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Soul Evolution: 
Building the Bridge from Cosmic Roots to Cosmic Transformation
with Scott Mandelker, Ph.D.
by Gina Thies


“Enlightenment is, of the moment, an opening to intelligent infinity.”
                              The RA Material-The Law of One

Two things one can be certain of in these times: 1) there is an increasing interest in the possibility of life on others planets; 2) spiritual thoughts need to be practical for daily life on the Earth plane. These both represent the work of Dr. Scott Mandelker.

Probably best known for his From Elsewhere-Being ET in America, Scott Mandelker has intergrated an eclectic stack of resources from the ET Journal, which he began writing and publishing, which acted as a sounding board for discussion on ET Souls, UFOs and applications of spiritual teachings. The newsletter led to Scott’s latest release Universal Vision-Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan.

I had an opportunity to speak with Dr. Mandelker, who promotes his teachings in a project called , ‘The Time of Global Shift’.  I asked him to share his views on Ascension and Resurrection. Dr. Mandelker was very enthusiastic in saying yes, “after all a lot my work is very focused in these areas”. 

Dr.  Mandelker’s explains that the ET Journal was instrumental to ‘Wanderers’ as they are termed , in getting information specific to this reality and exploring a more practical  and current events approach to understanding the whole process of change occurring now.

His books are very informative and he has a well versed approach that stresses the importance of spiritual principles. “As for resurrection and ascension, they point to the same thing,” says Scott “spiritual renaissance of individual and collective consciousness and greater access to and use of our own divine potentials, expanding a little bit closer to our innate omniscience and omnipotence.”

Scott wanted to present these principles for practical application by using an eloquent approach in writing, ‘Universal Vision - Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan’, he shares, “the book was to make this statement of integration of metaphysical and cosmic views along with the traditions of Eastern mysticism, the ageless wisdom of Theosophy, my counseling experience and practical guidance to people as concern to their own spiritual growth as with understanding the universal plan and cosmic plan.” 

The vast amount of traveling he does for his teaching gives an indication that he is building bridges. “Staying focused and centering on the essentials are of great relevance to the process of evolution and fulfilling our purpose and using this experience the best way we can”, says  Dr. Mandelker who uses as his philosophical basis,  ‘The RA Material - The Law of One’ the channeled teachings of an ET group, published by Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and James McCarthy.

I inquired, why did you choose the RA Material as your base and teachings? With deep sincerity he explained, “The RA Material is the foundation for my teaching and thinking. Its values comes from its repeated usage and they have extensive teachings on body/mind/ spirit transformation, and spiritual growth. They have many comments on positive and negative ET conflict and higher levels of development on earth and working with the higher chakras, they explain many things about life lessons or experiences programmed from before birth as essential learning. They talk about what the next few years are going to look like, this was written back in 1980 or 1981.” 

 His vast knowledge of the RA Material is seen throughout his writings. Dr. Mandelker opted to add,  “the material also focused on things that I think put them in a class by themselves, the focus was clearly on the importance of free will and they indicated certain things that other channels don’t indicated so clearly like the existence of polarity the work of positive and negative ETs work.”

We delve into Dr. Mandleker’s thoughts on Ascension, he began, “Ascension has many levels, there is the individual, collective, and then the global process.  The main process of ascension is actually the global activation of the higher frequency of energy that the planet is experiencing. If you understand it in  a multidimensional way, the planet has many energy levels like a human being does, energy bodies, subtle energy fields, the planet is basically activating one of its more  subtle bodies or energy fields and that’s why  there’s are earth changes because ultimately the planet has to readjust the grid. It cannot do so smoothly because of human consciousness.”

GT: When you say grid, are you referring to an ascension grid? 
Mandelker: “Well the planet has many fields of energy which aren’t understood by science, these are also considered in metaphysical science. RA says that the planet is activating its fourth density body. The solar system as an evolving entity is activating its higher frequency body that ascension will happen and that’s the main event that is already happening and it’s actually quite well developed.”, said Scott.

GT: Hasn’t the planet has already began its move into fourth dimension and we are just following along? 
Mandelker:  “Yes. The planet has already moved into the new condition, but not fully. The energy fields of earth when there are fully in that fourth dimensional condition, will not support these bodies and so therefore, we get the idea that only people themselves can activate their higher dimensional bodies which is a system that is completely associated with the fourth chakra.”

There are many sets of instructions as how to achieve resurrection or ascension. The can be as simple as a daily regimen of breathing exercises to the use of Tantra.  Scott states, “personal ascension depends on the quality of mind and heart, personal ascension as with the collective group ascension is ultimately an individual matter. Collective initiation is an individual matter, so there is no punishment for those who don’t make the grade. Some won’t be able to manifest without the higher frequency in their bodies so they will just have to go on to where they can continue to work on the same lessons in a physical body and that of course involves reincarnation which all the prophecies and all the religions report.”

Spirituality and science are intermingled. Scott notes, “This is understood even in a scientific sense,  which is part of the cutting edge science that David Wilcock presents in our production of ‘The Time of Global Shift’, there is applicable research that shows different sorts of change within all the planets, ultimately the planet has moved into its new stage of its growth will be able to support a different group of  souls or those who can handle the light.

Scott also spoke on the existence of the  “Ascended Masters”. He points out, “there are ‘Ascended Masters’. These are non-physical higher dimensional or evolved souls, who are supporting the change; they are assisting the planetary energy transformation, they do what they can without infringing on the free will of individual humans. But there are such beings and I don’t think they have the names that people think they do.”

In his book, “wanderers” tell of dreams with white robed beings that seem to be doing some type of ceremony. Scott relates these as genuine out-of body experiences in another dimension. He further explains that most “Wanderers” have ongoing formal service obligations as part of non-physical groups that may have little to do with Earth evolution. 20th century Theosophy writing also tell of Ascended Masters, invisible ashrams, and esoteric energy rituals performed to assist interplanetary evolution.

In the spirit of service, Scott shared an overview of his seminars and teachings, he said, “The seminar is a two day event that we integrate the three major areas of  information: science, prophesy and UFO activity. We talk about astrophysics and geophysics, this provides the physical and material basis that indicate things are unusual on Planet Earth,”  he explained, “We get into religions, and show that the earth changes were always predicted and all the prophets understood the earth changes heralded the end of an age and the beginning of a new one and rapid transformation of human consciousness. I speak on the third section which is on the UFO and metaphysics which brings in the cosmic and shows that there has been tremendous evidence for thousand of years of human - non-human interaction.” 

He also points out, “ There’s also another aspect of UFO research that needs to be considered which is the subjective information that some people claim to be associated with their ET contact.” Scott feels that it’s totally subjective, but in harmony with the prophecy material. Scott continued, “we are not alone and they know who we are, why we are here and what we are doing and that the subjective sources talk about cycles of soul evolution and development on other planets and they say we are at the end of a cycle. The principles ultimately comes down to personal responsibility and understanding that there is a divine purpose for our being that’s about the development of our consciousness, the development of our total being, the next step forward for humanity is that we develop love and compassion which is the foundation or hallmark  of all spiritual teachings and ultimately all philosophy,  they saying we need to become a more loving race.”

 Out of curiosity I  asked, “Are you usually asked ‘what do we do” when you speak on the coming earth changes? He responded, “Most of our audience get the spiritual material in the end. We don’t give any specific advice. We usually say that if you stay centered and in close touch with the people around you, each person will discover the best course of action.” Scott tells his audience that this is not about destruction but about the creation of a new civilization.

Since Acension and Resurrection is sometimes associated with the ‘end times’ and cosmic changes, we decided to touch on the subject. “We don’t any specific prophesies or predictions, says Scott,  the predictions we make in terms of radical transformation is that there will be an end of this cycle and this physical experience as we know. Many of the sources, including RA and science take this time  of transition to be in the range 2010 and 2013. So that’s our  best estimate of when the major change of consciousness, energy and matter.

Thank you so much Dr. Mandelker. We would now like to end with a passage from his new book in which Dr. Mandelker writes, ‘We can talk all day and night about guides, angels, ET groups, and Masters X, Y, and Z, but it remains but childish awe if we do not support it with a practice path for our own transformation.’

Scott Mandelker has a Ph.D. in East-West Psychology and an MA in Counseling. His background also consists of 20 years of Buddhist study and meditation. He has a private practice in San Francisco in which he does spiritual counseling by phone and in person. He offers regular teachings and counseling throughout the US, Japan and Israel.

Scott Mandelker, Ph.D. was the publisher of the bi-monthly ET Journal from 1995-1999, and he has presented at a number of New Age conferences including Whole Life Expos, Rocky Mountain and Gulf Breeze Expos. He has also appeared on over 70 radio shoes including Art Bell and Laura Lee, plus television shows such as Hard Copy, Strange Universe, The Other Side and Mysteries, Magic and Miracles. His first book has been translated into Japanese, Polish and Romanian.

For more information on this project and the next scheduled appearance, visit the website at, or call (415)567-2190. For more information on Dr. Scott Mandelker or to order his latest publication visit his website or email: 


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