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"The Ra Material," also known as "The Law of One," is a metaphysical and philosophical work that delves into topics such as the nature of reality, consciousness, spirituality, and the path of evolution. This summary provides an overview of the key ideas presented in "The Ra Material," offering readers a glimpse into the profound insights contained within this unique body of work.

Background and Channeling:
"The Ra Material" is a series of channeling sessions conducted by Don Elkins, a physicist and UFO researcher, with the assistance of Carla Rueckert and Jim McCarty in the early 1980s. The sessions aimed to establish communication with a non-human entity known as Ra, which claimed to be a collective consciousness from a distant planetary civilization.

The Law of One:
At the core of "The Ra Material" is the concept of the Law of One, which asserts that all beings in the universe are interconnected and part of a unified consciousness. According to Ra, this oneness is the fundamental nature of the universe, and every individual is an integral part of this grand cosmic design.

Densities and Dimensions:
Ra introduces the concept of densities and dimensions to describe the evolutionary journey of consciousness. The universe is said to be divided into seven densities, each representing a different level of consciousness and spiritual evolution. Humans are currently experiencing the third density and have the potential to progress to higher densities through learning and spiritual growth.

Reincarnation and Karma:
Ra explains that souls undergo multiple cycles of reincarnation to learn and evolve. These reincarnations are guided by the principle of karma, which states that every action has consequences that must be balanced. The purpose of these experiences is to learn lessons and eventually achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Harvest and Ascension:
According to Ra, at the end of each major cycle, there is a harvest or graduation process where souls are sorted based on their level of spiritual evolution. Those who have achieved a sufficient level of growth may ascend to higher densities, while others may repeat the cycle. The harvest is an opportunity for souls to move closer to unity with the One.

Spiritual Seekers and Paths:

"The Ra Material" provides insights into various spiritual paths and the importance of seeking the truth. It emphasizes the idea that the spiritual journey is highly individualized, and each seeker must follow their own path of discovery. Ra encourages seekers to develop discernment, open-mindedness, and a loving heart as they explore the realms of spirituality.

Service to Others vs. Service to Self:
A recurring theme in "The Ra Material" is the contrast between service to others (STO) and service to self (STS) orientations. STO refers to a path of selflessness, compassion, and seeking the well-being of others, while STS is a self-centered path that prioritizes personal gain. Ra emphasizes the importance of choosing STO as the path that aligns with the higher purpose of unity and love.

Negative and Positive Polarities:
Ra explains the existence of both positive and negative polarities in the universe. Negative entities, often referred to as Orion or negative entities, thrive on control, manipulation, and the exploitation of others. Positive entities, on the other hand, seek harmony, growth, and the well-being of all. Ra advises individuals to be aware of negative influences and to cultivate positive intentions.

The Law of Free Will:
Ra emphasizes the principle of free will, stating that all beings have the inherent right to choose their own path and make decisions for themselves. They stress the importance of respecting the free will of others and refraining from imposing beliefs or actions upon them. Free will is seen as a crucial aspect of spiritual evolution and the journey towards unity.

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Statement by an E.T.  Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate (excerpt from our book)
Overview of Present Mission Overview of Present Mission (excerpt from our book, a student paper)  
Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human (excerpt from our book)  
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How and When HEAVEN'S GATE May Be Entered
Transcripts of 2 videosTranscripts of Two Recent Videos
Our Position Against Suicide Our Position Against Suicide
How a Member of the K.O.H. Might AppearHow a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven Might Appear
Exit Statements Earth Exit Statements by Students
Exit Press Release Exit Press Release:
"Away Team" Returns to Level Above Human

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| To Access Our Online Book How and When HEAVEN'S GATE May Be Entered |
| Do's Intro: Purpose - Belief | Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate |
| Last Chance To Evacuate Earth | Planet About To Be Recycled |
| Overview of Present Mission | Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human |
| Our Position Against Suicide | How a Member of the Kingdom of Heaven Might Appear |
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