Below is a collection of essays



"The original desire is
that entities seek and become one"
-- by RA, an humble messenger of the Law of One



Human Crisis and Divine Plan

Scott Mandelker, PhD

Understandably, we who seek love/wisdom (both personally and collectively) lament the perpetual darkness of Earth's global culture. Endless warfare, institutional corruption and deceit, vast socioeconomic injustice, education and media folly, mind control commercialism and discord in family relations -- all such common features of human society cause Wanderers and all who care great sorrow and pain.

And yet, our pain is due to our perspective, and our perspective is based on subtle assumptions, many of which disregard Divine Plan and more specifically, the role of Earth in galactic soul evolution. Of course, few souls here venture past their own personal distortions, let alone try to comprehend esoterics of global function in cosmic relief.

Our common view is simple and justified by common sense; however, it is childish when held up to consideration of Logoic Plan and primacy of the Law of Free Will in interdimensional soul evolution. The common spiritual novice view is this:

Human/cosmic evil is bad and should be
opposed and eliminated.

This notion stems from our own subjective bias that values love and all it implies: equity, justice, freedom, goodwill, and harmonious social structure -- and there is nothing inherently wrong in it. However, all that exists is allowed to exist, and the Creator has granted primacy to free will in soul progression to allow us to choose our own paths of polarized self-development (what RA terms "service to self" and "service to other" -- the ways of seeking separation and/or unity).

To Logoic being, evil is neither mistake nor tragedy, and the misery that plagues humanity is fully warranted by its own personal and collective karmic inheritance. No, the Creator does not punish, but rather, souls self-generate their own life conditions in both individual and collective formation, and all souls choose their own circumstance to catalyze learning and growth. This is one of the cornerstones of basic metaphysics.

Admittedly, these ideas are controversial and cannot be accepted without significant wisdom and awareness of multidimensional soul law. Beyond the veil, using just a common 3D-mind complex, such ideas cannot be verified nor proven; thus you may disagree. I simply present the understanding that has come to me, and it is up to you to determine its relative accuracy.


Stepping back a moment, we can then ask this: why is it that evil, injustice and ignorance are so prevalent here? Yes, it is karmic law, the operation of multi-incarnational cause and effect. But could it be these conditions are not a deviation from cosmic law, not a perversion of how "things are supposed to be?" Could it be that planetary conditions are wholly in accord with Divine Plan?

Recalling dimensions of boundless light, sensing the profound love-harmony of groups from which we come, awakened Wanderers despair in the face of human evil and suffering. We know global conditions need not be this way; we trust ourselves enough to realize, "if they would but listen, this could be such a beautiful world." And yet, we have forgotten what Earth was meant to be, the true nature of the Logoic gift given to souls who constitute the dominant groups here.

For Wanderers, it must be remembered this is not our planet; it is their planet -- the ordained 3D home world of those in the majority incarnate here. Despite the presence of Wanderers and an ever-larger group of positively-oriented souls (seeking love-light, truth and harmony), the great majority of 3D incarnates here are non-polarized (not pledged to either selfish or selfless being). This is by far the majority consciousness on Earth, and you would do well to consider the implications, for there are many.

Please understand, I make no judgment here; it is simply plain fact: for one reason or another, most human souls are confused as to whether their path (not merely preference, but their affirmed, conscious, deliberate PATH) is that of love or control. Anyone can help an old lady who falls down before us, but real positive polarization demands far more than that. It is no less than whole-bodied commitment to our own personal growth and that of everyone around us. It is not a small matter; it is, rather, a driving imperative to an ever-growing life.

When oppressed, most humans on Earth seek freedom, justice and equal opportunity -- understandably -- but this too does not constitute true positive polarization. And generally, when those previously oppressed gain socioeconomic power, they turn their backs on the yet-disempowered, and turn left toward self-embellishment. This is the primary reason why the vast majority of human leadership is self-serving: those who support them outwardly, more or less, seek inwardly a comparable state of dominance and control. Actually, it could not be otherwise.

Thus, atop the human social ladder, ruling Earthly nations, we find souls for the most part polarized to self-service. Nor is this an accident: souls always get the leadership they deserve, in the same way as all beings receive the lives they create by karmic operation. It is spiritual immaturity to blame fate, accident, a fickle Creator or Creation, or some other "external" cause -- karmic law is eminently fair and true, and Divine justice operates in the most exacting detail, despite our ignorance of it.

Frankly, it is no mystery we find such misery, inequity, ignorance and prevalence of control structures in Earth's 3D social complex. It is primarily due to negatively-oriented self-serving leadership resting upon non-polarized (or inadequately love-wisdom based) souls who constitute the vast ranks of population. Upon close inspection, it is obvious that Wanderers are but a small percentage of humanity, and souls wholly centered in love-wisdom are really quite few here.

Simply put:

3D souls who are negatively oriented, negatively orienting,
and those not yet polarized
must go somewhere for their own development.

And where shall they go?

Well, in this sector of the galaxy they come here.


In no uncertain terms, Earth was given by the Logoic Creator of this solar system to be the home, training ground, and site of major 3D catalyst for all souls here at this point in the greater cycle. Although most souls universally end up choosing the love-wisdom path (serving others, moving toward unity in harmony), some do not, while some others have chronic blockage in their ability to polarize out of 3D along either path.

In this sector of the galaxy, planet Earth (an aspect of the solar system’s Logoic Creator) has chosen this role in grand service to these somewhat problematic souls. Not every Logos is willing to offer a portion of its being to host such disharmonious and darkened 3D incarnates -- and the Logoic willingness to allow itself to be used for catalyst provision for these somewhat "difficult" beings is a mark of its sanctity and power.

This is no different from how souls in 3D agree to be parents of "very troubled" other souls (coming to them as so-called "children") -- it is a sacrifice willingly made, a sign of a hardy being willing to challenge itself through disharmonious catalyst. The same can be said of the local Creator: it is quite willing to host these beings, a partnership that can lightly be referred to as "Orion and the Sleepers."


In any case, this can be understood further:

Souls in human 3D who are negatively oriented or orienting,
and those chronically asleep to the need for spiritual maturity
(unable to polarize left or right), wholly deserve each other
and reflect key unseen aspects of the other.

This is a very subtle point, but moves toward greater recognition of just how Divine Plan operates in this dimension, on a world that seems so full of crisis and chaos. From a shallow view, this is true -- but upon deeper consideration, 3D consciousness dynamics here are perfectly balanced, fitting, and fair. More than that, they are optimally self-structured to catalyze their own transformation if wisely used. A bit of collective depth psychology, á la Carl Jung, holds the key to understanding.

For those negatively oriented or orienting, the shadow-complex (consisting of all that is repressed) includes love, truth, and the reality of unified universal being. Conversely, for those maintaining chronic non-polarization, it is discernment, self-empowerment, and soul-demand for spiritual growth and choice that sits in the unseen shadow realm. Depth psychology teaches that the conscious orientation of human personality is always perfectly balanced by an unrecognized polar opposite complex in the deep mind.

The reason these two groups find themselves paired in this world is no less than the fact that each offers the other a perfect consciousness catalyst for their own continued soul evolution. Opposites do attract, both in interpersonal relations and collective soul grouping, and it is no accident these two forces are the dominant actors in 3D Earth.

Interestingly, those negatively oriented or orienting can be understood to be inadequately polarized on their path, thus needing catalyst sparking continued movement along their path of self-service. In contrast to those who naively imagine all souls should become "good and virtuous," there really are two paths of soul evolution, as above so below, and beings which consciously reject love-unity do have the right to progress themselves without heart-activation.

This is a controversial point, admittedly, but is well known to mystics East and West, is often discussed in Buddhist/Hindu teachings, and can be found in all traditions of genuine Ageless Wisdom. It is simply an outgrowth and consequence of the blanketing Law of Free Will, and is itself an essential feature of Divine Plan. The Creator has created the foundations of just such polarity, and actively supports its maintenance.

Curiously, the negative path demands continual reduction of love and unified presence, increasing conformity in thought and action to the ways of power aggrandizement, one-pointed access and use of self-will, and steady growth in the "negative use of wisdom" (using mind to control and dominate). Examples can be found in such books as The Art of War by the Chinese logician Sun Tzu, and the works of Machiavelli. These are simply manuals for those on the negative path, and were of course inspired by souls in higher "negative" dimensions.

In Earth’s 3D realm, those on this path find themselves confronted with a great mass of souls who have not yet made their choice of polarity, who innately rebel against their own oppression, but yet lack the self-trust and discernment to realize the solution to their predicament.

For those seeking further dominance, the challenge is to increase their own mind/will access and conscious polarization in the ways of control. In essence, the lack of discernment and self-empowerment of the masses they rule (those neither polarized towards love or control) reflects their own still-inadequate usage of mind and will upon their already-chosen negative path. This is a perfect example of soul-group mirroring, and in a strange way, is no less than another indication of cosmic unity.

Those whom we may consider "asleep" to their own divine light and strength are a perfect counterpoint to those on the self-service path -- who are also seeking increased access to inner power through mind, and in their case, a heart-blocked use of wisdom. The inertia of non-polarized groups offers significant catalyst for those already negatively polarized, giving them (in a kind of ironic sense) the opportunity to refine their evil.

Again, I certainly do not support or encourage the negative path, but I do believe we need to understand the esoterics of just why we find these two groups dominant in 3D Earth, and consider the dynamics of just how these two consciousness poles reflect and play off each other. Without doubt, the Creator and the highest beings in our octave of 7 densities are replete with love and unity-being, without an iota of the desire to harm. Of course, that is the ultimate goal of all soul progression upon either path.

But in time and space, there is polarized soul growth, and far more than making us all "good," the Creator seeks soul progression through freely chosen self-development. That these two groups find themselves facing off against each other in this dimension is no accident, is in full accord with Divine Plan, and offers carefully designed catalyst so each may refine their own choices.


For their part, those who've not yet made adequate effort in mind polarization find themselves dominated, in the main, by a negatively oriented ruling class relatively clear about the ways of self-aggrandizement. While this type of leadership does offer an opportunity to join their ranks (inviting some into human institutional/control structures), in the main, the agenda of those in control is generally to keep "as many down as possible," using them to their own benefit without significant power sharing. Of course, we see this in operation all over the world.

Certainly, most of the souls as yet non-polarized in 3D do end up choosing the positive path of love-unity -- and will not, in the long run, turn against their own heart. Nevertheless, they are given the option of going either way. The main function of negative leadership is to "squeeze" those not yet polarized through increasing body-mind restriction and control towards greater activation of their own mind and will through the catalyst of collective and repeated heart-wounding.

Of course, mind and will are essential to both paths of polarization, but the primary quality needed for positive polarization (in distinction to self-service) is heart-activation, genuine compassion toward self and other. By means of long-standing social complex oppression and dominance, negative leadership offers those not yet polarized the catalyst of physical-mental suffering and spiritual heart-constriction. The "hope" from higher levels is that those oppressed will generate greater heart-activation as a means of seeking their own freedom (itself a quality of the positive path).

Though these are truly miserable aspects of human experience, if used wisely (as with all catalyst) they can fuel great soul growth. In the face of such misery (i.e. "human crisis"), non-polarized souls are given strong impetus to wake up to what they really want, who they really are, the latent power of their insufficiently used powers of intellect, and the self-fulfilling primacy of heart-centered being.

Like turning lemons to lemonade by adding sugar, sour dismal 3D experience generated by negatively oriented or orienting leadership (driving human society to constant strife and limitation) is potent catalyst for those yet sleeping to their own unbounded potential.

Certainly, such difficulties also give those who are already seeking world peace a chance to increase their own heart-centered commitment -- but I believe it is mainly to the sleeping masses that negative leadership catalyst is directed. There are countless love-based 3D social complexes in the galaxy, but what makes this 3D realm unique is its preponderance of chronically non-orienting souls, those who have missed repeated graduations (on other worlds) and thus remain cycling in this plane.

The dominance of global human leadership works primarily upon those who are non-oriented, as they constitute the majority consciousness grouping on Earth, and have the most to learn as they lift themselves out of what RA termed, "the vast sinkhole of indifference."


For Wanderers, it is a key to our well being to understand and make peace with the rampant evil and ignorance on Earth. We cannot be of much service to others, let alone offer clear love-light radiatory energy to the globe, if we remain confused and daunted by the distortions of the social complex within which we live. The ideas of this essay come from my own personal confrontation and inner process of just this dynamic -- a relatively bright soul living in a somewhat darkened social complex. I imagine this is much the same for you.

No doubt, the Creator is all things and no-thing, and apparent polarity is predominant only due to our own occluded perception. With greater expanded awareness, so-called polarity is seen as interwoven strands of vibratory light in the boundless matrix of the One Field of Creation. The primary quality of the One Field is limitless light, Ain Soph (from Hebrew Kabbala) and Mahamudra ("the great seal," from Tibetan Buddhism). Thus we need not despair, no matter how sordid life on this orb appears to be.

From the perspective of freedom, there is no enduring slavery in Creation, and from the point of being of 6D groups who guide soul evolution, it is right and fitting that both negatively-oriented souls and those not yet having chosen each have a place to grow. Reversing my assumptions about how Earth life was "supposed to be," I could glimpse the cosmic function of this world by its being just the way it is. Our real challenge is to make peace with the fact we have chosen to be here.

And so, it is essential we grow settled in our own life-purpose and the fulfillment of our intentions in taking birth in this world. For myself, I realize that verbal and written teaching is but one element of "what I'm here to do," and that the quality of my presence (vibratory, radiatory being) is far more important than the thought forms I produce. For you too, it is crucial to come into alignment with just why it is you awaken here in human body every morning.

Wishing you wisdom and light centered in boundless heart-care, feeling the glory of the One in Whom we live and move and take our breath, I thank you for your work in being here, and trust you will continue your unfoldment in peace and power.

Scott Mandelker
San Francisco, CA
April 6, 2004

The Metaphysics of Karmic Law

Scott Mandelker, PhD -- San Francisco, CA

Revised 8/20/03

Introductory Statements
There is no greater evolutionary force in Creation than the karmic law of cause and effect. As the primary means by which souls evolve through all dimensions of apparent time-space, it is the prime mover in soul progression across all realms of incarnation.

It is itself a consequence and derivative of the grand Law of Free Will (the causative basis of manifest Creation) by which beings are given the right and, indeed the duty to continually choose their way. As its main function, the karmic law encourages and guides continual soul growth and the ineluctable progress of time-space itself. It is no less magnificent than this, and generates the very pathways of all-dimensional existence, being this close to the heart of the Creator-Logoi in fulfillment of their unknowable Cosmic Plan.

Reaping what we sow, creating our own reality, meeting projected fragmentary aspects of inner life on the canvas of so-called external activity -- all this is guided by the majestic laws of karma. It is the process by which the aspected and apparently complex (ie, self-contradictory) personal self returns in form, energy and consciousness to a completed universal self. Without karmic operation, souls literally could not return to themselves.

In human life, we wonder why various circumstances come our way, why some of us enjoy streaming pleasure while others seem doomed to constant limitation -- and yet, all this proceeds under ineluctable karmic law, not accidental in the least. The universe is not capricious; terran humanity simply doesn't comprehend the logic of soul progression along the long, multi-incarnational and multi-dimensional way of polarized manifestation.

Gautama Buddha explained it simply and for practical usage in his primary teachings. As a "way-shower," he pointed out that our virtuous thoughts and deeds are precursors to happiness, while selfishness in all forms is the progenitor of suffering. And yet, many souls of deep love and kindness in this world do suffer greatly, while many of the most heinous (negatively polarized souls) on Earth reap untold wealth and influence, living in oases of luxury with continual options for further self-enhancement. This state of affairs simply cannot be understood without deep recognition of timeless reincarnation plans and the prevailing extra-dimensional laws and pre-incarnative life-design of souls.

This principle of higher-dimensional planning for incarnation is no less than the metaphysical basis for eventually coming to terms with the purpose of all form-based life itself. Though its complete dynamic cannot be fully understood with the current mind complex we use in the 3rd dimensional matrix, it can be penetrated in an elementary way by those who seek to know and gain wisdom. Such is the purpose of this writing.

PART I: Essential Principles

There can be no real understanding of karmic law without recognition of several main precedents, as noted below. These recognitions also provide a philosophic gateway to all durable, universally valid spiritual wisdom regarding karmic operation in our own lives. Attachment to such differentiated conception must, of course, one day be transcended, but it is deeply useful at our stage of development. These elementary precedents to comprehensive realization of karmic law include the following:

(1) a relatively eternal, time/space independent soul (in the Buddhist approach, a non-solid/selfless yet continuing life-stream of mental tendencies);

(2) multi-dimensional existence (the basic so-called "inner worlds" which are, in actuality, far more complex than the outer physical form-manifestation); and

(3) intelligent guidance (equated with God, Logos, Creator, Higher Self, or simply a wholly lawful self-organizing principle of Life and Mind itself).

I have no doubt that all we experience has been chosen at some level of our being. All the minutiae and larger situational experiences coming our way were created by us, either consciously or unconsciously. Thus, each of us absolutely and without exception 'deserve' and are due exactly and fully all that we experience, down to the length and shade of each hair on the body. Karmic law is profoundly complex and exacting in all its details.

It is said that, "God never gives us more than we can handle," and that, "all things exist for a purpose." Such statements reiterate this view, essential to spiritual wisdom and the cognitive foundation to eventual total self-responsibility -- which is itself the basis of all durable self-healing and balancing.

Without such self-ownership of personal life details, we simply cannot make peace with ourselves, our fated life-components, and the current challenges we each individually face. This type of realization is itself a gateway to accessing the fuller powers of self, via personal linkage to the Logoic will. Comprehending karmic law is, in deed, an exercise in plumbing the mind of God, and thereby, divine omnipotent power.

This type of metaphysical analysis also points to the specific functions of karmic law, though the law goes far deeper than personal process. We cannot make true peace with the countless, ever-shifting, challenging dynamics of personality life without recourse to appreciation of karmic law, its complexity and profound subtlety. Without such understanding, we remain in the position of Job, railing against the Creator for the experiences of suffering we ourselves have created.

Nor can we grasp the course and directions of group-soul progress (in our case, this pertains to earth human collective history and current manifestations), without deep consideration of karmic process over millennia and across dimensions. Again, we can only achieve a mere toe-in to this comprehension while still embodied in 3D form, but even our elementary exercise of such wisdom has great personal value as a means to greater mind complex clearance and activation.

Indeed, these are most serious matters, and thus it is said that some of the highest, eldest, most sublime beings still at work in manifest Creation oversee the complex minutiae of karmic dispensation, at both collective and individual levels. For it must be noted that there are both karmic streams of individuated souls on their own polarized path (pursuing either unity or separation, the so-called positive and negative orientations), as well as countless major groupings of souls, at all dimensional levels. For the so-called Lords of Karma, there is vast life to coordinate and assist in seven-dimensional spheres.

Both categories of consciousness groups (that of relatively simple units of body-mind-spirit complexes, what we call "souls," as well as the greater coordinated streams of associated units evolving en masse), demand highly complex karmic arrangements for their continued, proper evolution. Obviously, the spiritual growth of beings cannot be overseen and coordinated at the same level of their own learning -- it can only be overseen by those finished with such progression -- ie, those done with the entire circuit of octave evolution.

In human affairs, this is comparable to the maxim that a problem cannot be solved at the same level of its genesis nor its same field of operation. In a little-appreciated statement, Einstein once remarked something to the effect that, "the problems we face cannot be solved by the same minds that created them." This is even more so in the case of karmic operation, since the 'problems" in that field are truly multi-dimensional.

All such groups (individual souls and collective soul groups) traverse inconceivable eons of time-space through multiple densities, along the course of which they are required to perfectly 'balance out' the consequences of all experiences they have consciously chosen and self-created through ignorance, distortion, and incomplete awareness of perfect love-unity. As the path is circular, souls cannot return to their original true nature unless they have come back into energetic conformity with the nature of their essential starting-point.

All such personal knots and blockages -- manifested in etheric energy fields as well as in apparent mental/cognitive confusion and imbalances -- must be resolved, untangled, and harmonized along the way. Only then can souls and soul-groups fully return to the innate condition of perfect love-unity, that is both our source and our destination. Thus, metaphysical teachings refer to soul evolution as, "the path of return."

The supervised dispensation of karmic dues and the gradual and meticulously timed precipitation into manifest (apparently external) form of all that yet remains fragmented to evolving soul consciousness, can only be effected by beings who are themselves so far outside time-space as to be entirely free of all karmic necessity.

Rightly, oversight for karmic operation begins at the level of Higher Self in late-sixth density, so we are admittedly a bit over our heads here! Nevertheless, some Wanderers on Earth have come from this level of being, and can thus appreciate this perspective...

Those beings in oversight of karmic operation can be said to have absolute mastery over the boundless ramifications of an infinite variety of soul choices. They wield with impeccable wisdom and skill the potentia of manifold experiential forms and incarnative experience, all for the purpose of catalyzing required re-balancing and soul orientation.

Obviously, this is no small matter, far, far beyond the comprehension of almost all Earth humans. The degree of intelligence required for administration of perfectly accurate karmic precipitation, for souls and soul-groups at all dimensional levels of Creation (simultaneously), is far beyond the human ken, to say the least.

Thus, RA noted that beings "from beyond the octave," beyond the sevenfold dimensional scheme of solar systems and individuated soul and group-soul evolution, fulfill such operative karmic functions. Only they are capable of such activity, and in the writings of Alice Bailey and the teacher Djwhal Khul, only these beings can rightly being called the "Lords of Karma." Down here on the ground, the most we can do (which is quite a task itself), is to process as best we can all such experiential distillates in personal life.

In line with this, the entire topic of karma was one of several themes Gautama Buddha deemed "the incomprehensibles." Such speculation for the monks of his day (even though many of them would be classed as advanced adepts, no small achievement) was deemed a fruitless topic for mental engagement.

Still under the sway of apparently real, dualistic space-time conditions, and still subject to variable and ever-unstable personal becoming through mental grasping, there really is little on these matters that can be known -- since, as stated before, we ourselves are certainly nowhere near beyond the operation of karmic law. Thus, it was deemed a waste of time to devote personal attention to mere speculation.

Nevertheless, in my view, there is value in attempting relative comprehension of the absolutely incomprehensible, especially if we are fully aware at the outset that the best we can hope for is but a tiny fraction of total gnosis. As RA said of soul work in physical 3rd density existence, it is wholly a task of, "working in darkness with a tiny candle." And yet, real growth can be made for those who accept the challenges of gross limitation, as we really can expand our access to the realm of knowable things.

And so, this essay is an exercise in bringing scant illumination to the 3rd dimensional mind complex of those who feel attraction to this rather advanced work. To know what is beyond us, even just a bit, refines and energizes our own development though long-term activation of greater spiritual seeking. To gain a bit more understanding of karmic law, its application to personal and collective life at this time in human history, and its nature and function in overall cosmic plan, is certainly worthy of our time and attention. Seeking that which is beyond seeking, if approached rightly, is highly effective catalyst for quickened soul growth.

PART II: Functions of Karmic Law

Overall, karma operates to accelerate soul and soul group evolution, namely, the dissolution of each and every mind/body/spirit distortion to total realization of love-unity. Being "finished with karma" equates to completion of the long path of individuated light-spark soul progress, and occurs only with final fusion into the formless light of the One Infinite. Obviously, anyone who publicly claims such achievement is self-deluded.

Technically, this normally occurs late within what is called 7th density, which is akin to the achievement of "sat-chit-ananda" (truth-consciousness-bliss), the term used in the Hindu yogic system. It is comparable to the state of "avatara" and Buddha -- complete and perfect enlightenment. Of course, it can be achieved here in 3D, but again, it is exceptionally rare to find such a one on the world stage.

Karmic law is at the heart of all evolutionary catalysis, as the primary force behind increasingly higher dimensional progress and consciousness expansion of all souls. Of course, the specific forms of karmic expression (and this entire discussion) become increasingly subtle and harmonious above 3rd density life. This is beyond the current level of discussion, of course.

Essentially, the ultimate goal of love-unity realization requires dissolution of all fixed belief in substantial duality, and is accompanied by absolute mastery and freedom within all realms of the octave system. This can only be achieved when souls realize the true nature of all manifest catalyst to likewise be non-substantial (so-called "emptiness" or sunyata in the Buddhist system) and imbued with essential love (the quality of infinite light being absolute beneficence).

Such transmuted-being realization defines the operative parameters of attaining return to the condition of oneness with all Creation and all forms of life.

The existence of karmic law itself is an expression of boundless Logoic love, and its nature and function is to continually encourage realization of the underlying, immanent unity of all being and becoming. Bringing this down to personal life, we find continual activity of karmic law in human affairs.

Normally, karma is only recognized as such when its expression surpasses a certain threshold of energetic charge to the individual. However, this tendency to focus on that which indicates "contrast' (bound up with perception of conflict and complexity) fails to see and appreciate the greater bulk of karmic operation in personal life.

As the teacher Djwhal Khul once noted, souls have far more "good karma" than "bad," though most of us pay far more attention to the latter, as contrast, conflict and complexity capture attention far more rapidly than harmony. Nevertheless, this ‘negative focus’ is the norm simply because the internal condition of soul itself is absolute harmony -- thus the perception of non-harmony is internally incongruent with our true nature.

Of course, this innate harmony forms the subtle background-field against which all experience of apparent disharmony strikes a clear, discordant vibratory note. As the soul seeks to impress its own being upon the manifest body-mind-spirit (which is none other than itself, in final analysis), there is created a sort of non-echo in the soul-personality axis -- which is the esoteric cause of all spiritual seeking, in the first place.

More practically, most souls recognize the operation of karmic law only according to the dichotomous experience of pleasure/pain, and thus remain bound to the limitations of this bipolar view. No doubt, such shallow comprehension of karmic operation also ensures a limited ability to work with the law and process karmic experience.

Perceiving the operation of karmic law only when life-catalyst elicits a certain intensity of personal reaction, then placing it simply into a static categorization of pleasure/pain, indicates a somewhat early stage of realizing karmic process.

A more advanced view eliminates this polarity altogether, and helps us appreciate that all experience (whether pleasant or otherwise) serves the purpose of encouraging soul achievement of complete non-distortion. Such a view recognizes karmic law as an intrinsically impersonal universal force, and goes even further to acknowledges the existence of apparent causality itself but a perceptual 'trick' of limited mind development.

When consciousness is sufficiently enlightened by itself, apparent causality is resolved into complete omnipresent simultaneity. At that stage, souls are no longer bound by time-space and karmic law, and may enter the ranks of those who administer the operation of karma within such realms of apparent duality, an example of which is our 3rd dimension.

Furthermore, the distinction between "good karma" and "bad" is misleading because the determination of karmic law proceeds from levels of consciousness far beyond all such polarized judgement. Its practical operation really has little do with human conceptions of reward and punishment (as such deeper belief bases give rise to the "good/bad" dichotomy in the first place). Enormous confusion has been spawned by this particular interpretation, as evidenced by the distortions of all major religious teachings on heaven.

Plainly, the dispensation of soul and soul group karma is actually a morally neutral phenomenon. To the Logoi, there are no so-called "moral" valuations, only a straight recognition of metaphysical free will choice (that of the personality and its higher aspect which realizes the complete Path to be trod). Beyond this, the Logoi provide the needed structuring of the laws of Creation (one of which is karmic law) to encourage further soul progress according to soul decision.

From the evolutionary perspective of Logos and Higher Self (the primary agents of our overshadowing self-luminous intelligence), what souls choose to do in response to karmic outpouring is really the central issue -- not whether or not karmic down flow is deemed good or bad. The purpose of evolution and life itself is not enjoyment, though increased pleasure does result from wise soul choice along the path.

The Creator and Creation are not much interested in static rewards and punishment. What is achieved today may surely be reversed tomorrow, and what is useful catalyst to one soul may be absolutely invisible to another -- all of which is as it should be. In light of this, it is quite short sighted to define karma in terms of good/bad, or pleasure/pain.

As the central and most important outcropping of the Law of Free Will, the primary function of karmic law is to catalyze soul choice, first and foremost, and from the evolutionary purist view, simply and only for its own sake. As "the purpose of Creation is that the Creator may experience Itself," freely established choice is the primary nutriment that feeds the boundless divine experience. From this perspective as well, terms such as "good karma" and "bad" have little importance and no use.

Returning to the more mundane, but no less important consideration of personal human life, it should be known that most instances of above-threshold karmic operation classed along the "good/bad" continuum are simply a return to the sender of energies and tendencies previously set in motion by that soul itself. Prior acts of the evolving and reincarnating mind/body/spirit complex, the personal triadic web of the soul field in time-space set all individual karmic streams in motion, which provide the main working field of our own growth.

Such karmic returns manifest several distinct operations, including:

(1) the precise quality of their originating self-generated energies cleverly transformed into apparently outer events;

(2) various manifestations and changes of the body complex itself, as complex symbolic representations of inner personality imbalances, blockages, and conflicts; and

(3) qualities of mind and emotion carried and offered by other souls in relationship to us, revealing aspects of as-yet unrecognized inner dynamics within us needing some degree of spiritual re-orientation; and

(4) thought forms transmitted and received at mental-spiritual levels, material or subtle, which offer the catalyst of revealed options for such re-orientation itself.

What is classed as "good karma" is simply the set of reflections we favor, and the contrary for the "bad." Yet, in no case is it the intention of such karmic precipitation to lock us into fixed experiences of pleasure/pain. No matter how ghastly such circumstances may feel to the participant and appear to the onlooker, the mechanism of such experiential challenge proceeds only from divine beneficence. Of course, this may only be an article of faith for those of us without adequate gnosis, not having yet made direct contact with the essential impetus behind life-events.

PART III: Practical Considerations and Polarity

Along the personal subjective continuum, karmic precipitation that we generally class into the duality of pleasure/pain, actually serves to confirm, validate, mirror, express, and often challenge (particularly in the case of "bad karma") prevailing trends and tendencies already resident within the recipient soul to whom appears. We are only being given back discretely apportioned elements of ourselves, no matter how miserable it may feel.

As internal trends and tendencies of the personal human mind are generally poorly seen, known, and accepted (if not totally ignored) by souls in 3rd density fixation, the process of karmic precipitation serves to reveal the deeper self to the conscious self. This is both the path and fruit of the universal Way of Return: the return of conscious awareness to all-awareness, self to Self, god to God, and the lesser manifest light to the One infinite light.

Obviously, the axiom that "we create our own reality" is far more difficult to recognize, apply, and use constructively in the case of painful inbound catalyst (ie, so-called "bad karma)," which may be quite horrific in its appearance. For example, why was it that earth humanity suffered over 100 million wartime deaths in the 20th century? At our level of being, such represents incalculable personal tragedy, and yet, this was but the karmic result of innumerable causal sequences, some of which are significantly inter-dimensional in their origin.

It is not that the Creator ordained such primitive bloodletting, but it was certainly not stopped from occurring through intervention from higher levels of being. And yet, it did serve multiple spiritual re-orientation goals for both individual souls and the entire human soul group family on this planet. The specific purposes -- including a needed "lightening of the astral plane," as stated by Djwhal Khul through Alice Bailey -- are well known by those who guide our evolution.

Thus, whatever comes down the pike is just our own face in various guises. This can be considered (especially in San Francisco, my hometown) the Logos in drag, and a mirror-appearing opportunity for greater freedom from our unseen inner distortions. This is hard to realize, of course, when the incoming guest is violence and bloodshed.

And yet, despite the drama, souls are just being shown on the palette of ‘external life’ their own deeper aspects, patterns, layers, potentials, and general mind/spirit qualities. In the case of what we call "good karma," karmic law operates to give us what can be seen as congratulatory support for further advance upon that soul's own chosen path. In contrast to the inherent fixity of the "reward" view, karmic activity is in fact intensely, immensely dynamic and finely ever shifting, inconceivably sensitive to all minute shifts in soul consciousness and the actions that proceed therefrom.

In the case of those upon the positive path of service to others (which is the major way of soul evolution, directly seeking love-unity through truth, balance and non-grasping), the support granted by harmonious karmic inflow serves to reduce various kinds of personal limitation. It thus increases opportunity for further evolution (including opportunity for service to others) to the soul that has proven itself capable of progressing in harmony, not needing severe restraint for re-balancing and re-orientation.

Interestingly, the real benefit given by such beneficent physical, mental and spiritual conditions is the fact that such experiences and influences demand no further attention. The deeper value of so-called "good karma" is the fact that it releases and frees up soul attention and energy for increased work on matters of greater priority than simply dealing with the latest crises of the day.

Various forms of "good karma" obviously feel like some kind of reward, and generally elicit pleasure, but in actuality, the matrix of such august conditions is simply the removal of potential obstacles. The dispensation of such conditional harmony was never meant to become a stopping point upon the ageless path of ceaseless growth. It is only humanity, which sees life through the lens of corporeal identification, that interprets karma in static terms implying some kind of "final resting place."

Clearly, when karmic law is seen strictly through the bi-focal lens of fixed reward-and-punishment, souls are more likely to pause, stop, and grow entangled in life conditions. Ironically, this involves emotional attachment to the very same outer and inner conditions that were only meant to be the basis for further non-attachment. This is quite interesting, and likely represents a successful ploy on the part of negative higher dimensional forces influencing religious notions of karma -- seeking to retard human soul progression.

In another light, these pleasing outer/material karmic manifestations (including the so-called 'inner conditions" of radiant body and finely tuned mind by birth) simply all mirror the inward grace, harmony and beauty already achieved by that soul. This is echoed by Jesus's statement: "to him who has much, much shall be given." Harmony within certainly generates harmony without.

As a glimpse of glory (some semblance of perfection in form) and completion (primarily through the function of removing additional soul obstacles), such karmic dispensation is meant as a light above the path, leading that one on to the further greater light. From the perspective of karmic administration, the single motivation is always the intention to support further soul progress.

On the other side, considering those on the negatively oriented path of service to self (the minor way or left-hand path of seeking Oneness through separation via control), the process is somewhat reversed. For them, what we would consider good fortune (ie, harmonious karmic dispensation) is actually the ripened fruit due them by previously achieved 'evil.' Regardless of path, harmonious karmic down flow results from efficient use of catalyst, granting them a platform for quickened evolution and further progress according to their own chosen orientation.

Thus, successful use of catalyst on the negative path reaps fruit of the conqueror, and may be seen as karmic "rewards" that allow even greater polarity. Those at a high level on the negative path may be born with native strength and beauty of body (respectively for men and women); this serves the purpose of further drawing in other souls, so as to dominate them. They may have luxurious and abundant material conditions, great powers of logic and intelligence (though no degree of kindness), well-oiled social networks to aid further power aggrandizement (ie, "the right connections"), and well-honed instincts of smooth manipulation of others.

Possession of these qualities may be considered to be "karmic reward" by those on the left-hand path, but ironically, these conditions are highly valued by all Earth humanity. In this way, we can see how our planetary world culture can rightly be considered "leftward leaning," though not quite fully service to self.

Though the phrase, "successful evil" may seem paradoxical, it is not so from the view of Higher Self. In essence, what is deemed to be "efficient use of catalyst" (which is key to the quality of karmic dispensation programmed from higher being) on the negative path is exactly opposite from what it is on the positive path. It is not quite correct to say that such beings simply "need love and self-healing" -- for those ingredients do not further at all their continued soul progression on the so-called "left-hand path."

For those of negative orientation, ever greater control of self and others is key, and is the measure and mark of efficient use of catalyst. Achieving greater external/social and internal/spiritual dominance is exactly their goal and just what they require to progress.

On the other hand, the key to the positive path is continued body/mind/spirit balancing in love-light manifestation, with increasingly demonstrated appreciation of unity. For while the path of self-service demands deception, the heart of the positive path is maintenance of evolving wholeness.

In both cases, what is considered "reward" or "good karma" is perfectly suited to further soul growth upon their chosen path, which is a far more dynamic process than the relative stasis assumed and imbedded in the dichotomous paradigm of reward and punishment. Humans may call it "good karma," but beyond the comfort and pleasure experienced, the essence of what makes it "good" is simply the potent support it grants for further soul polarization.

Of course, well-processed and intelligently handled "bad karma" may also function to boost soul growth, which is also its native intention and purpose. In general, the value of conflict, pain and hardship comes through its power to shatter and interrupt certain ingrained patterns of mind-distortion (whether established in past lives or created in the current one).

Thus, Higher Self will not save us from the consequences of our own doing, though guidance and comfort are available. Interestingly, earth humans often seem to require (and thus perpetually re-create) painful circumstances to revitalize their soul growth...

Indeed, it is a very important achievement to recognize misfortune as opportunity, misery as self-created, the reception of human injustice as cosmic justice, and personal limitation as a wide-open door to further spiritual expansion. Of course, these are lovely phrases, but hard to realize amidst the intensity of disharmonious experiential catalyst. As RA once said, 3D human life provides "an adequate heaven, and a more than adequate hell."


UV book cover

Adapted from Scott Mandelker's ET JournalUniversal Vision is a grand synthesis of advanced knowledge on cosmic life, human evolution, and the principles of spiritual growth. It includes essays on Wanderers and ET agendas, Earth Changes and survival, plus new teachings on meditation, Higher Self, self-healing, and the 7 chakras -- as well as reader mail, personal stories, extensive Q-&-A sections, charts and outlines. Universal Vision also includes advanced teaching, applications, and commentary on The RA Material

 (Please scroll down for ordering information.)

Words of Praise for Universal Vision



"Universal Vision is a cosmic tool box, filled with dozens of practical, useful spiritual instruments designed to enable you to build a solid bridge to the future -- a bridge structured to support your soul's evolution in a union with the universe and All That is." 

-- Brad Steiger, author of Star People and Starborn

"As an eloquent and elegant guide, Dr. Mandelker takes the reader on a grand tour of ancient, and ageless wisdom.  As an old ET soul and a modern psychotherapist, Scott offers critical insights and compassionate comments on the joys and sufferings of Schoolhouse Earth and the Soul's Journey -- Self-fulfillment in Service to Others.  Enjoy the Tour!" 

-- R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., author, counselor, and UFO researcher

"The ET phenomenon cannot be fully understood without an understanding and integration of the spiritual aspects of metaphysics.  In this book, Scott provides a wonderfully clear blueprint that can be used by both the layman and the serious searcher."

-- Delores Cannon, hypnotherapist, psychic researcher, and author

"In Universal Vision, Scott Mandelker establishes himself as one of the leading voices of the new millennium, presenting a vision of the new earth that is now coming into being.  This book is for all those who are devoted to the welfare of the planet, interested in soul growth and human evolution, and who want to help in the realization of the next stage of our planetary and galactic unfolding.  For all such persons, this book offers profound spiritual instruction and guidance, and will be a most treasured spiritual resource." 

-- Dr. Kenneth Ring, author: Heading Toward Omega,
& Lessons from the Light

"Scott Mandelker possesses the rare gift of a clear and rational intellect combined with the deep spirituality of eastern mysticism.  Universal Vision weaves a tapestry to assist us in understanding and experiencing our personal relationship to the universe."

-- Lyssa Royal, author of Millennium: Tools for the Coming Changes,
Preparing for Contact



A note from Rosemary Minden: You may want to read the review by John Ludi. His review emphasizes that Universal Vision is written for Wanderers, but to me, it is essential reading for all truth seekers! 

. . .
Click here to learn more about this book
"All day I think about it, then
At night I say it.
Where did I come from, and
What am I supposed to be doing?
My soul is from elsewhere,
I'm sure of that."

-- Rumi, 13th Century


With an Introduction by Brad Steiger, From Elsewhere takes a close look at what might be the most unusual New Age group: those who claim extraterrestrial (ET) identity. Adapted from the Ph.D. research of Scott Mandelker via personal interviews, From Elsewhere follows the lives of 25 "Wanderers" and "Walk-ins" from their unusual childhood to the rare events that lead them to an extraordinary sense of self. Detailed case stories trace their growth from confusion to clarity, dealing with society, intimacy, and life-mission. Their ideas on UFOs, human history, and the fate of planet Earth make fascinating reading.

(Please scroll down for ordering information.)

  • An expanded questionnaire to discover if you too are an ET soul
  • Personal world service and your purpose for coming to Earth
  • Future predictions: chaos, confusion, and the growth of love 
  • Information on Earth Ascension / Harvest and the movement to 4th Density 
  • The "global salvage project"



Scott Mandelker

Born April 22, 1962 in New York City, Scott Mandelker completed his doctorate in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco in 1992. His Ph.D. combines eclectic Western psychology with intensive study of Eastern religions, and followed upon years of formal training in US and Asian Buddhist temples (in Japanese Zen and Thai Theravadan traditions).

After leaving monastic life, Scott earned a B.A. in Buddhist Studies from Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado in 1987. After receiving an M.A. in Counseling in 1990, he began a private practice in spiritual counseling, which he maintains in San Francisco and upon his travels.  He has published over a dozen essays on metaphysics, Eastern religions, and the spiritual meaning of ET contact and the UFO presence.       

His interest in the phenomenon of ET identity developed from years of meditation, personal experience, and extensive study of New Age material. Focusing on the reality of cosmic contact and human life at the turn of the millennium, his first book, From Elsewhere: Being ET in America, focuses on those who have uncovered their cosmic roots. His second book, Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan, integrates Buddhist and Eastern wisdom with the metaphysics of ET contact, UFO agendas, and global transformation. It includes extensive discussion of self-healing, meditation, and the principles of body-mind-spirit transformation.

Scott Mandelker was editor and publisher of the bi-monthly ET Journal from 1995-1999, and has presented at numerous New Age conferences, including Whole Life Expos, Rocky Mountain and Gulf Breeze Expos, and Star Knowledge gatherings. He has appeared on over 70 radio shows including Art Bell and Laura Lee, plus network TV shows such as Hard Copy, Strange Universe, The Other Side, and Mysteries, Magic and Miracles. His first book was translated into Japanese, Polish and Romanian, and his second, Universal Vision, was released in July 2000 by UV Way. Scott is based in San Francisco and offers regular teaching and counseling throughout the US and Japan.


The Time of Global Shift April 27, 2002 in Louisville, KY

John Major Jenkins on the Mayan Calendar, with Q & A

John Major Jenkins (JMJ): I want to take a few minutes here to sum up some important points on the Mayan calendar, which I think would be good for everyone to chew on a little bit. As long ago as 1904, a man named Joseph T. Goodman did research and figured out the correlation between the Mayan calendar and our modern calendar. Ever since that time, esotericists and interested people have been speculating on the meaning of the year 2012, because at that point we knew that the end of the 13-baktun cycle was in the year, 2012 A.D. This was then later confirmed by J. Eric S. Thompson.

The interesting thing is that my research has also shown that this is a rare astronomical alignment and it really does seem that the Maya intended the year 2012 to target this rare alignment – which I talk about in my books, the alignment of the solstice sun with the galaxy. Now, it seems to me that any discussion of what 2012 is all about should refer back to the true intention of the original people who invented the Long Count calendar that gives us this date of 2012.

So I think it is very important to always include in discussions of 2012 the material we find at the early site of Izapa. I think this is a fascinating site and it is completely ignored in the academic literature as being of such importance – even though we do know that the Long Count system was invented there, as well as the Maya Creation myth.

So we not only have the astronomy of the Long Count calendar that culminates in 2012, but we have the Creation mythology that goes along with it. And specifically, we can look at the monuments of Izapa, like we did last night in the slide show, and see the ball court monuments that tell us a lot about what the Izapans believed about 2012. Remember the slide that portrayed the throne and the head birthing through the legs of the throne monument – this is all about birth, and the ball game metaphor refers to the alignment as well on another level.

This is the meaning of their game, which is a co-creation, pointing to the fact that human beings must participate in these great cycles. We are indispensable participants in these great cycles of creation. And finally, we saw the serpent head devouring the sun. That represents some kind of dangerous process that could be involved, like a potential abortion of the process, or something like that. Or simply, it points to the death that necessarily precedes a new birth.

I just wanted to point out a few of these things and emphasize that my work is not about my own personal system. 2012 is not “my” end-date, and I think that there has been, especially lately, a lot of jumping on the 2012 bandwagon with new age prophecies – but they are not referential to the original Mayan understanding of what this date points to. I think it is always important to remember that the meaning of the year 2012 and the material that we find at Izapa go together, hand in hand.

I guess that kind of sums up what I wanted to say, but finally, again, I am not presenting this work as my own system, my own model or something like that. My work has been in service to reconstructing their ancient cosmology, the ancient Mayan cosmology that culminates in the years around 2012.

David Wilcock (DW): Very briefly, John, what is the major difference between what the Maya say in their writings about 2012 as opposed to prevailing new age viewpoints?

JMJ: Well, first off, you don’t really find the Maya “saying” anything about 2012 per se; what you have to do is look at the iconography of the monuments. There is a level of ambiguity in there because it’s not a literal statement that you can find. There are only four Mayan books surviving, so data from other fields must be sought out, like archaeo-astronomy or iconography or hieroglyphic decipherment.

The main difference between the new literature and the ancient cosmology is this: In the newer prophecies and the modern literature there is often an emphasis on the destruction of the world, you know the idea, “The world’s going to end” at such and such a date.” I encounter this in interviews, radio shows, and sometimes I don’t give them what they want in terms of this doomsday thing (like they want to hear me say, “The world is going to end! The Maya predicted the world’s going to end!”).

Well, the main thing I see in the metaphors that you find in their carved monuments is that the World Age doctrine is always about rebirth, the transformation of humanity into something new in order to survive the chaotic energies of transformation. The main difference between the old and the new presentations is that the original Mayan material recognizes a higher perspective and suggests that time is cyclic, and thus, “the end” is ultimately about rebirth. A lot of the more recent interpretations of 2012 are filtered through the linear imprinting that we get through our Judeo-Christian tradition, as far as I can tell.

DW: Are the Maya hieroglyphs actually translatable into words that have then been decoded, similar to the Egyptian hieroglyphics?

JMJ: Sure.

DW: OK. So is there a quote or something that you could use to say that this image [shown on screen] appears to be talking about the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, for example?

JMJ: Yeah, to some degree there is that. Many of the Mayan monuments describe mundane historical events, but some of the Long Count monuments are dated with the date These are called the Creation monuments, and they are talking about the beginning of time and the end of time, because time is considered cyclic. That date in the Long Count calendar applies to the beginning date, but it also applies to the end date.

And what the hieroglyphs say is something like, “On this date the image is made to appear.” So then you have to look on the hieroglyphs for the image, and it’s basically this term “halaj koh.” This is a complex sort of thing that we would have to go into much deeper to really understand, but in short, it has to do with the sun being in the middle of the cross that manifests at the end of time.

Scott Mandelker (SM): So what I would like to do now is see if people would like to make some final comments… you know, like how you felt about the weekend or any questions you still have for any of us.

Attendee: Thank you again for this wonderful weekend, it has really been inspiring and exhausting. My question to you is not about something I have had a whole lot of experience with, but I am curious about what your thoughts are on sacred sites, though I have not read the Ra Material. I am wondering if there are, in preparation for this transition, any particular sites of importance. I’m specifically thinking of the Serpent Mound, and so on, and I’m wondering if there is any value in spending time in those places, or if you have any thoughts about that in general.

SM: Carla, then David…

CR: I think there is a lot of value in groups gathering and offering energy to power sites. I think what people forget is that the energy is shifting. So the challenge is to find the new power centers. They are going to be somewhat displaced from the places we always thought were the power centers. But I hope it’s in our future somewhere, probably seven years or so down the line, to start forming groups. But this will need to be done with someone’s angelic financial help, because it will cost a whole lot to do something like this, and as a concerted group, to move around and try to do a ring around where the new energy is coming in. I would love to see that happen.

DW: All I would want to say on that point is to just reiterate the fact that if you look at the world as a whole, you can actually see a series of 120 triangles superimposed across the surface. This is what Drs. William Becker and Beth Hagens called the “unified vector geometry 120 polyhedron.” This actually has all the five platonic solids in it, all the basic geometries that go into it in one grid, and it shows up on ancient maps and ancient structures, so they knew about this grid too. And at those points on the grid at which you have the highest amount of spiraling energy, this is a torsional energy streaming out of the earth.

When you build an earth mound, such as a Serpent Mound, you are building a passive torsion generator. This means it is harnessing the energy that is coming up from the earth. If the pyramid – and there is some Russian research that determined this – has a 70 degree slope angle, really steep, then it focuses more of this energy straight up. Whereas if you have a really shallow angled pyramid or mound, it focuses more of the energy down.

The great pyramid of Giza is sort of the perfect fusion between up and down, because it had to serve both purposes and it is also on the earth’s navel. This is the exact point of balance where there is the most amount of land mass north to south, and east to west anywhere on the planet. It’s the fulcrum, the balancing point of the whole earth’s sphere. So basically, the grid is shifting, and when you look at the earth mounds and what is there now, it represents a part of the planetary healing and restoration project that was done after the fall of Atlantis. In most cases, these were designed to heal the ozone holes, get rid of the radioactive energy from the nuclear war that had happened, purify the water, heal the crops, heal the land, heal the people, heal their minds. And, as Carla said, it does need to be done again and we do have the technology.

A 144-foot-high fiberglass pyramid costs about a million dollars to build, but it doesn’t have to be that big. You could build 22-meter pyramids which are half that size for about half the money. I think once people who have some funding available to them realize what you can do, you know, things like curing cancer, possibly curing Alzheimer’s disease, and so on, then a lot will happen. Just with a couple milliliters of water sitting in this pyramid for a couple of days or something you can do this.

I think the demand for this is going to spike. But we also have to figure out how to map the grid when it changes. And that is going to be one of my projects after the Ascension, I know, because I am still going to be around here. I’ll be helping to direct that process, you guys can consult with me after we ascend and we will work on this together. (laughter)

JMJ: Regarding the temples and pyramids and sacred sites in Mesoamerica, especially in Mexico and Guatemala, the problem is that they are shut down, you know, they are operated by the government and they are now tourist sites. And the Maya people around there don’t have access to do ceremonial work inside these temples. So this is a big problem, as these places require ceremonial activation, and the people to do it, I believe, are the Maya. So one of my hopes for 2012 is that, at the very least, it would be like a rallying cry for the Maya to reclaim their self-determination.

Attendee: In the next ten years how will time change, how will we experience it, and will it accelerate or collapse? I have heard some talk about those two things happening with time. And have you also heard about the “Shadow” people and are they from the 4th density? This came from the Art Bell show. Are they more negative?

SM: Again, there is so much that we could be saying, a lot of people say time is collapsing, time is accelerating, but that doesn’t really mean anything if we don’t know, “what is time?” It is not this thing that you can squeeze. In my experience, time is really a measure of the intensity of experience that can be consciously participated in. It is a measure of our conscious experience.

The acceleration of time would then mean an increasing density of experience that we are able to assimilate per moment, and that the moment becomes a richer or fuller experience. That can be called an expansion of time, or would you call it an acceleration or a collapse? I really don’t know.

On higher planes, epic journeys can occur in a span of but three minutes of Earth time or 3rd-density time. What is happening in this is that our three minutes measured here, when it occurs on a higher plane, a much greater amount of experience can happen in such a short period of time. Now, I think that is what is happening now on Earth to humanity, and whether you call that a collapse of time or an acceleration of time, it is certainly an increasing densification of experience, a capacity for increased density of experience.

That is an expansion and an increased sensitization of the conscious mind. You can also call it an expansion of the field of awareness. So a lot more can happen and can be assimilated more rapidly. That is going to continue happening to us, and many people already have the experience that their days just pass so fast at this point.

We can think, now it is already the middle of 2002 – so whatever happened to 1995? To me, five years ago seems inconceivable. But there is also an increasing efficiency in which souls are now able to experience the passage of time, and so as we evolve there is less friction, fewer charged situations, a less emotionally charged life. And so things move more smoothly through us, and so each day may seem to just come and go, come and go, come and go.

Actually, this is also a quality of higher-density life. And again, this increased density of personal, conscious experience will intensify for many of us, and will keep on happening, for sure. So it is also a great time for spiritual practice, and certainly for joining together in groups of like mind. And of course, if you want to follow the solo path of meditation, more of you will surely open faster.

DW: I used to be a little bit naïve about what “shadow people” where supposed to be all about and what the whole thing was. Before I was going to go on the Art Bell show, we had a conversation on the telephone, and I wasn’t nervous to be talking to him because I grew up meeting all these famous people, because my father was a music journalist and we would go backstage. So I was in a relaxed mood.

So I was talking to Art Bell and I said, “You know, there are a lot of ETs that are helping the planet at this time, positive extraterrestrials coming to the earth at this time and they are trying to help out humanity. Maybe the Shadow People that you talk about, maybe that is what this is about.” Though I was ignoring for the moment the meaning of the word, shadow, which is darkness. And in his classic-Art-Bell, deep voice, cigarette-smokers drawl, he said, “Well, I am really not sure you would want to have that perspective if you have the data that I have.”

What are you talking about, Art Bell? I certainly wouldn’t want to meet with one of these beings in my living room. So what I realized was that Art’s understanding in all this email he was getting is that these are basically negatively oriented entities who are penetrating through the earth’s protective grid and are being called here based on the nature, or the people who invite a negative contact. Which basically means that if you are behaving in a manner, that through free will, is opening you up to such an experience, then you can meet them.

Attendee: Regarding the physics you’re talking about, there are examples on the Earth in nature itself, regarding perpetual cyclic conditions and power. As regards to hurricanes and tornadoes, they too operate in a cyclic nature. And I find that interesting, even the sink full of draining water, when you get to the bottom it cycles down and it’s a swirl. I don’t know if that works with gravity and the torsion field or what! Do they work together?

DW: Yeah. The Russians have basically come to the conclusion that you have electrostatic magnetism, which is an electromagnetic wave, and you have gravity and torsion, or gravity and spin which is called gravity spin. And they basically break down the universe into physical vacuum matter and physical vacuum anti-matter, PVM and PVA. And it’s a blending of the different fields of electrostatic, magnetic, gravity and spin that determines how this breaks down. So there is a whole physics about all this.

Previous Attendee: This question is about the Mayan culture. Do you think that with this knowledge of astrology and other universal knowledge that they had contact with higher beings to help them engage in all this? I find it rather extraordinary that they could come have such accuracy and pinpoint things such as the solstices and so forth. So I wonder if they had that kind of help. What do you think?

JMJ: I don’t think that they had direct help in the sense of trans-oceanic voyages and all that; I think maybe some of that occurred, but I think their main wisdom came from their own accessing of the higher dimensional knowledge. That comes through direct connection with the transcendent, and the Mayan people are endlessly creative and clever in and of themselves, it is quite amazing to see…

Previous Attendee: Why did that culture pass away or die out anyway?

JMJ: They didn’t really die out, and that is kind of a myth in particular literature. There was a collapse in the Petan culture in Northern Guatemala, and that was due to a number of things. Well, the standard answer is that it was due to environmental degradation and greed, a proliferation of princedoms, all the princes going around and trying to get their piece of the pie and they just couldn’t sustain the continued growth of the Mayan civilization. It was an inhospitable area to begin with, but the main thing to remember is that Mayan culture didn’t really die out. In the highlands of Guatemala today there are 6 million pureblood Mayan people, still speaking the original dialects…

Previous Attendee: Is that the same civilization and type of culture?

JMJ: Yes. There has been a complete continuity of the building blocks of Maya culture, in particular, the sacred calendar. The calendar that they follow today, the 260-day calendar, is an unbroken calendar going back some 3,000 years.

Previous Attendee: OK, just one more thing here, as we’re speaking of Art Bell. I think his was a typical Hollywood response to aliens or beings that have come here to help. And it shows that in the Hollywood movie making industry, right, all the beings are evil and negative. I think they just want to condition us to believe that so that although there are beings helping us, they don’t want us to see them as such positive helping beings, but the opposite. I think that is how they want us to view it, and they want us to remain in fear, conditioned.

DW: Well, the term “shadow people” can be a label that different people would apply to the many different experiences they’ve had. I think what Art was referring too, and he got a little bit more specific than I mentioned, was some very fear-inducing, traumatic events – where some people were really scared shitless of these beings, which is definitely not the hallmark of a positive contact. I think Scott wanted to say something about the Central America here…

SM: Yeah, getting back to the Mayan-ET question, you can actually find in the Ra Material, in the first volume, that Ra says very directly that one of the Confederation groups, actually of their level which is 6th density, went to South America around 6,500 years ago. That was after the Egyptian contact they made 11,000 years ago (which we could consider to be 9,000 B.C.) – so it was 3,500 years after that, 6,500 years ago or 4,500 B.C., that this 6th density Confederation group went to South America. For me personally, I feel that the Mayans got a lot of their cosmic information from 6th density teachers. That has just been my view all along, based on the Ra Material and some other ideas.

DW: Lets not forget that the method of this contact can be visionary, ecstatic trances and dreams, where you don’t even necessarily even realize that you were contacted by such as 6th density entity.

SM: Right, and there’s another thing I’d like to say about the media portrayal of ETs as being generally slanted towards the left. The fact is, for those in a position of high temporal power and authority, the worst thing they could imagine is for humanity to realize that there is a higher power. There is nothing worse than for someone who claims to be the Wizard of Oz and to have the curtain pulled out from his face, and for us to see that there is actually just a little man behind a big puppet screen. To have humanity realize that, in truth, there are actually truly great beings with much more power and much more love, is to risk that humanity would flock to them at once.

If we all knew without a doubt that there are these great benevolent beings existing and living all around us, totally available to us for to help make our world a paradise, then the existing power structure would be overturned immediately. So that is the biggest secret around. While David Icke says that the “Biggest Secret” is about those shape-shifting Reptilian evil leaders, that may be true about them, but it may not be the greatest secret being hidden from us. I don’t think that’s really the biggest secret – I think that bigger than that is the fact that there are these great beings of love and huge power all around that we could be in touch with. And no one knows they are there, or perhaps we could say, very few of us know that they are here. Is there another question?

Attendee: First, since the Mayans never broke their culture, is there any sort of historical or verbally handed down information available about the end of their calendar, and why it ends? That sort of thing.

And secondly, to Carla, you talk about the dark side and that we should integrate it, but I think that is something I haven’t grasped yet – just how to begin to integrate something like that. Part of that is the idea that one could have good intentions, but still be controlling and have that kind of tendency. So what would be an example of that? Ra says that we would have “no emotional charge”, or that in a situation where we are in balance we wouldn’t have emotional charge, but what about joy? Isn’t that an emotion, does having joy mean you are not yet balanced?

JMJ: Well, as for the first part of your question, the Long Count calendar itself was fragmented, even before the Conquest and certainly much more so after the Conquest. It was no longer carved and the Mayan people and different groups in Mesoamerica forgot how to do the Long Count. However, because the Maya Creation mythology encodes the astronomy of the Long Count in mythological form, it survived. It was recorded in the highlands of Guatemala, it became the Quiché Maya Holy book, the Book of Counsel, otherwise known as the Hero Twin Myth.

So that survives down to the present day. But it is in an encoded form, in the way that mythology encodes astronomy, so it needed to be deciphered. And so you can say that the knowledge of the Long Count calendar’s end-date alignment survived in an encoded form, down to the present day.

Abby Lewis (AL): I wanted to talk about the joy part of your question. Recently I did a Vipassana retreat, which is a ten-day silent meditation retreat, and I had the same question. Don’t we all want the good things, the good feelings in life? And what I learned, and I am sure Scott will have more to say about it, is what they say traditionally, that the good feelings create craving in us.

I could see that the two things that we have are aversion and craving. And that really it is a complete consciousness and neutrality that we are striving for that is the path to enlightenment. The path is not always seeking that joy, but it is to help us become completely integrated with all that is. I am still struggling with that, we are all very similar in this way; I am still struggling because this does not really make sense to me, but I am getting it slowly.

SM: First of all, joy is not an emotion, joy is a freedom from attachment. I wouldn’t call it an emotion at all, I would call it a freedom from grasping and a joy of being, a condition of enriched ‘livingfulness,’ a freedom from grasping and fear. There is a definitely a tendency in Buddhism to become like the dour-faced monk, Mr. Flat-line Emotion. And that often involves repression. But in the absence of grasping or aversion, “I want,” and, “I hate,” the freedom from these tendencies is joy. If you find you are not in joy, it is certain there is some grasping somewhere in your mind, coarse or subtle – if you look deep enough, you will certainly find it.

But if you are attached to joy that too is a problem, but overall, I would say you shouldn’t worry about joy – if you must worry, just worry about your attachments, grasping and aversion. As they decrease, innate happiness will arise or just be with you, which is a lightness of spirit. So that is not an attachment and is actually an expression of freedom, and is far from the kind of personal emotional patterns that get us into trouble.

The shadow part of your question, the integration of the shadow just means that we need to try to accept all that we do not like about ourselves (and later, what we don’t like about others). You don’t like fear, you don’t like anger, you don’t like sorrow, you don’t like confusion – just try to like each one of them, try to accept it all and welcome it as part of the greater self. Try to see them as not bad at all, don’t blame it, don’t blame yourself.

That is an integration of the shadow, and it is not about being on the left-hand path today (being self-serving), and being on the right-hand path of love tomorrow – being OK with your negativity is itself not an invitation to selfishness. In fact, it is a powerful expression of service to others, the right hand path of love. This is about welcoming it all and not picking and choosing.

CR: One thing that I have really found helpful in working with the dark side and what people call psychic attack or psychic greeting was a book by Dion Fortune called Psychic Self-Defense. In it, she talks about experiencing an apparition of a wolf that appeared at the foot of her bed during her magical training – growling and snarling and looking like it was ready to leap at her and devour her. She decided that where the lesson was in this was to realize that the wolf was not separate from her, but the wolf was a projection of her, and what she needed to do was invite that snarling, biting wolf into her heart.

And so it might gnaw on you for a while before you charm it with your ideals and your stories, but in the process of taking that into your heart, you became filled with that strength and energy. You actually asked it to serve you by helping you gain more depth to the will by which you are striving for your ideals. So when you feel power coming at you that seems to be negative, it’s actually the universe mirroring to you a part of yourself that you need to work with. And the way to work with it involves waiting with it until you are able to offer it the hospitality of your heart.

It helps me a lot when I see a difficult human being, a person that I don’t initially see as the Creator, to simply to move my mind intellectually to a realization that I am looking right at the Creator and imposing that on myself. Even the worst murderer has a soul, everybody on Death Row is a shining perfect being, and all of us are murderers. So, I think it’s expanding your ability to receive catalyst without the necessity to respond involuntarily.

There are ways to dance with the shadow energy that really turns those energies from chaos into more of a rhythmic order, a unified color. And so then, those things that you had been seeing as ugliness become in their own way, parts of the thread that you are using to create the tapestry of your life, your being and your vibration. And you need those dark tones to make a beautiful tapestry, with enough contrast to be able to show up all the pretty forms that you are creating by dancing through life.

DW: I have a paraphrase of the quote you mentioned regarding the perfectly balanced entity. The reason why I think it psychically came to me to paraphrase it this way, which Scott didn’t really cover, is that you have an opportunity here to be of service in a situation which most people would think of as being emotionally charged. But you also have the opportunity to withdraw. So my paraphrase is this: that to a perfectly balanced entity there is no such thing as an emotionally charged situation, and there are only two choices. There is the choice to be of service or there is the choice to withdraw from the situation.

And I think for most light workers, it is important to give yourself permission to withdraw from a situation that would otherwise go on and evolve into screaming and throwing things. This is the point at which you would be exercising discernment and wisdom, incorporating higher centers of awareness into your process of human engagement.

So, you don’t want to overuse this kind of withdrawal from your toolbox of spiritual learning or else you are never going to be dealing with any conflict. But I think the point is that you don’t have to expect so much and expect yourself to be a perfectly balanced entity… I mean, what they are talking about here is an entity that has all of its chakras wide open, right?

They are saying to a perfectly balanced entity, there is no such thing as an emotionally charged situation. But that entity may very well discern that there isn’t anything they can do that is going to be serviceable in the situation, except withdrawing. And that is why, if you ask too many transient questions to Ra, they are going to start saying, “OK, your alignment is off” – and pretty soon they will just withdraw because they cannot be of service anymore. They are not going to get emotionally charged, they are not going to say, “you guys better change the way you are asking these questions.” They are just going to be gone.

SM: Yeah, and that is the difference between ‘love only’ and ‘love with wisdom’. It is the wisdom function that allows us to discern when no service is possible, either to the other or for our own evolvement – and thus when withdrawal or confrontation, in some way, may be effective. Ra also said that in the face of a conscious blockage, love alone is inadequate and won’t change them.

In this case, we are not just talking about a portion of the self that we ourselves consider negative that is arising in the mind, a personal distortion that could be loved into harmony – we’re talking about a consciously service-to-self person, being or force that comes to us from ‘outside.’ I mean, at least in terms of the ones I have met, they know just where they are coming from and they want to be without love. Asking us for self-healing is the last thing on their mind.

And so the only way to render service to just such a person or being – or even have some hope of not getting hurt and knowing what to do in the situation – is to be with wisdom. In this case, it is the wisdom to speak the truth, what one social activist called, “speaking truth to power.”

That means that we don’t have to hold back from the service of objective truth-telling, even when that person may not be so happy about it, if they consciously reject our love and compassion. I think this is a somewhat advanced lesson and takes a bit of will involved, too. But there are situations when you are with someone that doesn’t want kindness, doesn’t want healing, doesn’t want harmony – and you can try and try and try, and they still don’t want your good works.

So if you don’t have your wisdom and will in play, you will be ineffective, impotent, and you may not even be able to withdraw from the situation, but rather, you’ll feel confused by the whole thing. And yes, they are still the Creator too and there is no blame either, and indeed withdrawal will probably be quite useful and your best course of action.

You can indeed speak the truth, but they actually don’t want the truth either, and yet this is a form of service to others. It is real service to them when you’re speaking truth to power and then you leave because there is no relationship – they are left alone to ponder just what they are all about. And that is why in higher dimensions the groups are segregated, because they’re totally clear about their intentions, and they both realize they have nothing to offer each other that the other would want.

CR: To answer another part of your question, a good example that the Ra group suggested for people that want the best but are actually service to self, are the radio preachers. They may honestly believe they are in a ministry that is very blessed and that they are inspired, but they are also asking poor people for money, lots of money, every day. And poor people are giving the widow’s mite, and they want to take their money. And I think when you watch people accumulating large amounts of money more than they need, then that is one good example of people that are trying to be of service and end up controlling instead.

Another example is people in your family, everyone has got one, most families do – where they say, “It is for your own good, dear.” And then they will just do the most amazing things, and you say, “That is not what I wanted, I don’t think that is for my good,” but they are just so sure that you need that, they want you to be safe, so they genuinely, with the best feelings in their heart, are driving you crazy. They are actually trying to control every moment of your life so that you can be safe, so that they can keep you safe, but this is control and not in real service to you.

Question: How would one recognize within one’s self, this activity of well meaning domination? This is like intending to help but having a heart blockage.

CR: You will find that out real soon after you give good advice, because if you are attached to somebody taking your advice, then you will be real disappointed when they don’t. If you give it and you are not disappointed when they go their own way, then you are on good sound land.

Personally, I have a slightly different take on joy, because of my own experience of coming into bliss as a state of consciousness that is permanent. At one point in my life, I realized, it was now accessible at all times, that there is a fundamental level of joy. I think that what that is, is the constant state of the universe. I just tuned into reality. And so I became aware of it and was able to trust that since it is always there, I can just lean into it.

And on my worst day, I mean, I can remember a day I was lying down in bed with a cloth over my eyes because the pain was so bright that I couldn’t stand even the light. And I had pillows over each ear because everything hurt my ears, I was very sensitized by pain and I was very close to death. I kept having a raising of the vagus nerve, what they call the hangman’s kick.

So, I was lying there realizing, “I am partially paralyzed but I am going to have to remember to breathe every time,” and I am in a 30-foot well of pain. I couldn’t eat, I could drink water only a little bit, and I could eat popsicles so I could have something to chew, because they are just colored water and that is all.

So it was about 10 in the morning and I was listening to NPR and I had a very, very bad pain flare. I thought, “OK, let’s square off against this. Is it worth it? Is this good? Are you happy with this life?” And the feeling in me was so strong, ”Oh yeah!” You know, I am listening to NPR, I have got some good music going, I got some thoughts I wasn’t aware of, some good interesting people were on there talking to me, sharing things with me and I was learning something new. Despite the pain, I found joy.

NOTE: The remainder of the session wasn’t recorded.

The Time of Global Shift April 28, 2002 in Louisville, KY

Scott Mandelker on Buddhism, Meditation and the Chakras

In many ways, I just realized that with Carla speaking at the start, and I continuing on at this point, you sort of get both the Christian and the Buddhist views joined together. Frankly, they really are quite different approaches, even though the essentials are the same. So what I want to do in my short time here, just half an hour or so, is to give you a sense the path that I myself took that led to my integration of metaphysics and eastern religion. I am also going to present some of the fundamental teachings from RA on personal growth, or spiritual growth. By this I mean their principles, and how they can be integrated with a Buddhist perspective, meditation practice and what may be called "the old way" -- as the Eastern approach is definitely not a new thing.

In many ways, the Christian message and the teachings of Jesus is an approach quite appropriate for the end of 3rd density, as we now move in to 4th density. Probably it is the most appropriate teaching. RA said that Jesus was a late 4th density Wanderer who knew that the world was at the end of its 3D cycle, entering its final two thousand years or the Piscean age. His work was truly to help prepare the souls here for the kingdom of heaven on Earth through his teaching. And so his primary teachings were that of love, although he had wisdom too, and we can consider him an enlightened being due to his advanced spiritual practice and his realization as a child. His is sort of a new dispensation, and definitely is a way to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth.

The Buddhist way is not quite that, frankly. Today it is generally understood as compassion, and thus the Dalai Lama talks primarily about wisdom and compassion. The term "Bodhisattva," meaning an enlightenment being as a blend of wisdom and compassion, is exactly what RA is talking about when they talk about Higher Self, 6th chakra, 6th density, as being a perfect balance of love and wisdom.

RA's primary spiritual teaching is summed up in their phrase, "know yourself, accept yourself, become the Creator." To "know yourself" indicates the work of mind, the wisdom chakra or 5th center activation… To "accept yourself," we have the teachings of love, heart-based acceptance, unconditional welcome to all our personal experience. And finally, to "become the Creator" is to activate the shuttle that Carla spoke about.

This is the same teaching as some other New Age sources if you understand "body, mind, spirit" to be the three central aspects of our triple energy field. The work, as she said, on the spirit field is basically the development of the shuttle between "the upward yearning of body and mind" and "the down pouring force of creative fire and wind" (quotes from RA), the latter two which indicate what they call intelligent energy and intelligent infinity. The spirit field is the joining work, and it is actually what is activated most directly in meditation.

So meditation can be understood in many different ways. One is that it is the temporary suspension or achieved transparency of the mind complex, so that energy coming from the spirit (or we could say, through the spirit from the infinite, through the spirit complex itself), is allowed to come through a transparent or silent mind. This is the achievement of the "steady silence of mind," as a steady state of being. By this I mean time can be passing, but there is no conscious mind awareness of time, and thus no thought, only stillness and mental silence.

Frankly, if we can't get to that point, everything else becomes that much more difficult. This is really the first step in the initiation of mind -- basically being able to (as Alice Bailey wrote) "hold the mind steady in the light." This is the light of soul, the light of spirit, the light of… the boundless awareness beyond all our thought. And so meditation, again, can be seen as a bringing in, or the beginning from a steady state of silence in mind. It allows the spirit shuttle to be activated, allowing creative fire and wind, the infinite potential and intelligent energy as David spoke about, to come through Spirit, into the body -- as RA said, "ennobling the body and enabling the mind." Basically, this is nothing less than bringing raw cosmic power into the body complex, so that spirit and body become fused.

This is the same kind of thing as RA indicated in the third portion of their teaching, "becoming the Creator." But it can only happen after you are able to know yourself and accept yourself. Again, we have the triad of love, wisdom, and will, leading to true spiritual balance. So the Dalai Lama talks about wisdom and compassion as the foundation for all advanced spiritual work.

Interestingly, RA also said -- which you can actually see happening down here on the ground in most spiritual communities and in the case of certain yogis and teachers who come to America -- that our work in the 6th center does not in and of itself, clarify or unblock the lower centers. And so, this is sometimes called "spiritual bypass." This means that one can have certain advanced spiritual powers and yet still be quite stuck in some ways. You see all the time: some teachers and others have great access to spiritual intuition, multidimensional awareness, even some of the powers of mind (called siddhis in India) like reading karma and the ability to do energy healing.

Although these are not quite powers of the mind itself, but rather as RA would say, the activation of the spirit shuttle, they manifest through a well developed mind. Such powers include clairvoyance, reading people's thoughts, moving the body through time and space, conscious out of body travel, past lives understanding, and channeling. And yet, one can have those siddhis and still remain with very significant lower chakra blockages. Of course, we all have lower chakra blockage to some extent, which are our personal patterns of attachment. Working on the 6th center, the spirit shuttle to the infinite, doesn't necessarily clear them, unfortunately!

When we consider the exact nature of these blockages, we find them often related to the third center, the solar plexus chakra. RA explained this in terms of social engagement, our personal relationship to human groups. Blockages generally manifest as anger, ulcers, stomach and digestive ills, anger, frustration, and resentment. Such physical ailments often happen when anger is long held without being adequately resolved through love and wisdom -- which again bring us back to the value of "know yourself, accept yourself."

These patterns of so-called negativity and negative emotions are very much socially related, if we care to analyze them deeply. And so there are two main forms of blockage of the third center. One is of the excessive type and the other can be called deficient. The excessive type of blockage is out and out domination of others, control, subjugation, and you can see it happening in intimate relations between men and women (or any other type of gender relation you'd like). Generally the man is the one subjugating but it does go both ways. It happens very much in the business arena, the social arena of relation between groups, and it certainly happens in the spiritual arena as well.

How many spiritual teachers, including ourselves, can say they never fall into patterns where we override people? We see this all the time when people are talking and the teacher simply cuts them off. It comes from a hidden notion that we just sort of think your stuff is not important, so "I'll tell you the truth" and run over what you want to say. This is a common example of third chakra blockage.

Frankly, we all do that sometimes (teachers or not), and we do it to each other and we do it to you. (laughter) Honestly, we do it all the time... Anyway, the 3rd chakra blockage is very much about anger. The excessive version is control and domination of others, and it is quite strong in human society, all around the world, at this particular time. And when we do spiritual work, the situation can actually get worse…

RA spoke about this, I've found it to be the case in my own personal experience and we can all attest to it, that as one's power increases, one' s distortions can also grow. By this I mean that the mind gets even more quiet, the 6th center opens more fully -- not necessarily in its "doing phase" (like performing the powers of mind), but in its potential for quiet being -- personal problems intensify.

By the "doing" and "being" phases I'm referring to what seem to be two modes of activity of the 6th center -- what we may call the action of doing and the stillness of being. As the center opens, we also find ourselves more capable of simply being with situations, and our own personal process. There is an interesting passage in either Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu, the two main Taoist philosophers, which stated something like this, that "power gathers where there is stillness."

This is actually very subtle, but you can feel it if you do deeper meditation. The steady-state stillness of the body/mind/spirit complex, i.e. through meditation as one technique, allows an expansion of the field of the human being. This is similar to what we can see happening to the Earth today, with the expansion of its 4th density body and all the electro-magnetic shifts.

But as this happens for the individual, one's distortions can become greater, and even monstrous. So one needs more and more discernment to make sure we don't use this greater power (coming from the cosmic and definitely available to the personal, and certainly to our personal distortions) to take advantage of others, even in subtle ways, like cutting folks off in mid-sentence! We can all benefit from keeping this in mind, and it is actually very, very important.

On the other hand, a 2nd chakra blockage is basically about fear, a sense of personal weakness, low self-esteem, emotional upset, sorrow, self-pity (which is somewhat like anger turned inside, but it's "watery' and emotion-based). So in the Hindu system, the material element associated with the 2nd center is water, as the element of 3rd center is fire -- which figures: anger is fiery, sorrow is wet. These are two forms of distortion, very common, and won't necessarily be alleviated or totally removed by meditation, but meditation can give you the quiet of mind to open the heart, consciously, and consciously to allow those feelings to arise in an open heart, self-accepting system.

As for myself, my own path basically involved extreme misery and existential angst when I was a teenager, which I didn't recognize as the symptoms of an early Wanderer awakening. Basically, I had a deep sense of misery and despair about being on this planet, deeply, very painfully. I didn't dislike myself, I just hated the world and didn't want to be a part of it. And of course I felt that I would never find a role in human society, and part of me didn't even want to take such a role. I didn't know what this was, it was just pain deep in my heart, mind and body. My childhood wasn't that bad. So it wasn't your typical childhood trauma or wounding, but something somewhat deeper.

Then at age 18 I went to college and synchronicity brought me a teacher of the old form of Buddhist meditation. This was the ancient breath meditation called anapanasati (in-breath, out-breath sati or mindfulness), which is a extremely simple, boring practice, with nothing to do with ETs, nothing to do with metaphysics, really. You know, just watching the elements of mind arise and pass away. But as you watch, the illusion of a solid self falls away. The first thing that happens, since this watching is itself open heart, open mind allowance, is that this allows your lower center blockages to arise.

It's sort of like laughter. What is laughter but a vibratory shaking out of lower center blockages? Thus laughter is healing. As for myself, I didn't go through a lot of laughter in those days, I went through a lot of misery, including a kind of "bucking bronco' body for months on end, where deep, deep misery was arising through my system and shaking me body in a somewhat volatile way.

Frankly, I understand where this was coming from, because I think I had a very, very painful previous incarnation, including torture in my last lifetime and that was partially worked through, or significantly worked through at the energetic level. I had what we call "frozen, cold energy,' which is deep fear. This was 2nd and 1st center blockage, very deep stuff.

But I had faith from the start, that the self or the essence of my being was complete and whole and perfect. And I have a lot of fire, I have Mars in a very early degree of Aries and a lot of Taurus energy, grounding energy. So I had a lot of earth energy to just sit there unmoving in the pain, and a lot of fire to destroy and burn up (through simply letting go) these distortions.

This bracelet I wear has a Sanskrit prayer to Shiva, written as "Om Namah "" Shiva is the god of yogis, the destroyer aspect, to destroy the obstructions to freedom and enlightenment. It is like Jesus said, that he came with a sword. This destructive aspect of the spiritual path is not well appreciated in this time of the 4th chakra ascent, which focuses on love and self-healing, but it is the destruction of illusion that is needed to really become free. In any case, the only thing that can be destroyed is the unreal, because the real is eternal and will remain after all our attachments and false beliefs go.

Shiva is the God of the yogis because the yogi is the accelerated destroyer of illusion. And when you destroy illusion all you end up with is true being, what's called "the original face' in Buddhism. And so, I had such a profound faith that this really was true that for a while I cursed myself for doing anything but meditation during the day. I felt that I might die any moment, and so I had better keep meditating.

Today, I am not afraid of death, now I somewhat welcome it because I have been back and forth, so it is not a big deal for me. And just to tempt the gods, I live in San Francisco! You know, I'm ready to swim on out there… Anyway, an interesting movie about this is with Johnny Depp, called "Dead Man," and it's an excellent movie for a Wanderer. (David Wilcock: I also recommend "Ghost Dog")

So, instead of getting too deep into drugs, I got deep into meditation. Of course, I used drugs sometimes in high school, but it just opened me up and I knew it wasn't a "Way," meaning, I knew I couldn't go all the way with it. I knew that Buddhism was potentially a way, a real way out. The first time I read the Dhammapada -- the very early teachings of the real Buddha in short verses -- I thought, "ah, could this really be the way out?" Frankly, it is a way out, and though I am not totally emancipated of course, I am sure it is a way out of our suffering and confusion. And all that just comes from holding onto stillness, with faith in the process.

When that happens and you watch your mental/emotional/bodily process, the goal is not to merely watch the mind. The goal is to let the mind unravel, and then one goes beyond even the "watcher." There is no more watcher, because there is no more sense of subject/object in your awareness. Meditation is the path to the realization of unity par excellence.

And in my view, and in any Buddhist or traditional mystic view, it just has to be a formal practice. It is not enough to just sit there, take it easy and ruminate about cool spiritual notions. It is not about channeling and guidance -- it's a very different path. But I can assure you that it goes all the way, because I have seen human beings, yogis and masters that have gone a whole lot farther than I and they are pretty magnificent to be with. And all they did was to just basically let their illusions fall away, through formal practice over a span of many years.

Anyway, I had many realizations along that path, and after the years of agony passed through my system -- which was a major release of lower chakra blockage -- things got much better in my mind. I was dealing with a lot of root and third chakra stuff, not exactly anger to society (which was part of it, but not too miserable), but even heavier stuff like terror, stark terror. Frankly, we carry a whole lot more pain, fear and terror around -- just from living in this domain, in this realm -- than we realize.

And so again, you determine the path of your awakening, whether it is slow or fast. If you want the fast path, the medicine is available, and all you have to do is sit -- as they say, "don't just do something, sit there!" And this is actually a very serious business, as you can get quite distorted if you are out of balance and your practice is uncentered.

A friend of mine, actually two of them in the Zen monastery where I lived for a while, had just such problems. One of them went crazy for a while and basically went out of his mind with paranoia -- and initially, he was a very serious monk -- while the other guy ended up killing himself. Both were very pure souls, the first man was a South American artist -- which may be one reason he went crazy! And the second guy was a Christian mystic, the kind who would ""do the monastic offices," in which he would wake up all through the night and do prayers and penance. Frankly, being so disciplined and tight was probably what killed him, as he just drove himself too hard. And so, with serious formal meditation work you are playing with fire, but of course, you can use it carefully and you don't have to get burned.

Taking another tack, I don't tell people, "you should be careful what you wish for, because you might get it." Frankly, I think we ought to wish for whatever we want, but when you do get it (or some of it) you'll just have to deal with the consequences. And then you'll see if what you received is really what you want, what you originally wished for -- and if it's no good, you can just wish and work for something a little different. This is how we learn: we have desires, we wish and work for them, we get some variation of what we intended, we deal with the consequences, assess the situation, and then we reformulate our desires accordingly.

Also, don't be afraid of anything in your mind. You are greater than your mind. Clearly, you are not your body, of course, but you are not your mind either. Those thoughts you experience are not you yourself, and the patterns of mind and feeling are not the self either. They are actually the activity, according to the Theosophical tradition, of what's called "the mental elemental." In Buddhism, they refer to "the monkey-mind," which is sort of a psycho-monkey -- hopping around and jumping all over the place. You know, this crazy, busy mind is also not you.

The soul covers itself in these sheets, the physical, astral (or emotional), and the mental bodies. Actually, these are considered to be "elemental bodies on the involutionary arc," which is a very esoteric idea. The "involutionary arc" means that these beings (the substance of the energy fields we use for our physical body, emotions and thoughts) are not even in first density yet, they're actually moving into first density. We, as human souls, are moving on the evolutionary arc up to 6th density where formal "soul evolution" ends and universal evolution begins.

That is the level of Higher Self, which has the same qualities as the perfect blending of wisdom and compassion equally balanced in the 6th center. In the Buddhist teaching, this is the state of the Bodhisattva, and in RA's teaching, it is called Higher Self. And so dealing with our mental and emotional patterns is very important to our own evolution.

Coming back to meditation, there's a saying that if you are going to stop midway, it is better not to have started at all. Because meditation is a very heavy duty thing, and it creates a primal division or cut in our awareness, between the absolutely formless and intangible sense of "me" on the one hand -- and everything else that arises our body-mind-spirit system.

If we're unable to complete this dis-identification with transient elements of thought and feeling, and the subsequent (or concurrent) re-identification with the formless sense of true being (which is not exactly a "self" but rather, a condition beyond grasping), then it is very likely that we'll remain in the purgatory of being "half-free, half-bound." Many spiritual seekers have gotten stuck in the later stages of the path, and even RA comments about it.

One can easily come to the view that "my mind is my enemy," which I experienced myself (and still sometimes do), and which was probably partly responsible for driving my monastery buddies to extreme states. For years I didn't trust anything in my mind, and I thought that all the elements of my thinking and feeling process were equally illusory and bullshit. This isn't quite self-hatred because I knew that I wasn't the same as those mental events, but in terms of making decisions I was totally confused.

If everything that arises in the mind is considered equally false, empty, painful or useless, how in the world can we make choices? Anyway, although that may seem obscure, it represents a somewhat advanced realization along the meditation path, and unless you resolve this "equally false" sense of the mind, you could definitely lose it for a while. And that's how some people go crazy, even if they've done lots of spiritual practice.

And so this brings us back to the quote I mentioned yesterday, that, "the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic man drowns." So you do have to be somewhat careful when you get into deep meditation, but frankly, such obscure problems can also develop for anyone who becomes spiritually developed, through any means. Usually, people 't get into such problems unless they work pretty hard and have a lot of will and concentration.

And so, when we understand the promise of meditation, we see that we really shouldn't complain about being stuck in our lives, since we do have a form of spiritual medicine at our disposal. The medicine is available, but we just don't use it, because it does take effort, and 's much easier to just read a book, take a walk, or listen to a CD. And so we come back to the question of will, which RA also talked about. In another elaboration on the same triad, the teaching of "know yourself/accept yourself/become the Creator," they also gave us this one: " "forgiveness of self/acceptance of self/and direction of the will" as essential to the spiritual path.

When we consider what, "acceptance of self" means, then we're talking about the fourth center -- the ability to say that, "I love my hatred, I love my sorrow… I accept my sorrow, I accept my cowardice, I accept my fears, I accept my addictive drives, I accept my pettiness, I accept my rage and vindictiveness." and so on! Can you do it? Why not? Frankly, these tendencies and patterns are also "not you."

As to the next recommendation, "forgiveness of self," is very much an integration of 6th, 5th, and 4th chakra development. This is because forgiveness has some awareness of the whole, a sense that whatever it is, is good, and whatever the condition (happy or sad, distorted or joyous) you face is fine -- it is OK, it is all OK…

Finally, we come to the last statement, concerning the direction of the will. RA said specifically and in no uncertain terms that the will is that which "is powerful in you" as a co-creator, and should never be underestimated on the path. The primary determinant of our spiritual evolution, frankly, is will. That's the fuel and the engine of polarization.

Remember, those on the negative path may be of a higher evolutionary level than those on the positive path, in some cases. Without a doubt, the late 5th density negative entity is higher and much further along the path than an early 4th density positive soul -- even though the 4th density soul has lots of love and the negative 5D soul has none. You may wonder, "how can that be?"

Well, the guy in upper 5th density (whatever the term means to you) has basically a much greater access to the will aspect of Higher Self, divine power, than the junior soul in 4D -- even though they have no love. Same thing with us on earth as we talked about this morning: the "love without wisdom thing" is a real problem. So the teachings of love are essential for those who do not know love, and the teachings of wisdom are essential for those that only know love, and for those that are stuck in wisdom the teachings of unity are the only salvation.

Frankly, unity is beyond anything and everything. And so you know, what I personally have evolved into, what you can call "my crystal to offer," is really a teaching of emptiness, no self, what could be elegantly called a "trans-conceptual fusion with all that Is." At one point in the series, RA talks about the fact that in 7th density "the looking backwards is finished," and this is akin to a dwelling in real emptiness.

In my understanding, there is a lot of 6th density Wanderers here who will no longer be wandering after we leave Earth. This is not only their last human incarnation, but also the last time they'll be incarnating in any dimension below the formless realms. And as RA said about themselves, they are preparing for their next harvest, into 7D, in just a few million years. In 6D, that' s not a very long time to wait.

Now, if you want to keep the big picture, you have to really see your life as just this little sprint -- but not quite a sprint for the fastest speed, but rather, a sprint for balance, to see just how much balance you can keep up in this tiny little human time-frame. Whether it's 10 more years, 30 more or 50 more years here in 3D for us, still, this is just a tiny, tiny amount of time for Higher Self and your infinite being.

And then add to that the fact that you "go home," in a sense, every night. So, if you remember every night when you hit your head to the pillow that home is not far away, your beings and your group are not far away, then you can maybe appreciate better the sort of challenge we find ourselves in this human situation.

But of course, in the heat of the moment it is difficult to see the big view, and take it easy knowing that the temporal is just a flash in the pan of the eternal. And so we all get these little catalysts, right? On this weekend, I lost my address book, Ed lost his address book, we all lose this stuff sometimes. Of course, the fewer the attachments we have the more difficult it may be for Higher Self and your guides to find the places where they can give you hard catalyst -- so I didn't lose cat or dog (since I don't have any), but I lost my address book.

I mean, personally, I don't mind if people around me die (even though I will miss some of them), losing my address book is sort of a real problem for me (laughter). Dying is no problem either -- which means I'll probably have a long life, since I'm not upset to leave right away… But you know, the issue of dying (ours and those around us) is really "the pedal to the metal," and when we're faced with this kind of catalyst in our face it can reveal to us just how well we've really integrated the metaphysics we claim to believe. When people are dying around us, then we get to see just how multi-dimensional we've become, and where we still hold onto conventional 3D notions.

I mean frankly, we ought to celebrate the one who's dying -- they' re the lucky one, they're finished and their lessons are done so they can leave school behind. Which is great for them, in most cases. Its not like we missed the boat and they should have healed themselves, or our healing failed, or their beautiful life was tragically cut short -- when they go to the next realm, then they'll see just how beautiful life can be! Of course, suffering is painful and we don't want anyone to in pain, but physical healing is not necessarily the mark of one's evolution in the sense that they might get healed from an illness; it's not quite correct to assume "if you're doing the right thing you'll be healed, and those that couldn't heal had missed their lessons." In many ways, people pass over because it is simply the right time for them to pass over, and that is good; it is important to pass over at the right time…

So, when we try to bring all this back to meditation, the most important thing I can tell you is that I believe it is the most efficient path that one can do alone. It is not the same as being in relationship with others, but it is the most efficient path that one can pursue alone to accelerate one's unfoldment. It can really be this way for all of us, though some people just find it too hard and drop it.

But for it to be really effective, you need to understand that the progress you'll see will come out over years, and it may be quite slow to appear. Someone asked the Dalai Lama about how we can recognize progress along the path. And he said something like, "well, if you find that you are a little more loving and compassionate than you were ten years ago, then you know that its effective."

Well, you know these guys are from Tibet, right? So they sit in the mountains for 40 years, and time passes around them, but they don't make a big deal of it, and they're not in hurry, as we in the West usually are. So, they look at the big view, and that is the big view -- that if a bit more true wisdom and compassion is born over the time of a decade, you're doing well, and don't worry about it.

RA said that all our 3D spiritual work was like working in darkness with a tiny candle, but that here in 3D, in the midst of such inner and outer confusion and turmoil, "real change can be made." This experience we have here, living "under the veil" or in what could be called veiled consciousness, is like doing our work in darkness. The candle we use is the tiny span or space of our conscious awareness, and once we know the principles of the working -- namely, balanced love/wisdom in service to all -- then we can do a bit better in that darkened room.

And so RA says, the central principles of our work are, "acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will." We all know something about service to others, we know that the more we are balanced the more we can be a field of balance, acceptance and light for others to further heal themselves. And we also know that when we're off balance or when we have some problems in our mind, that we made these by ourselves, and thus we also have the solution available within us.

RA also said, that "for the perfectly balanced entity, no situation would have emotional charge, but would be a situation like any other in which they could observe an opportunity to be of service." This is also a very important teaching. They're saying that when we're in balance then no situation would be seen or felt to have an emotional charge, and further, that situations in an of themselves are not emotionally charged. Me losing my address book, or your spouse doing what they do is not a charged situation, though you might feel charged, and if you do feel charged it is definitely your own problem.

It doesn't mean we should blame ourselves, but first of all, we need to take responsibility for our side of the situation. So we can definitely learn to take responsibility for everything we need to in our lives, without blaming yourself or anyone else. That's great, isn't it? It's a real challenge, very, very subtle, right? To be able to say that, "I made this personal conflict, or at least I co-created it."

You know, in reality and beyond our illusions of me and you, if you want to speak about evolution from the perspective of the Law of One and true unity, then you have to realize there's no one here but you. And so there can be no "other" out there to do things to you, no matter how much it appears to be so. In the view of unity, the self makes it all, and reality does not fit with the ideas that, "I did this, and he did that, she has this, and they have that."

All these may well be clear and useful karmic reflections, understanding the causal chain of why things happen to us and around us -- but from a non-dual perspective, we 't even say that, "this is my field, and this is yours, we're connected!" Frankly, that's not real unity at all.

In the view of non-dual fusion, the Law of One in soul-awareness, what I call your field is also my field, so you are not a separate "you," but instead, you are of this greater unified field in which all things can be seen as One Thing. And it's the same from you to me: I am Scott, but I am also you appearing as Scott. Of course, if you take this too far that is how people go insane, so you have to be careful with all this talk of unity! (laughter) Such distortion of unity can be called megalomania. I am good at that one.

So, anyway, I hope from this short talk you got a sense of the chakras and a taste for meditation leading to the awareness of unity. You know, meditation is truly the gateway to spiritual power because it is direct work on the spirit complex. It is direct work on the 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras, and from this you might well feel a whooshing in the ears, because in many cases that indicates activation of the etheric channels in the head, which is a sign of kundalini rising. And as Carla said, the "seating of experience" at one of the seven energy center levels, by knowing the meaning of the 7centers and where you are developed and where you are weak, is one way to better know where you generally live, in terms of your ordinary consciousness.

And so, you can ask yourself if you primarily look at yourself and your life in terms of the ability to connect with people, to love them, help them and serve -- which is a "seating" in the 4th chakra. If instead, you're mainly concerned with your ability to communicate, to understand and comprehend people, to make clear and meaningful verbal or written expression, to know and teach and share knowledge, then you're working at the 5th chakra or 5th center.

Or instead, if you can dwell peacefully in a sense of the all-sacred, open to real unity, wholeness, emptiness, quiet being, broad peace and quiet internally, forgiveness of self and other and even the "evil-doers," then you're working and living from the 6th center. Of course, when we're not able to operate in any of these three modes, then we find below them all the personal, mental/emotional blockages we're all familiar with. Despite the fact that such blockages mainly occur in the lower chakras (below the 4th), these centers do have important functions for grounding and human-physical relations on this plane, so we shouldn't try to deny their activity either.

Anyway, why don't we just open things up now for some questions about anything you'd like to ask. Actually, since we're all a bit tired, let's instead take a little break right now and since I am a teacher of nothingness, no questions will be most appropriate! (laughter)


David Wilcock


March 2, 2002

With the work of Dr. S.V. Smelyakov and Y. Karpenko on the Mayan Calendar [6], we may well have the "smoking gun" to prove scientifically that a fundamental energetic change is occurring throughout the entire Solar System at this time, fostering a crucial link between the local effects on the Sun, Earth and other planets and the effects upon the consciousness of humanity. Since distant ancient times, all of these prophesied changes have been associated with the culmination of a 25,920-year master cycle known as "precession". In Shift of the Ages [10], we demonstrate how this cycle can be seen in the long-term activity of the Sun [3] as well as the rotation of the Earth's axis. We also show how the Mayan Calendar cycle, at 5,125 years in length, is exactly one-fifth of the precession. [10] John Major Jenkins, one of the speakers at our upcoming event in Louisville, KY on April 26-28, 2002, has demonstrated that on Dec. 21, 2012, the end-date for this cycle, the long-term "precessional" orientation of the Earth's axis is perfectly aligned with the center of the galaxy. [4] And now, Dr. Smelyakov et al. have added dramatic new evidence to the case in their paper entitled "The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Calendar." [6] This article you are now reading is the very first account of this groundbreaking study to be published worldwide, other than the paper itself, which has remained completely obscure from the Internet-based metaphysical culture at large. This is almost certainly due to its degree of sophistication, making it almost indecipherable to those not educated in physics and mathematics.

Smelyakov's discovery is based on his earlier investigations of the ratio known as "phi" or the Golden Section and how it unifies and correlates the following phenomena [6]:

  • all the fundamental phenomena in biology (cell and physiological rhythms)
  • cyclical events in botany (vegetative cycles, etc.)
  • cycles in zoology (counts of head of livestock, number of fishes caught, etc.)
  • meteorological cycles of the weather
  • the physics of the movements of the Sun and the Earth
  • the ebb and flow of human emotion as seen in financial market activities (Kondratiev cycle [2] and others)
  • events through history such as wars and levels of population
  • cycles of criminal behavior
  • earthquakes and other epic natural disasters
  • cycles of sudden variation in Carbon-14 radiation content in tree rings

Those who have studied sacred geometry or read my books and / or others on the subject are well aware of the importance of the phi ratio, which has a value of 1.6180339. This ratio can be easily seen in the relationships between common "Diatonic" musical frequencies as well as the natural proportions of growing bacteria clusters, plant life, animal life and the human body. When drawn geometrically, it appears as the classic spiral shape that we so often see on the seashells at the beach. Furthermore, the importance of phi was enshrined in many ancient structures throughout the world. As a ratio, it perfectly balances the forces of expansion and contraction, which can be demonstrated geometrically or mathematically, and its connection to music shows that it is a fundamental characteristic of the behavior of vibration. [10, 11]

Smelyakov and others assert that the vibrations of phi actually ripple through the very "fabric" of time and space itself, due to its innate harmonic characteristics. In our upcoming book The Divine Cosmos, we explain how Russian scientists have determined that what we call "space" is not empty, but is rather filled with an energetic medium that Nikola Tesla suggested "behaves as a liquid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat." The mysteries of the Universe, all the way from the "flat" formation of the known Universe to the anomalies of galaxy formation, the structure and function of our Solar System and even the world of quantum physics can all be unified together in a single, coherent model once we reintroduce this medium, which the ancient Greeks referred to as "aether." As seen in our second book Convergence III [11], many further mysteries of consciousness, life and the existence of "psychic" phenomena are explained by aether-based models as well, and the above list of "phi"-related cycles certainly adds to what we know that the research has already determined.

If we were to vibrate a fluid, then we would see wavelengths appear with the simple phi relationship occurring between them. Similarly, the phi relationship can be observed in the Universe, such as in the cycles of our Solar System. It appears that we have "ripples" of energy in our Galaxy that we move through in set intervals of time which are based on phi and which the Mayans were well aware of [10, 11], as we shall see in this article. Smelyakov has determined that our entire Solar System operates in a unified, harmonic fashion that he terms "the Solar-Planetary Synchronism," (SPS,) and its values are all related to each other by the phi ratio. This work allows us to predict the exact orbit of a hypothetical planet "Proserpine" past Pluto as ~510.9 years in length [6], as well as unifying the movements of the Asteroid Belt and the various cycles of solar activity with all other known harmonics (orbits) in the Solar System. Furthermore, as we said, the same cycles can be shown to affect human life and the movement of economic trends as well.

These connections between various celestial and terrestrial cycles are discovered by taking a basic time unit and then expanding or contracting it by various exponential powers of phi, where phi^0 is equal to 1, phi^1 is the classic ratio of 1.6180339 and phi^-1 is .618. Overall, Smelyakov calls the various powers of phi the "Auric series," and assigns this series the letter F. Thus, F is a geometric progression as follows: F = {…phi^-2, phi^-1, phi^0, phi^1, phi^2, …}, and this cycle can potentially expand infinitely in either the negative or positive direction.

So, to see this Solar-Planetary Synchronism in action, we begin by taking a given cycle in our Solar System and assign it to the center of the Auric series at phi^0. One example would be to take one Earth year for this basic cycle. If we were to do so, we then discover that phi^5 is 11.089, which is very close to the established value of 11.07 Earth years for the basic "sunspot cycle." This example shows us that the standard 11-year sunspot cycle is what Smelyakov would call the "fifth phi-harmonic" of the Earth's orbit. Obviously, most people would not expect there to be any connection between these two cycles, since the Sun and the planets are supposedly "separate." In the new model, they are very much integrated by the "aether." [11] This is but one of many examples that show how our Solar System works as a miraculously unified system, but in mainstream physics models that exclude the existence of an "aether," these connections are left unseen or ignored.

Smelyakov explains that most of the "phi-harmonics" that can be found in the Solar System are based on either the Earth's orbit of 1 year or the basic Sunspot cycle of 11.07 years. [6] Either of these cycles can be used as the central point upon which to calculate the harmonics of phi. When this is done, Smelyakov says that by taking various powers of phi or various powers of 2 x phi from these "seed" cycles of time, we get "most known basic periods in Nature and society from biology to geology, including economical cycles." [6]

Dr. Smelyakov's literally Earth-shaking discovery involving the Mayan Calendar cycle was found by a process similar to the above, where a given time cycle with a given start date is then divided into "a sequence of intervals [within it that have a] duration decreasing [by phi.]" Here, it is important to remember that the entire cycle decreases to a certain final moment at the end of the cycle. Even though the "phi"-based series F can theoretically extend infinitely in either direction, when you are dealing with a series that is exponentially decreasing in duration, the cycle does converge on one end-point, simply representing smaller and smaller intervals of time in that moment. This would be the same as how the central point of the spiral on a seashell is theoretically infinite in its imploding "recursiveness," yet you nevertheless can clearly define where the end of the seashell's spiral is.

What Smelyakov then did was to apply the "Auric series" F on the Mayan Calendar cycle. In doing so, that infinitely-converging end point would cluster around the Dec. 21, 2012 date. [6] Once this is done, we see that this imploding "phi" cycle has clear effects on celestial objects in interplanetary space and the behavior of lifeforms in time -- and this might explain why the Mayans stated that "time would collapse" at the end of their Calendar cycle. [3, 4] These connections have previously been intuitively suggested and explored by the late Terence McKenna in the "Timewave Zero" model, but there is still controversy over whether his discoveries are indeed scientifically sound. With Smelyakov's additions, any remaining mystery is cleared away and a far more discrete, verifiable model is introduced to support the basic premise of an "imploding cycle" centering around 2012-2013.

As we said, typically Smelyakov would take the value of the Earth's orbit at 1 year or the value of the Sunspot cycle at 11.07 years and then plug it into the center of the Auric series [phi^0] to locate other cycles. With the Mayan Calendar, the same process was performed, except that the total length of the Mayan Calendar at 5,125.3661 years was used as the central time unit for the Auric series, and the various "harmonics" of phi, in years, were then calculated. The commonly-agreed start time of August 6-13, 3113 BC was used as the origin of the cycle. And indeed, Smelyakov found "abrupt world-wide changes" at each of the cycle hit-points that were determined by this system. [6] The overall set of categories that Smelyakov correlated to the Auric series are as follows:

  • Global natural cataclysms [on Earth] and phenomena in Space [supernovas of nearby stars within our own Galaxy];
  • The coming of Great Teachers of humanity, as well as outstanding philosophers and scientists;
  • The originations of calendars (as systems for measuring Time/Space);
  • Demographic trends (specified by the population of China as an indicator of world trends);
  • The formation and interaction of worldwide religious/philosophical systems and States.

At the end of this paper, we shall see the integration of these categories in the excerpted Table 10 from Smelyakov's work, detailing what occurs in each "cycle hit point." Overall, we can see that we have a combination of cataclysmic changes with overall effects in population, and in the quality of spiritual consciousness of humanity as seen by the coming of great teachers, philosophers and scientists as well as the formation and interaction of new religious and philosophical systems. Thus, when a cycle that has demonstrable connections to spiritual consciousness is then seen to converge in our near future to an "Omega Point" of greatest energetic intensity, there is compelling evidence that this event shall correspond to a major change in human consciousness at large. [6] This would then appear to be the literal fulfillment of the various prophecies of Ascension from many various spiritual traditions, Christianity notwithstanding.


In order to give a complete background to the studies of history and neatly show the overall ebb and flow of population levels and cultural centers, Smelyakov focuses on the population [demographical] statistics for China, since they have accurate census data that has remained unbroken for more than 2,000 years. [6] Indeed, he found that all of the most important demographic changes in China clustered quite precisely around the "hit points" as specified by the Auric Series of the Mayan Calendar. The overall phases of civilization as seen in the Auric cycle development include:

1. Prolonged processes of condensation of centers of civilization;

2. Relatively short periods of founding of new cultures in some of the above centers;

3. Violent flourishing and expansion of the new cultures separated from the "parents";

4. Rapid and unexpected decay and contracting or disappearing of the "parent" civilizations.

Since these effects are already well-established, we can indeed expect "a lot of global surprises" in socio-political arenas in the next few years. Two "bifurcation points" of extreme change in 2003 and 2008 have been established from ''s studies of more local cycles of planetary movement as well as the statistically-estimated timing of the most significant population changes in China. There is no doubt that dramatic changes have already come into view since the publication of Smelyakov's work in 1999. The accuracy of his cycle predictions are further enhanced by the fact that in December 2000, he correctly pinpointed the Sept. 11th date (within a ten-day window surrounding Sept. 16th) as an "extremely dangerous" time for humanity, associated with airplane or other crashes, economic failures and warfare. [7, 8, 9] Even the nations involved in the problem, including the USA, Israel and Afghanistan, were included in is prediction, which was mentioned in The Mountain Astrologer magazine. [5]


Smelyakov also demonstrates the correlation between the Auric Time Series of the Mayan Calendar and major earthquakes. Prior to the 20th century, there was no Richter scale for measurement, and the severity of a quake was only mentioned by the number of deaths that it created. The National Earthquake Information Center of Russia has listed the top 21 most destructive earthquakes in the world from 856 AD to the present, and all of them occur during one of the "cycle hit points." Furthermore, the "imploding" nature of the cycle is seen by the fact that out of a total of 21 earthquakes, fully 9 of them occurred in the 20th century. [6] This strongly suggests that conventional methods of earthquake prediction and analysis need to be abandoned and a more unified "aetheric" view considered. [11]


Dr. Smelyakov et al.'s study shows that the Mayan Calendar, once properly understood, is not seen as simply a linear cycle of time but also as a focal point for an exponential "imploding" cycle of time based on phi. [6] Based on our upcoming published research, we feel that this cycle delineates our movement through areas of progressively higher aetheric vibration in the Galaxy. Each time we move into a new layer where the vibration of the "zero-point energy" medium of space increases, there are direct, dramatic physical effects.

This cycle has directly caused the last three geomagnetic pole inversions on Earth, a reliable succession of extremely powerful earthquakes and the triggering of "supernova" star explosions in nearby areas of our own Galaxy. [6] Almost every religious teaching in the world originated during one of the cycle points, including Krishna, Vyasa, Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, Fu-Si, Lao-tzu, Confucius, Pythagoras, Plato et al. and Christianity. [6] Practically all known ancient civilizations created calendars during these times as well, including China, India, Iran, Babylon, Egypt, Maya, et cetera. [6] And now with the work of Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev [1], we have also seen how the entire Solar System is showing signs of an ever-increasing energetic charge.

It is utterly remarkable that the Maya would be able to encode this cycle so clearly into their Calendar, with its connections not only to the linear phenomenon of precession but to an exponential phenomenon based on "phi" that has such clear energetic effects on both the material plane and the arena of consciousness. It is even more remarkable that this cycle would ratchet forward with ever-increasing intensity into the moment wherein the Earth's precessional position is in perfect alignment with the center of our Galaxy. [4] The mysteries of how and why all these cycles relate will be unveiled and integrated in our upcoming final book, The Divine Cosmos.

By combining the effects of geo-cosmic change with the overall flourishing of humanity in the cultural and spiritual sense, we see that as the cycle continues to exponentially accelerate its energetic rate of vibration into the 2012-2013 "singularity," we can expect ever-more rapid increases in human awareness, leading up to a discontinuous mega-event where "time and space collapse" as we know it. We believe that there is no reason to fear this change, as what we are moving towards is a literal shift in the basic characteristics of matter, energy and consciousness.

In our second article on this website entitled "A Scientific Blueprint for Ascension," we have demonstrated a connection between these energetic changes and the evolution of life on Earth. The work of Dr. Vladimir Poponin, Dr. Glen Rein and others show us that our DNA is actually an energetic "field effect" that appears to be an innate characteristic of the "vibrations" of space-time now around us. As these outer energetic changes occur, there are changes in life as well -- and as we demonstrated in Convergence III [11], once these energy increases reach a critical threshold there is a literal transformation of matter into a higher "density" or dimension of energy, thus rendering it invisible to those in our own "third density" or dimension. Though this seems quite impossible to believe, there are ample cases of human disappearance and / or invisibility and other anomalous effects on matter in the presence of high-intensity energetic fields. This includes "vortex" effects such as those documented in the Bermuda and Devil's Triangles, as well as lesser-known anomalies associated with tornadoes. [11]

From our research, it appears that the Ancients knew of this coming time quite well, and referred to it as the dawning of a Golden Age for humanity, the likes of which have never before been imagined. All of us are being given an opportunity to experience a collective initiation, as Gregg Braden would say, wherein we have the choice to move out of fear and into trust that the prophecies given to us are indeed accurate. These prophecies include the words of Jesus of Nazareth, who said, "As I do these things, so shall ye do them, and greater things…" [John 14:12.]



The following is the complete contents of Table 10 from Smelyakov and Karpenko's paper, detailing the exact nature of the various types of events that have clustered at each point in the Mayan Calendar-based Auric Series. [6] Further context and detail can be gained by downloading the complete paper itself. The numbers that we see before each paragraph begin with the number of the harmonic of phi in question, from -- 2 to 10, followed by the estimated number for population in China at the time, represented as a figure that indicates how many millions of people existed at the time. The third number is a value as a year which shows the exact point where the population spontaneously increased in size over a short period, based on the Chinese census data. The final fourth number in bold is the actual date for the cycle hit as calculated by the Auric Time Series. Certain special time periods and / or the omissions of some of the numbers are all explained in Smelyakov's paper, and for the sake of brevity we have not included these explanations.



Table 10. Separation Epochs of Auric Cycles for the Mayan Calendar and their Synchronism with Global Geocosmic Phenomena, Demographic Trends, and Development of Consciousness

-2 3.85 11,434 BC 11,446 BC

Epoch of termination of the last glacial era (XII-th millennium BC) Flash of Supernova; Geomagnetic inversion (second to the last); Intensification of earthquakes and volcanic activity (XIII-XI millenniums BC)

Change in surface of Central Asia (XII-th millennium BC)

-1 6.22 6294 BC 6296 BC

Flash of Supernova; Geomagnetic inversion (next to the last); Growth of concentration of precipitated uranium (VIII-VII millenniums BC)

Birth of Zoroaster (6194 BC -- by Aristotle)

Epoch of ruin of Atlantis (by Platon)

Epoch of "Creation of the World" (by Augustine et al.)

0 10.07 3113 BC 3113 BC

The last geomagnetic inversion (3.2-2.9 millenniums BC)

Total Solar eclipse at vernal equinox (3306 BC)

Beginning of the Kali Yuga (about 3100 BC)

Beginning of the Mayan Calendar (3113 BC)

Emergence of Sumerian civilization and Babylon (about 3000 BC): in those times they were provided with the star ascending tables and (at least, since 2500 BC) they used the Solar-Moon calendar

Up to the epoch of 3000 BC (since 4000 BC), the heliacal rise of Sirius in Memphis was the "exact" calendar for the annual flooding of the Nile River

Krishna, his era and record of the legend -- over 3000 BC

Vyasa, founder of Vedanta (about 3100)

Fu-Si (about 2852 BC) and his heirs had found and expanded the Chinese Empire up to the Eastern Sea and ordered the calendar that was later improved more fully during succeeding centuries; as well, Fu-Si discovered the trigrams that were further developed (See below) into the I Ching in the Age of Confucius

Yudistir (died in 3101 BC) -- founder of the Indrapresht, on the ruins of which Delhi was built in the XVII-th century (See Akbar, below)

1 16.28 1147 BC 1146 BC

Significant intensification of tectonic activity coincides with a growth in the concentration of precipitated uranium (about 1200 BC)

The Golden section of the Mayan Calendar (from the end to the beginning), 1155 BC

Fall of Troy (1194 BC)

End of the age of the creation of the Mahabrata (1500-1200 BC)

The discovery of Tibet and China by the Europeans

Beginning of the Iron Age (1200-1180 BC)

Ramses II (1314-1200 BC) establishes the Calendar of "lucky/unlucky" days

X 550 BC

Coming of the Great Pleiad of the Initiate Adepts and thinkers:

Gautama Buddha (621-544 BC)

Historical Maitreya (V­th century BC), Mahatma, successor of Gautama Buddha

Zoroaster (VI­th century BC)

Pythagoras (570-496, or 582-507 BC), Initiate, the most known of the mystic philosophers

Plato (427-347 BC), Initiate, the greatest European philosopher of the pre­Christian Age; he reflected the ideas of Vedanta and Pythagorean concepts

Herodotus (birth about 484 BC), the most exact of the historians, the founder of the European historical science

Anaxagor (about 500-428 BC), famous Ionian philosopher; one of those who firstly disclosed the secret Pythagorean concepts

Anaximander (610-546 BC), the first who put forward the concept of the evolution of human beings

Lao­tzu (VI­th century BC)

Confucius (551­479 BC)

Destruction of the Jerusalem's Temple, Babylonean Capturing (588 BC);

Final fall of Babylon (539 BC), being one of the richest countries and the hearth of science and culture

Greece makes the Eleusics (viz. initiations) the source of profits (520 BC)

The Phoenician expedition was the first to go around Africa (in the middle of the VI­th century BC), and was surprised by the anti­clock­wise movement of the Sun that they observed

Iran established a Zoroastrian calendar similar to the Egyptian type (VI-V centuries BC)

Solon (640-560 BC) established (in 593 BC) the first regular Solar­Moon Greek calendar which was edited by Meton in 432 BC

Phales of Miletus (625-547 BC), the first in Europe to be known by name who was recorded as predicting a Solar eclipse

Creation of I Ching (VI­th century BC) -- the number-one book in the history and culture of China, which is closely associated with the binary structure (2^6 =64) of the Mayan Tzolkin

(Y) 2 26.35 69 AD (56) 71 AD

Engendering of the Christianity; first persecutions of the Christians

Apostle Paul

Buddhism in China (65); great Chinese movement to the West

Worldwide Hebrew massacres (65)

Destruction of Jerusalem's Temple (70)

Eruption of Vesuvius (79)

Migration of Huns; Starting of the Great transmigration of peoples in Eurasia

The age of Sak (78) -- beginning of count of days in the national Indian calendar being officially accepted in 1957

Apollonius of Tian (Birth in the beginning of the 1st century AD, lived for about 100 years),

Initiate, earnest devotee of Pythagoras, the most famous historical personality of the "Age (viz. century) of Miracles'"

Simon Magus (1st century) -- the second, after Apollonius -- a famous Gnostic and magician who was called "The Great God's Might"

Claudius Ptolemaeus (end of the 1st century -- middle of the 2nd century) -- the creator of Almagestum and geocentric system which were used in astronomy until Copernicus, and the author of the Tetrabiblos, which still has an outstanding role in astrology that has steadfastly remained valuable right through to the present

3 42.63 820 AD 823 AD

Earthquakes in Iran in 856 (200,000 victims) and in 893 (150,000 victims)

The miraculous disappearance of the people of the Mayan Empire (830)

Beginning of the Kiev's Rus (See below)

(944 AD) Z (944 AD) 1035 AD

Flash of Supernova (1054)

Birth of the historical Quetzalkoatl (Kukulcan) (947)

Igor's (Kiev's famous duke) campaign against Byzantium (944),

Baptism of Kiev's Rus (988)

Starting of Indian and Himalayan campaigns of Mahmud (1001-1013)

Tibet­China war (1015)

Mongolia establishes the calendar relevant to Chinese analogue (1027)

4 69.98 1285 AD 1287 AD

Earthquakes in Asia Minor in 1268 (60,000 victims) and in China in 1290 (100,000 victims)

Dissemination of Zen­Buddhism in Japan (XIII­th century)

Invasion of Mongols in China, Japan, Java, Punjab (1276-1293)

Foundation of the Parliament in England (1265); Origin of the Ottoman Empire (1288), Moscow (1276) and Lithuanian (1293) Princedoms

Proscription of Hebrews from England, Christians from Palestine (1290-1291)

Decay of new Maya

5 111.61 1572 AD 1574 AD

The most terrible (relative to victims -- 830 000) earthquake on record in the world, China, 1556

Dreadful epidemic of the plague in Europe (1563) during a great conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Flashes of Supernovas: in 1572 (Tycho Brahe) and in 1604 (Kepler)

Europe: beginning of Renaissance, development of capitalism, Reformation and dissemination of Christianity over the world, establishing of world­wide empires, great geographical discoveries of 15­16 centuries

Asia: flourishing of the Mogul empire of the emperor Akbar (1542-1605) being called "the Solomon of India"

Flourishing and reformation of Moscow and Lithuanian Princedoms into kingdoms (1547, 1572, respectively); subjugating of Siberia by Ermak (1582)

Massacre in Vassi (1560), uprising of Huguenots in France (1567), Massacre of St. Bartholomew (1572), Religious riots in Japan (1571), London's punishment (1588)

Dissemination of heliocentric world outlook: Copernicus (1473­1543), Tycho Brahe (1546­1601), Giordano Bruno (1548­1600), Galileo (1564-1642), Kepler (1571-1630)

(1718 AD) (1718 AD)

A series of most destructive earthquakes: Caucasus, 1667 (80,000 victims); Italy, 1693 (60,000); Iran, 1727 (77,000)

Storm of Potala (1717); Manchurian Dynasty subordinates the land of Tibet (1720)

The reformation of Russia into an Empire (1718-1721), the first general census

The discovery of Easter Island and its monuments (1722) -- the only remains of Lemuria

The creation of a physical and mathematical foundation for the sciences: Newton (1643-1727),

G.W. Leibnitz (1646-1716) et al.

6 180.60 1749 AD 1752 AD

A series of most destructive earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons: India, 1737 (300,000 victims); Portugal, 1755 (70,000); Italy, 1783 (50,000)

The commencement of the industrial revolution and the flourishing of materialistic science, the disappearance of feudalism in Europe and the formation of colonial empires

Beginning of raids of Ahmed­Durran to India, riots in Mongolia and China (1747), intestine

wars in Java Island (1750). Seven Year's war, British­French wars in America, India; taking of

Pandishery by British troops (1750-1763)

Discovery of Uranus (1781)

7 292.21 1859 AD 1861 AD

Beginning of the age of triumph of materialism, pragmatic ideology and science

Helena Blavatsky (1831-1889) -- publication of the Secret Doctrine

Abolition of serfdom in Russian Empire (1961), the last serfage in Europe and on the 1/6 part of the land

Wars, revolutions, riots occur in many places on ideological and religious grounds (1845-1875)

Theoretical prediction and discovery of Neptune (1846)

(1901 AD) (1901 AD)

The epoch of beginning of the last evolutional cycle (1901-2013, viz. the XX­th century)

within the 7­phase Auric structure of the Mayan Calendar, which defines the period of continuous and accelerating reorganization of the world as a unitary system, both in material and ideological spheres

The period of the most destructive earthquakes (See Para. 12.3)

"The twentieth century has laid up for the humanity very strange events, and it may even happen for this century to be the last one" [15]

8 427.88 1926 AD 1929 AD

The age of Pluto -- symbolizing the development of nuclear power, world wars and world­wide cataclysms in both material spheres and the realms of consciousness

Discovery of the planet Pluto (1930) in this cycle is directly accompanied by the reaction of the

Pluto the Sovereign of the underground kingdom: during the period of 1920 to 1935, we see 5 of the 21 most destructive earthquakes over the 1140 years of registration, which seized

about 650,000 lives. We see the world­wide economical crisis, the world war that killed about 50,000,000 people, and the ideological split of the world community into two "superpower" systems with the looming threat of nuclear war

9 765.08 1968 AD 1971 AD

Earthquakes: Peru, 1970 (66,000 victims), China, 1976 (from 255,000 to 655,000); Iran, 1990 (50,000)

The age of the collapse of consciousness, seen by the inability to adapt to the consequences of this frontal breach into unprecedented spheres of knowledge and technology, which makes humankind the hostage of its achievements. Firstly, this is seen with global computerization and informatization of life; it is also seen with the exploration of Space (flights to other planets, space stations, militarization of the space). Then, we see the ecological and technological crisis, and the problem of the exponential growth of knowledge and technologies exceeding the human ability to monitor the consequences; there are epidemics in developed countries (AIDS, etc.)

Dissemination of the Eastern philosophy to the West, and Western logic and technology to the East.

[1987 AD] Flash of Supernova SN1987A in 1987 AD (See Para.12.3)

Intensification of technological, natural and ideological cataclysms: Chernobil Catastrophe, problems with utilization of chemical and nuclear wastes, heating of the atmosphere, seismic/volcanic drift of the Pacific platform, growth of ozone holes, etc.

Ruin of the communist world. Continuous political and armed world­wide confrontation on ideological and religious bases.

10 1238.05 1994 AD 1997 AD

The establishment of a "new world order" presenting misbalance on the background of the demographic "explosion" and global (natural, social, and technological [11-13]) cataclysms, the development of which is intensified with the coming of Saturn to the sign of Taurus (March 1, 1999)

Unprecedented (since WWII) military action in Europe begins exactly at the comet Hale­Bopp Time Focus on March 24th , 1999, which was previously manifested by military conflicts and riots in Albany (1997) and Kosovo (1998)

[Note: It is remarkable to point out here that one of Dr. Smelyakov's most serious Hale-Bopp time foci was for Sept. 16, 2001, +/- 5 days. This data was published in The Mountain Astrologer magazine in the winter of 2000. Smelyakov associated this period with "a series of events of extreme nature", and suggested that the countries involved would include the USA, Balkans, Central Europe, Moscow, India, Israel, Japan and Afghanistan. He indicated that there would be marked splashes in mental collisions, political disorders and military operations. The "splashes" that Smelyakov had referred to were seen as air and space crashes, fires and other technogeneous catastrophes. He made this prediction in the winter of 2000, saying that the time around the 16th was "dangerous."]

11 2003.26 2010 AD 2013 AD

The end of the Mayan Calendar


[1] Dmitriev, Aleskey. Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life. The Millennium Group, January 1998.:

[2] Fisher, D. Kondratieff Wave. May, 1998.:

[3] Gilbert, Adrian and Cotterell, Maurice. The Mayan Prophecies. Element Books, Inc., 1995. ISBN: 1-85230-906-7

[4] Jenkins, John Major. Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. Bear & Company, 1998.:

[5] Reynolds, Carolyn. Monthly Horoscopes. November, 2001.:

[6] Smelyakov, S.V., Karpenko Yu.B. THE AURIC TIME SCALE AND THE MAYAN FACTOR: Demography, Seismicity and History of Great Revelations in the Light of the Solar-Planetary Synchronism. Kharkov, 1999. ISBN: 966-7309-53-3:

[7] Smelyakov, S.V., Whether the Comet Hale-Bopp is Opening the Gate to the Forthcoming Decade? November, 1997.:

[8] Smelyakov, S.V., The Focuses of the Comet Hale-Bopp, Solar Activity and Major World Events. Summer, 2001.:

[9] Smelyakov, S.V., The Focuses of the Comet Hale-Bopp -- the Magic Spectacles for Seeing the Mosaic of the Mundane Trends? Summer, 2001.:

[10] Wilcock, David. The Shift of the Ages. December, 2000.:

[11] Wilcock, David. Convergence III. April, 2001.:


Spirit of Ma'at: "Immortality" -- Vol. 2, September 2001

David Wilcock,
as told to Wynn Free


David Wilcock is one of the more interesting people who are making a serious attempt to explain the rapid changes that the world is going through today. Though controversial, his views are well thought out, profound, and backed up by a wealth of scientific data.

We interviewed David on the subject of Ascension and the energetic ''shift'' -- a coming change that, according to Wilcock and others, like Gregg Braden, involves not only individuals but our planet, our Solar System, and the Galaxy itself.

In order to prepare us for this information, David begins with the Story of Creation. We may believe this or not. Certainly, it can't be ''documented'' in the usual way. But we suggest that you reserve judgment until you have read and absorbed the incredible, provable, scientific facts of what is happening in our Solar System and on planet Earth.

-- Wynn Free (visit his website at


Our origin and evolution

Almost every spiritual tradition has at its core that there is only one Ultimate Being in the Universe. Many sources, including Ra, Edgar Cayce, and others, say that the Oneness essentially got bored or lonely. It needed to do something. It needed to create. Unity in and of itself became static, lacking newness and direction, lacking the very essence of life itself.

So it conceptualized the idea of breaking Itself up into all these parts, knowing that the parts would be able to evolve by their own free will, making their own decisions. Things would happen that the Oneness was not yet able to understand or comprehend. The parts would have essentially their own creative ability. They would be Co-Creators.

The Great Plan was that at the end, after this entire cycle of universal evolution was complete, all of the parts that had evolved on their own would independently recognize their God Consciousness, renounce separation, embrace unity, and return to the totality of Oneness. The One Creator from that very fact would be highly enhanced, because all of this wonderful creative stuff had transpired in that transition from ''One'' to ''many'' and back to ''One.''

So God is evolving, and not some static Being that just sits there and waits for everybody to catch up. God is experiencing our evolution with us.

Galaxies were the first Beings

My understanding is that God's first manifestations of separate beings that we can now see and measure are what we call galaxies.

Each one of those galaxies is capable of sprouting an entire system of stars from itself. Each one of those stars is the equivalent of a being, and then each one of those stars is capable of giving birth to planets, and each one of those planets is a being.

And each one of those planets, potentially, can be populated with intelligent life.

So this is where you really get into the idea that the universe is an Ultimate Being and there are various gradations of beings that step down from that Oneness. The primary being that we here on Earth identify with would be the Galaxy. Ra refers to the Galaxy as the Logos. Our Galaxy has a personality, a particular way of seeing how it's going to create conscious beings that will evolve and return to God Consciousness.

Our Galaxy's own template for evolution is to produce human beings, and all of the stars are precisely tuned with the proper energy waves to insure that this will happen quite on its own, by the natural physics of the situation.

Let me see if I can explain this in scientific terms.

The Galaxy and Harmonic Resonance

We now can establish that the Sun is actively pumping out spiraling energy waves that drive the planets and moons in their respective orbits. Both Bode's Law and the new Stoneking Resonance theories show that the planets are spaced out in the natural Diatonic musical proportions relative to each other.[1] The very first extra-solar planetary system that we discovered, which was around pulsar B1257+12, also shows these same proportions.[2] The proportional phenomenon supports the idea that every star is pumping out energy waves that create similar planetary systems, as this kind of resonance obviously could not be caused by random groupings of gas and dust.

Then, just like the principles of a hologram or a fractal, within the larger waves from the Sun are subtler, smaller waves. And these are also based on the same musical principles. They all branch out, forming waves upon waves and getting smaller and smaller.

The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form DNA

In the optimal planetary system, where there are no major cataclysms or interruptions unlike what occurred in our own example, there is a specific distance from the Sun where the tiniest spiraling waves will gather a planet's natural materials together to form the DNA molecules of life. The DNA is the wave, and the wave is the DNA.

That DNA is formed in the process of planetary evolution may sound ridiculous, but it can effectively be proven by something known as the DNA Phantom effect. Dr. Vladimir Poponin put DNA in a tube and shone a laser through it, and to his surprise he realized that it actually captured the light and caused it to spiral through the helix, as if it were a crystal. Even more amazingly, when Dr. Poponin removed the DNA, the light continued spiraling on its own![3]

For light to form a DNA helix on its own should of course be impossible -- unless the light itself had become harmonically tuned to some naturally existing frequency in the energy of space around it. To me, this says that the spiraling light energy of DNA was there first, and the physical molecules simply formed around the spiraling energy once the planet was at the proper frequency position. The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form human DNA in planetary systems wherever it gets the chance.

Darwin's theories are being disproven

The theory of the Evolution of Species is being disproven because the DNA molecule is just too complicated to have arisen by ''natural mutations.'' Dr. Crick, one of the original discoverers of the DNA molecule, later proved mathematically that it is absolutely impossible for evolution to have ever even begun to produce DNA in the short amount of history that we have as a planet.[4]

We are ''moving on up'' energetically

So now, we are moving into a new position. Microbiology experts tell us that 97 percent of our DNA is apparently un-used,[5] but the research of Dr. Glen Rein, cited frequently by Gregg Braden, suggests that more and more of the chain is ''unzipping'' for those who are able to handle the new fourth-density energy structure, based on the essence of loving-kindness. Dr. Rein's study showed that DNA will "unzip" in the presence of loving emotions, and "zip" into a tight knot in the presence of anger and other negative emotions. Those experiencing such positive DNA changes may not physically look any different, except perhaps more attractive in subtle ways, but internally they will develop greater depths of emotion, perception, intuition, and sensitivity.

Some of the younger people will actually develop telekinesis or the ability to ''see dead people.'' Many others often find that their bodies will no longer tolerate foods of lower vibration, and they are impelled to eat diets high in fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

So, returning to the cosmic evolution model, as you drift farther away from your parent star, your planet enters into different vibrational energies and will support life in higher densities.

As Ra explains[6], there is an Octave of eight major densities. This is the same as if you played the white keys on the piano, the Diatonic scale. The Octave can also be broken down into a system of 13, which can be seen by playing the Chromatic scale of white and black keys together. There are many densities within densities. Each of these vibratory frequencies corresponds to a specific plane of existence -- and/or a specific level of consciousness.

Another teaching of Ra is that all people have higher selves, a sixth-density future incarnative self that is guiding their life and guiding their physical incarnation from the future. The Higher Self basically says, ''Look, I know that you're going to evolve to become me. I'm looking back into my past at myself, but I also know that you have free will. I don't necessarily know all the choices that you will make on a day-by-day basis to eventually get to be me, where I am now. So I'm going to help you get to this point. I'm going to show you how to get to where I am, knowing that it's myself that's evolving.''

That is what dreams are.

The nature and purpose of dreams

Dreams are a very high level, distilled message from the Higher Self that comes through to the individual in the language of metaphor. It doesn't matter whether you understand your dreams with your conscious mind or not. It doesn't matter whether you remember them or not. Your dreams communicate with your fourth-dimensional or fourth-density astral self, which I believe is the same self that Edgar Cayce was using to do his medical readings.

It's your astral self that goes through the dream experience. So it's as if you have multiple levels of your being that are doing different things, things that you're not aware of. They're doing all sorts of work, and they're buzzing around -- and yet it's all part of you, at the same time.

And this is a very mind-expanding concept because you realize how much more you are than your physical body. You realize how much more you're loved and how much more of yourself there is.

The Science of Ascension

The keystone to all of this that we're talking about -- to everything I mentioned so far -- is the idea that evolution must come on a mass scale. Ascension is not simply restricted to an idea like the Christian concept that there is going to be a ''rapture,'' where Jesus comes back and ushers in a thousand years of peace. It's a cosmic event, and has been prophesied in almost every major religious and spiritual tradition that has existed on the face of the Earth.

In my new career as research director for the ''Time of Global Shift'' tour, I provide references to back up these assertions.[7] Let's talk about some of these now.

We'll start with Dr. Alexey Dmitriev from the Russian National Academy of Sciences. Dmitriev did work with tornadoes showing that in the presence of a tornado there are very high electromagnetic fields, visible light, and ball lightning. And there are all sorts of cases where the tornado causes the physical objects to fuse into each other -- where matter actually becomes able to permeate other matter. Dmitriev cites cases where two burnt and charred wooden boards were fused together by a tornado, even though they would crumble at the slightest touch. There were pebbles that had gone through glass without breaking the glass; flimsy wooden sticks being imbedded in solid iron bars; a clover leaf being impressed into a stucco wall; I have also heard of pieces of straw that went through a window and got embedded in the window without breaking it.[8]

All this weird stuff is happening that shows that matter is able to disappear or become "liquefied" and permeable to other matter in the presence of a strong enough field.

Then we look at the Bermuda Triangle. In a triangular area off the coast of Florida between Puerto Rico, Miami, and Bermuda, there have been planes lost as well as ships. It hasn't really been active since the 1970s, but certainly it was before then. And we're not just talking about marine vessels that disappear, and you can say, ''Okay, well, it sank.'' We're talking about airplanes that are on radar and have radio contact, and suddenly they're just gone.

In certain cases there have been people who disappear and then reappear. There was a case in 1969 where a National Airlines 727 passenger aircraft flying into Miami had lost all radar and radio contact for 10 minutes. Of course, the air traffic controller was highly freaked out by this. Ten minutes went by and then the communication came back on. The air traffic controller asked the crew where they had been, and they didn't know what he was talking about. They had no perception of anything having happened. And when they landed, it was discovered that every single timepiece in the entire aircraft -- everybody's watch, every chronometer, you name it -- had lost 10 minutes! It was as if they basically just winked out of our existence for 10 minutes and then came back.[9]

The more we investigate these vortex phenomena, the more we see that some highly anomalous things are happening.

Another vortex phenomenon case involved a group of young hippies who were camped out inside Stonehenge when the stones were struck by lightning. Witnesses saw them all disappear, leaving only the charred pegs of their tents.[10] I believe that the higher energy vibration of the lightning activated the earth energy vortex that Stonehenge had been built to harness, which in turn caused this to happen, and I think that the creators of Stonehenge probably used these effects for travel through space and time.

So apparently Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle are places where, at certain times, the amount of gravitational and vibrational energy coming out of the Earth exceeds that going into the Earth. You could think of these areas as being akin to holes that have been popped in a plastic bag filled with water -- for a certain amount of time, the water would flow out very quickly.

And you can see that in those two locations, there is a history of incidents suggesting that matter has been transmuted in the presence of such an energy vortex.

What we are leading to is that the entire energy of the Solar System is increasing, and that at some point, it will reach a level where it will transmute all life on the planet. That is when Ascension will be manifest.

Our Sun is not a nuclear furnace

Research is now suggesting that the Sun is like a hole that has popped in the energy field of the Galaxy, allowing energy to flow out in a given area; that's why we see it as bright white light.

They've already proven that there's no nuclear furnace going on in there. The amount of neutrinos that the Sun gives off is far too low for it to be the byproduct of a nuclear reaction. There are missing neutrinos. They've known about this for 30 years, and the problem is not being solved -- those missing neutrinos simply don't exist!

So the Sun is not a nuclear furnace. The Sun basically represents cosmic energy, the true energy of Creation.

What this means is that the Sun is like a pinhole in space where the energy is flowing out -- just like the pinhole in the bag of water we spoke about earlier, or what you would see in the Bermuda Triangle.

And in higher levels of vibration, you see a lot more than just the pinhole of the Sun; you see all the vibrations that surround it. These appear as concentric spheres of energy, like ripples on a pond, which are connected by a spiraling coil of energy that expands on out to drive the orbits and rotations of the planets and moons. Everything meshes precisely together like one giant set of gears. This coil from the Sun has been studied and measured. NASA refers to it as the ''Parker Spiral.''[11]

Right now, we can only detect these fields with instruments as a form of magnetic energy.

The Sun's coil, sacred geometry, and crop circles

There are many, many crop-circle formations that show these energy systems of sacred geometry and concentric, expanding spheres connected by spirals. So ''they'' are definitely trying to give us a message. The recent 900-foot long Milk Hill crop formation mirrors the Sun's expanding spiral energy patterns. It contains 409 different circles and was actually displayed on CNN Headline News, as its sheer size and grandeur attracted attention.[12]

And when the energy in the Bermuda Triangle rises, for example, matter changes. When the energy that the Sun is producing rises, the spiraling coil wave from the Sun actually expands, pushing the planets into spheres of energy that maintain a higher frequency of vibration. My research suggests that the actual physical sizes of the planets expand spontaneously when this happens -- not hugely, but enough.

You can see this in hindsight by going to the idea that if you shrink the radius of the Earth to 55 or 60 percent of its current size, all the continents fit together like a jig-saw puzzle; there's no left-over space. That's called Global Expansion Tectonics.[13]

Planetary expansion and the Ascension process

So as the planet gets farther away from the Sun, it expands on this spiral of energy that the Sun is pumping out at a very slow speed, and it gradually inches farther and farther away. That's why the Ancients said that Earth's year used to be exactly 360 days long, and that they only begrudgingly added the last five and a quarter days after the fall of Atlantis. Five days is just a tiny bump compared to what can happen.

So the farther away you get from the Sun, the more you break into higher levels of vibration represented by a bigger sphere. As the Earth punches into a higher level of energy based on its position away from the Sun, it expands in size, because as it moves into that higher energy, the energy within the core actually expands.

What also happens is that this energy ''zaps'' all the creatures that are on the Earth, because the increase in the wavelength of the planetary spiral is accompanied by a spontaneous burst of energy from the Sun -- a burst that has qualities of both radiation and intelligence. The ancient Hindus referred to this burst as the ''Somvarta fire at the end of an Age.''

So what has happened in the past, at about 50-million-year intervals, is that all the life that had been on the Earth spontaneously dies. And then, all of a sudden, this higher order of creature shows up. The geologists call this ''punctuated equilibrium.''[14]

A very recent study published by Dr. Bruce Runnegar and other UCLA astrobiologists supports the theory I am discussing. It's been all over the mainstream news since the end of June 2001. The researchers looked at the planetary orbits and ran them back through time with computer simulations that were very precise. To their surprise, they discovered that 65 million years ago, at the time of the most recent mass extinction (of the dinosaurs), there was what they referred to as a ''chaotic change in the resonant frequencies of the Solar System.'' This chaotic change suddenly jostled all the orbits of the inner planets.[15]

While we're here, we should add that all geologists know that the continents broke apart at this time, having once been a single landmass. We also know that the worldwide sea levels suddenly decreased at that time. This was obviously the Earth's sudden increase in size. The hardened crust of the land broke apart, and all the seas drained off into the new cracks, lowering their worldwide levels.

And remember that the geologists have discovered that every time you have a mass extinction, you also have a mass speciation -- that is, new species arise. That's another aspect of what happens when this energy ''zaps'' us, causing the planets and their orbits to expand.

For example, there is no ''missing link'' between Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon (modern man) because what happened was that Neanderthal got ''zapped'' and spontaneously evolved. They grew much larger brains and lost the clumsiness of their bodies.

The Solar System also is evolving

This is where it gets kind of strange. This anomalous change, this spontaneous evolution in the presence of new energy, is also happening to the whole Solar System. In other words, it's not just that the Earth is drifting away from the Sun to go into a new position. At the same time the Sun, also, is ready to break out into a new level of energy in the Galaxy. This doesn't always happen. According to Ra, right now we are actually arriving at the end of a 75,000-year galactic cycle at the same time that we are arriving at the end of a more common 25,000-year planetary cycle. In my book The Shift of the Ages I show how the sunspot research of Maurice Cotterell shows that we do indeed need three major cycles in order for all long-term observations of known solar cycle behavior to align with each other.

As a galaxy evolves, expanding spheres of energy continue to engulf the stars in that galaxy with higher and higher levels of vibration. This is now causing the intergalactic space around our Solar System to become more and more highly charged. This charge is in turn absorbed by the Sun and radiated throughout the Solar System. So the current ''shift'' is really a unique event for all forms of vibrational life in our area of the Galaxy, not just for those on Earth.[16]

How can we tell that Ascension is imminent?

Here are some measurable changes in our Solar System which suggest that this evolutionary leap is going to happen soon:

Unprecedented solar activity

We're having solar activity never before witnessed -- at least not in recorded history. We're having sunspot activity on a scale never before seen. We're having radiation emissions, proton emissions and other anomalous energy bursts. All of these things are stepping up in frequency in a way that's never before been seen. In fact, the solar emissions are getting so intense that they are frying many of our satellites. In certain cases we are unable to measure these solar emissions because we never expected that they would get this high, and all our scientific models have to be revised.[17]

The quality of the space between planets is changing

Another thing that I think is really interesting is that the actual quality of the space between the planets is changing. The space between the planets is actually conducting energy better.

The meaning of this is actually quite simple: The Sun releases charged, radioactive particles, such as energetic protons. NASA used to have very convenient scientific models for how long it would take those protons to travel to the Earth. Now, in some cases these protons are traveling up to 400 percent faster than the models expect.[18]

So what's happening is that the Sun itself is actually changing. Its magnetic field is actually getting larger. Its energy is changing. The energy between the planets is changing, conducting the Sun's energy faster. Particles are moving faster through space. The actual visible plasma energy in space between the planets is getting brighter.

The atmospheres of the planets are changing

Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres. For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars Observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the device.[19]

Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere

Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.'' Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions; it's just showing up.

Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing

The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that has formed between Jupiter and its moon, Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently.[20]

And the planets are having a change in their magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing.[21] These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric qualities are changing.

Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts

When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes.[22]

The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity changes, and atmospheric changes.

Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975

On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely. For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973.[23]

Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993

Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds -- whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it -- have increased by 410 percent.

The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901

There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before.[24]

More than just Earth Changes

So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different -- that is higher.[25]

The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent

Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're traveling. It's just like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun.

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited plasma energy there.[26] This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.

Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall activity of the energy at the front end of the Solar System.

And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic. This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.

And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs of time.

All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a sudden shift.

In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far into the new level of energy that there will be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself. This increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System. The planets are pushed slightly farther away from the Sun and actually expand in terms of their physical size.

Cosmic Changes and the Ascension Process

So what we are basically talking about here is conscious energy that changes how the planet functions and what kind of life it supports.

And when we realize that we are more than our physical bodies, we have no need to be afraid of this energetic change. When this new energy comes out of the Sun, we will naturally be transported into a higher level of our own being. Our physical body becomes irrelevant at that point. We are much more than that.

As we've alluded to before, the blast of energy that will come is conscious. It will look like fire, but it's really conscious energy.

Here's another example of how this happened in the past. In a previous geologic era on Earth [the Paleozoic], the predominant species was this little crab called the Trilobite. According to the work of Richard Pasichnyk, they were inundated with solar energy -- you find in the fossil records that they were all killed. But what you don't see is that their group soul evolved into whatever the next stage of evolution was.

The dinosaurs are now believed to have left the stage via this solar energetic process as well. Their souls turned into mammal souls. So nobody goes anywhere, nobody is actually extinguished. We can find the bodies and it looks cataclysmic, it looks horrible -- but all they really do is just bump up another notch and start to inhabit different bodies. There is no pain, fear or trauma in this process -- I've experienced many previews of it in dreams, and I can tell you that it is quite fantastic.

Soul graduation

If you're very attached to your physical body, you might say, ''Well, what would I be without it?'' You might see this as traumatic, but in fact your experience could be looked at as Soul graduation.

People are saying, ''I'm doing my spiritual growth. I'm doing my path. I'm walking in my truth. I'm trying to grow spiritually, I'm trying to evolve.'' Evolve to what? Grow to what? Are we just going to keep reincarnating over and over again as humans? No.

Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human beings will blow up bombs, poison its waters, pollute its atmosphere, kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees? No. The Earth is not expected to go through this.

The Earth is an evolving being, too. The difference with the Earth, unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it goes through a very premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits around the Sun, and as the Solar System orbits around the Galaxy, the extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know exactly when these changes are going to happen. That's why they're here now, because basically they're aware that this is going on, and are standing by to assist us. They're aware that, just as the vortex of energy has caused airplanes to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, when the Sun's energy bumps up another notch, matter on Earth will be transmuted. The Sun's energy can cause matter to just physically transmute.

When transmutation occurs, creatures like animals and plants may appear to be dead, but what happens to the human body will actually be alchemical transmutation. So it's not as though there's going to be all these fried corpses lying around. When the energy hits you, you transform. Your body will actually transmute itself.

There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain researchers have found that Jesus' body burned a complete three-dimensional image of itself into the cloth. And they found through experimentation that such a burn could only be caused by an instantaneous blast at a very high temperature, ''zapping'' the cloth like an X-ray film.

When is the big change supposed to happen?

The basic date for the ''shift'' corresponds to the end of the Mayan Calendar -- December 2012.

Ra makes the suggestion that the Mayan Calendar was given to the Mayans by high-level sixth-density extraterrestrials so that they would have a tool with which to time the passage of these cycles. It's a good thing to know how these cycles work, because they are tied in with history. (See third article by Wilcock on the Global Shift website.)

The bottom line

The only thing that matters is how much Love you are willing to share.

It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to participate in the evolution that is happening here and now on our planet.

The media is bent on creating a reality where our happiness is contingent on the acquisition of new products. We seek the best jobs and the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of ''consensus reality'' and ''winning the game.''

Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may participate in the Utopian world that will manifest on Earth after this Ascension process has completed -- a world without poverty, hunger or pain; a world where full-body levitation, spontaneous healings, instant telepathic communication, and abundant Love are the law of the land. This is the world that Jesus promised us in John 14:12, when he said, ''As I do these things, so shall you do them, and greater things.''

It comes back to question: What are you going to hold onto? You have to leave behind the physical life in order to participate in the Ascension. You have to be willing to move into a life that is spiritual. You have to be willing to give up the things that you once thought were important -- your car, your material effects, your earthly status, your earthly fame and power -- because you're basically only going to take yourself. You can't bring anything with you. No money, no credit cards, no gold coins.

When you leave your body and move into these higher realms of consciousness, all those earthly things will be meaningless; and then you will realize that the only thing that ever mattered was how much love you were willing to share while you were incarnate on Earth. You will return to an unbroken continuity of experience as your own Higher Self, and awaken from the dream that was your short human life, which always seemed to be so "real" while you were in it.

The Spirit of Ma'at wishes to thank Terry Brown for her work in transcribing the tapes from Wynn's three-hour interview with David.



Stoneking Article




Phantom DNA Article


Crick, Francis. 1981. Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature New York: Simon and Schuster (see Chapter 7). See Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information


Scientific Abstract


See The Universe According to Ra, Spirit of Ma'at, September 2001.


See Wilcock Info


Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life by Dr. Alexey Dmitriev


Berlitz, Charles The Bermuda Triangle, Avon Books, New York, 1974, pgs. 124-126.

10.   Vanished: Strange Cases of Unsolved Disappearances by Stephen Wagner.

NASA on the Parker Spiral.


CNN Headline News, Evening Broadcast, Tuesday, August 21, 2001.


Global Expansion Tectonics: A More Rational Explanation by James Maxlow.


The Phyletic Gradualism -- Punctuated Equilibrium Debate; Evolution, Extinction, and Mass Speciation


See Chaos Killed the Dinosaurs.


Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life.


Ibid. See also NASA report.


See further information at David Wilcock's website, Ascension2000.


Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life.








Eight Charts Which Prove That Chandler's Wobble Causes Earthquakes, Volcanism, El Nino, and Global Warming by Michael Wells Mandeville.


Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life.








David Wilcock


March 2, 2002

When most people think of God, or an Ultimate Being in the universe, they do not typically see the stars and planets and galaxies as thinking, evolving beings. Looking through their telescopes, scientists see only slow-burning nuclear furnaces scattered in a black emptiness. However, this prevailing view in science of a "dead," "godless" Universe has now been successfully challenged and replaced by a far more spiritually focused viewpoint, and all the required scientific evidence to prove it already exists. Using this new model, we can make a very strong case that the Earth and humanity is about to experience a physical and spiritual metamorphosis, where the very energy of atoms and molecules themselves suddenly transforms to a higher, faster vibration and we once again experience a "Golden Age" of civilization. This spiritual change has been predicted in many world religions and spiritual traditions, including Christianity. However, science relies on empirical facts, not speculation, and here it is important to mention that we can put "meat" on the bones of prophecy with the following hard facts regarding the changes that are occurring in the Earth, Sun and Solar System at this time:


If we remember that the Sun contains fully 99.86% of the mass in the Solar System, then we can easily see that it wields the strongest thermal, gravitational and electromagnetic influence. In our books we have identified a clear physical mechanism that is causing our Sun to experience remarkable changes. These significant energetic changes in the Sun are then radiated outwardly via the "Solar Wind," dramatically increasing the charge and permeability of interplanetary space, causing charged particles to travel more quickly much as a droplet of water dashes around on a sizzling hot pan. The electromagnetic fields of the planets then absorb this increased energy flux, producing anomalous changes including internal heating, increases in earthquakes, volcanism and other natural catastrophes, increases in brightness and even magnetic pole shift.

Though Western science is not yet equipped to explain how such changes as earthquakes could be caused by an "outside" energetic influence, the full mystery is known amongst professional "underground" Russian scientific circles, and is easily explained by correcting certain fundamental errors in our prevailing concepts. Not surprisingly, the mainstream media gives almost zero coverage of even the most basic of the changes we have listed. Even in the Internet-dominated Western alternative / metaphysical media, one only hears about the changes in solar activity and increases in Earth's cataclysmic activity on occasion.

And yet, in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, it is undeniable to almost everyone that certain ancient prophecies, such as those of the Judeo-Christian Bible, the Hopi, the Maya, the Hindu, the Buddhist and the aboriginal, appear to be taking place almost line by line. Increasing wars, diseases, earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts and other natural cataclysms, which eventually lead up to a "pole shift," all follow the pattern of "tribulations" that have been predicted by literally almost every source of religion or prophecy that has been recorded. That such tribulations are upon us now is evident, and easily proven scientifically. What most adherents to these various teachings do not realize is that these phenomena are being caused by a fundamental energetic change taking place throughout the entire Solar System.

When most people think of "Biblical prophecy," their mind immediately conjures up images of chaos, apocalypse and destruction, often believing on some level that the Earth is to be annihilated and there is little if anything to be done about it. A certain, noticeably smaller cluster of groups, associated with the now-distasteful label of "religious fundamentalists," are essentially standing by and waiting for Jesus to return and lift their own sect of "chosen" followers up to heaven in a "rapture" event, to the exclusion of all other sects. They also believe that the Earth will have "a thousand years of peace" after this event, and that after being "taken up," they will return to Earth in some newly transformed condition. Conventional science has no provision whatsoever for such a notion to even be discussed, much less proven, and thus it is tossed to the side without a second thought. Furthermore, the exclusivist nature of such denominational groups is extremely distasteful to all those who refuse to accept the dogma.

Enter our next subculture of discussion, the ever-increasing majority of the population who are actively interested in alternative spirituality, ancient cultures, prophecy, secret mystery schools, indigenous teachings, sacred geometry, extraterrestrial / angelic visitations, exotic physics and the like. Although there are an enormous number of books available on these topics, the Internet has brought these concepts home to a far wider audience in a way that was never before imagined. It is from this increasing subculture that a new paradigm has been struggling to emerge; a paradigm that offers unforeseen insights into the nature of reality and our place within that reality. It is a paradigm of "initiation," where one ceases to adhere to reductionist scientific ideals and instead becomes aware that a higher spiritual reality underlies all of physical existence as we know it.

These phenomena are well known and discussed in the Russian scientific community, but the Western-dominated view continues to remain completely unaware of it, even as they continue collecting the information that proves it. In late December of 2001, NASA released photographs showing that the icecaps on Mars are melting much faster than anyone could have expected, and earlier in that same year, bright light had been seen around Jupiter's moon Io and on the dark side of Venus, both of which were new and unexpected. The Russians have already reached a conclusion about why all these changes are happening, and this also is unknown in the Western scientific circles. According to their view, our Solar System is now moving into an area of the galaxy where there is a higher concentration of electromagnetic "plasma" energy than before. The Sun is absorbing this energy and radiating it out into the planets and the space between the planets. This energy is in turn absorbed into the planets and causes all the changes that we are now measuring.

The Sun's magnetic field surrounds all of the Solar System and beyond. Although magnetic fields are normally spherical in shape, the Solar System is moving through the Galaxy at a high speed, and the Galaxy's energy radiation and dust pushes the sphere into a teardrop shape. At the front of the Sun's magnetic field is a "termination shock" of glowing light that is caused by the energy, gas and dust of the Galaxy striking against it as we move through space. In the late 1990's, this glowing light was discovered to have become at least 1000 percent deeper, from a distance of 4 AU to 40 AU -- and now it may be as much as 100 AU in length. [An AU is 93 million miles in length, the distance of the Earth to the Sun.] The Russians have already realized that the only acceptable explanation for this change is that we are now moving into an area of higher energy concentration in the Galaxy.

As our research has progressed in this area, we have realized that there are many vertical bands of energy in the galaxy that our Solar System passes through. This is not difficult to see, as when we look at a magnetic field we know that it is a sphere that is composed of many different lines where the energy is the strongest -- and the Galaxy also has a spherical magnetic field that would obviously possess similar lines of force. In our first book Shift of the Ages, we have made a strong case that there are exactly 8,640 different bands of energy in the Galaxy, and that we pass through each one of them in roughly 25,920 years. This would mean that the Galaxy completes one full cycle of rotation in about 223,948,800 years, and astronomers have indeed calculated that the galaxy rotates once in approximately 225 million years.

We have established in The Shift of the Ages that both the Sun and the Earth precisely follow this 25,920-year cycle as we move through these energy bands in the galaxy. The Earth has a slow, circular motion on its axis that takes 25,920 years to complete, known as "precession," and Maurice Cotterell has discovered long-term cycles in the Sun’s behavior that also fit in exactly with 25,920 years. Ancient civilizations such as the Maya of Central Mexico have records which show that they were well aware of this knowledge as well. It is arguable that their information can be traced back to an ancient, advanced civilization that existed on the Earth more than 12,500 years ago before being destroyed in worldwide flooding and cataclysmic activity. Japanese scientists have concluded that the sunken monuments off the island of Yonaguni could not have been above sea level any earlier than 12,000 years ago, and this is just one of the many clues that suggests that such an ancient civilization actually did exist.

Many of the best clues that have helped us to understand the mystery of these energy systems in the galaxy and of the ancient history of "Atlantis" have come from the work of psychics, such as the well-known American prophet Edgar Cayce, who lived from 1877 to 1945. In our works, we use information from Cayce and other sources to help us understand how these energy fields operate, but every point that we make is supported with scientific data, with the intuitive data simply acting as a guide to show us where to look.

It was only in January of 2001 that I learned about the work of Russian physicist Dr. Alexey Dmitriev, which I have already mentioned above, concerning the fact that our entire Solar System is charging up with energy. During this same time, I was hired as the Research Director for the Time of Global Shift multimedia seminar tour, led by Dr. Scott Mandelker, whose Ph.D. is in East-West psychology and who has an extensive knowledge of Buddhism, having traveled and meditated in many different temples throughout Japan and Asia. With a source of non-profit funding as our aid, we joined forces to assemble our team and present the information in this book at seminars in cities throughout the U.S. Our Mission Statement is an excellent expression of what we feel is the heart of the information that we have to offer this planet:

"We believe the Earth today is on the verge of a critical transformation in both its physical form and energy body -- a shift which has been long-predicted throughout the world.

"We believe humanity is at the end of a major cycle of human soul evolution, and that we now stand before a radically new phase of planetary life -- literally, a renaissance of civilization.

"And yet, we each have the freedom to decide if we will join in this momentous event -- for despite the grandeur of the moment, we believe the keys to participation are quite simple...

"Each of us holds the keys, as they are but elements of our own true nature: basic human kindness, open heart and mind, and the desire to build a loving world society. And thus, it is a special time on Earth, a time of global shift."

We are glad that you have found this website and hope that you will be ready to accept the message that it has for all of humanity. We need not fear the changes that are occurring in the world, simply understand that everything is happening according to a Cosmic Plan that is well-known to those in the higher realms. The vision that we present may seem to be very fantastic, but that does not mean that it isn't true. Our ancestors did an incredible amount of work to try to prepare us for this event, and now we can put all the pieces back together and remember what was forgotten for so long.

Join with us now, keep an open mind and be ready to dream.

A magnificent future is waiting for you, if you are willing to see it.




CNN - Jupiter / Io brightness increase:


Dmitriev, Aleskey. Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life. The Millennium Group, January 1998:


Gilbert, Adrian and Cotterell, Maurice. The Mayan Prophecies. Element Books, Inc., 1995. ISBN: 1-85230-906-7


Pasichnyk, Richard. The Living Cosmos. 2000:


RENSE - Venus brightness increase:


Wilcock, David. The Shift of the Ages. December, 2000:


Wilcock, David. Convergence III. April, 2001:




Cosmology & Earth History (RA)

Law of One Earth History Timeline (compiled by Lawrence Manzo)
Timeline of Events (L/L Research, et. al.)
SRM resources
Mahabharata Podcast (full reading, L. Manzo)

TWSMandelker · Cosmology & Earth History (RA)

TWSMandelker · Healing & Balance (Ra Material)

TWSMandelker · Law Of One - Ra Material (All 106 Sessions)

TWSMandelker · Wanderers & ET Souls (Ra Material)

TWSMandelker · Confederation of Planets (Ra Material)

TWSMandelker · Sexuality & Spiritual Path (Ra Material)

TWSMandelker · Tarot & Archetypal Mind (Ra Material)

