be a "goody goody" at all. If you see yourself going there, do yourself a favor and go have fun for awhile. Just have a ball and get your light touch back and lift up and lighten up. Because really, ‘lighten up' does mean, invite the light and open the self and don't be stiff about anything. Because this is a very fluid reality. Spirit is like water. The things that you do, other people will know about half-way around the world. I don't know how that happens, but we all create these endless ripples, and you just have to trust that. The function of the spirit, says those of Ra, is to integrate the up-reaching yearnings of the mind and body, with the down pouring and in streaming of infinite guidance. Let me work with this picture a little bit, because I had trouble myself, trying to envision what this is. But it is a shortcut if you have looked at the kundalini model at all-in which you are inviting the spirit down into the energy body, and where your own body energy meets it is what makes that kundalini rise. So the kundalini is a child of your desire and your will to focus, and then your asking, you know, "seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given unto you. Knock and the door shall be opened." Look out what you ask for, you will get it! Song: Humbly I adore thee, verity unseen Who thy glory hidest ‘neath these shadows mean Lo, to thee surrendered, my whole heart is bowed. Tranced as it beholds thee, shrined within the cloud. Taste and touch and vision to discern thee fail. Faith, that comes by hearing, pierces through the veil. I believe whatever the light of God hath told; What the truth hath spoken, that for truth I hold. "The prerequisite of mental work is the ability to retain silence of self at a steady state when required by the self. The mind must be opened like a door, the key is silence." (p. 87, Law of One, Book One) The value of silence in my life cannot be overestimated. I yearned for it. I longed for it, and I sought it as a child. I was very solitary and took myself on rambling walks. I found Don Elkins, because I was seeking more silence than my church practice offered me. The Episcopal Church is not huge on having silent retreats, and I was just really looking for a group to meditate with silently. That is why I didn't channel until Don put it to me as, you know, as a personal favor to me, "Would you please learn to channel?" I didn't want to, I just wanted to listen to the silence or to the channeling. I am not one to go, "Oh, I can do that!" When it comes to something like that I have always been, and still am, a reluctant one to channel, in that I don't look forward to it. It is a matter of it being an honor/duty for which I do a great deal of preparation. I would say that if you are just starting out with a silent practice, don't do too much of it, since it is powerful stuff. And expect your body to revolt. Expect whatever hurts to hurt. Expect yourself to develop headaches, stomachaches, visions, anything to distract you. Think of how we live. How many times do we sit and not process, not do something, not multi-task even? How many times do we just sit and have zero function? For me, I have to make that time. It doesn't come to me. I don't get to sit in my chair and go, "Isn't this nice! Let's see what shall I do? I am so bored!" It doesn't happen, I have so much good work to do that there are never enough hours in the day. So, invite the silence, save ten minutes a day to begin with. Don't expect anything, but that you are going to stop talking. And let whatever happens, happen. It doesn't matter how many thoughts you think. I am a lousy meditator. Thoughts come into my mind and I just let them go, you know, and another one comes and I welcome that one too. Just enjoy yourself and continue moving back into the silence. If you don't get involved in your thoughts then they have nowhere to go and they arise and they die. And that is the nature of this illusion. It is full of moments and they rise and they fall away and they rise and they fall away. The grass grows and withers, the sun rises and falls, everything is in cycles. Getting back to a theme. Taming the wolf. What is psychic greeting, what is the being of the self? I love Caroline Casey's solstice talk that she gave last winter. I heard a tape of it a friend of mine sent me from California. She is on the radio there as an astrologer, but it is astrology, cum political-savvy, cum guests from the whole spectrum of activism. And she invites everybody, she invites people on the right, she invites people on the left. She is trying to get at the truth. And she has this wonderful way of saying, "Did you know that...?" and telling you something wonderful. She was talking about the wolf within in a very special way. She said that the story of Scheherazade, which is a story she wanted to share with everyone... [The microphone slips. Carla: "It could be said I have a leaning towards the left!" (laughter)] Her thesis basically is that this is the hour of the salvation of the world, and that that salvation will come through welcoming, inviting and becoming the feminine principle. It doesn't matter if you are male or female, but of course it helps to have the outer form of a female in terms of identifying yourself with that feminine principle. This is why I have started wearing costumes that are very beautiful, and that move beyond the western paradigm of physical beauty in the United States today. This [business garb] is the working outfit for many, many people. And it has its own beauty. But what we women have released, in order to be more functional, is that utterly useless beauty of the embroidery and the decoration and the embellishment; that energy just to be beautiful. What we need in this world is love, beauty, intimacy, emotional safety. We need to listen to the story of Scheherazade because she tamed the male principle. What is the story of Scheherazade? In brief, it is that there was this oriental king that felt that women were utterly beautiful, but utterly debased in terms of their ability to withstand temptation. They had no ability to withstand temptation. Only their virginity kept them from being sluts. You may be familiar with this [bias] in other forms, we have it in this culture also. There was this virgin/slut thing going on, so he wouldn't even let his partners for the night live the next day. At the dawning, he had despoiled them, they were no longer virgins, so he killed them, because then they could not be faithless. He didn't want the pain of them being faithless. He removed them. Scheherazade was in line for this glorious tasking. The dawn was coming, and she decided that maybe she would tell him a story. So she started telling him a story and charming him and delighting him and wooing him with soft images and sweetness. And he let her live so he could hear the end of the story. And, of course, she finished that one in the middle of the night, and started another story and she went through a thousand and one stories. By this time they had three children, and he decided to let her live. This is what we need to do. We need to tell our wolf our stories. We need to tell the murderer within our stories. We need to share with all of the shadow self, all of that 360 degrees, 180 of them are in the darkness. Right? Face it. We too are negative entities because the light and the dark together make us up. The darkness is like the strength, the grip, the will. When it is tamed, when you have wooed it and asked it to become your knight in shining armor and give you its strength, it will give you a tremendous amount of strength. Song: Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace, Your hands swift to welcome, Your arms to embrace, Be there at our homing, and give us, we pray, Your love in our hearts Lord, at the eve of the day. Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm, Whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm, Be there at out sleeping, and give us, we pray, Your peace in our hearts Lord, at the end of the day. Principle #6: Investigate and develop methods of service to others We all come here with outer gifts. The first thing we want to do is share those outer gifts, but I tell you what, that is the second thing. The first thing is the ministry of being. That is our true gift. We are all crystals. We are all vibrating in a certain complex pattern that is our signature in the metaphysical world. Nobody needs to know our name-that's our name. We are just sitting there, being. And there is not a whole lot you can do in one day to alter the vibration of that being. There is not a lot you can do in a decade or even in a lifetime, but you can change it a bit. You can keep nudging at it, and working at that, and identifying places where you feel your energy is blocked. Gradually begin to come more into an awareness of your own being, and the power and the magic of that being, because each one of us is a spark of the divine flame. Each one of us is that holographic picture thrown out by the one infinite Creator that remains one infinite Creator, plus all of our distortions, all of our colors. And we are all wonderfully colored beings with wonderfully complex energies that we offer to each other. And people don't exactly get what it is about somebody that they like, or that they don't like. You can't put your finger on it. It's the colors. There are some people that whose colors really enhance the aura. There are some people that seem to infringe. See what you can do to become an aura enhancer, by just appreciating your own self, and being easy with yourself, and being comfortable within your own skin. I think that is the thing that you need to do before you can get to the outer gifts and then using them. Then, of course, it is wonderful to use the outer gifts, but don't expect life to give you a ministry according to your outer gifts. Matter of fact, I almost think the definition of spiritual work is being given things that you can't do and being told, "Well, you do it with those gifts. Let's see what you can do to apply your gifts to this situation." There is a connection, trust it or it wouldn't be in your life. See what you can do to offer the gifts that life is asking of you." Song: Oh God of love, to thee we bow, And pray for these before thee now That closely knit in holy vow, They may in thee be One. Those of Ra say, in the case of only one individual acting, that that individual must be purified of all flaws to move a mountain. But in the case of a mass understanding of unity, each individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion, and yet the mass mind could move the mountain. We in this circle can change the story that the Earth tells to those that come after us. Today, just a little, just a nudge, but its spreads you see. It is the start of a ripple. So, as you sit here in this circle, you can imagine energy moving clockwise around the circle. And each time that you visualize that, add to it. Visualize that, add to it, spin the energy, give it your own shot and get the thing really going. You'd be surprised, there is a column of light, I have seen it sometimes in visions, a column that extends way up into the heavens. And the angels are thick around us, clustering and praising that beautiful light that is being generated by those of us within the veil. Because we do it by faith alone, we have no reason to believe it is working. Except that wonderful, very subjective process of coming into an awareness of woo! It is not just working, it is working big time. It is working in my life, constantly, unceasingly. And it is calling us to work. To work for the good, to work for what we believe in, to work for what we think is good. To share the best we know how. It is time to work, while we have life, while we have breath, while we have being. We need to find out what it is we have to say, and we need to say it. We need to be ministers. We need to realize our priesthood, that we are a sacred and holy people. Song: Come labor on. Away with gloomy doubts and faithless fear, No one so weak but may do service here: By feeblest agents may our God fulfill His righteous will. Principle #7: Become a responsible co-creator The moment contains love. Consciously, see that love. That is the lesson of this illusion, or density, and the first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life experience of an entity. Consciously see that the moment contains love. I like to put it as a question: "Where is the love in this moment?" It is really obvious in this moment, everywhere. Some moments are not so obvious and you really have to look, but there is always a place. There is always a place for love to stand, even if it is the place of a beatitude, even if it is a place of blessing those who spitefully use you. Of being poor in spirit, of being humble, of being a peacemaker, of being a person who mourns. These are blessings. They don't have the barometer of the world's popularity as blessings, but nevertheless, the beatitude is the best blessing of all as far as I am concerned. It is where I try to live. I see myself as above all things, an honorable and ethical person. Call it being a knight. I try to keep my armor polished. There are always chinks in the armor of light. I have many; I make many mistakes. I am so devastated when I find out about one of them. You know silly me, why would I be upset because I made a mistake? It's what we do here. I am hard on myself. I think we all are. Thanks. |